The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-07-23, Page 16• Page 16—luelmow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 23, 1986 English grad Faith Howie Faith Ann Howle, daughter of Tom and Judy Howle of 46 Harvest Court, Kitch- ener, ' graduated from Wilfred Laurier University with :an Honors English degree with a minor in Communications. In the: fall, she will attend Queen's University in Kingston for a Bachelor of Education degree. Faith is. the ,granddaughter of Leslie and Dorothy Wardell of RR 1 Ripley.: Wall. . Francis. Shirley Anne Francis and Brian Leslie Wall were united in marriage on May 24, 1986 at the St, Andrews Presbyterian Church in Winghani. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Francis of RR 1, Mount Forest. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall of Wingham. Cheryl. Dally . was maid of honour and her other attendants were Pauline LeBlanc and Marg Beard. Doug Wall was best roan and the ushers were Tom Graham and David Wall. couple went to Eastern Ontario for their honeymoon and now reside in Walk- erton. • Squirts defeated by Goderkh 114:; On July 15 Goderich defeated Lucknow 11 - 5. Once again walks were the difference as Lucknow walked 13 while Goderich walked two. Goderich 11 R Lucknow 5 Keith Todd, Justin Murray and Chris ':Stevenson had two bits each for Lucknow. Duayne Porter,Dean Tiffin and Steve Porter bad one hit each. Clint Murray pitched three innings allowing three hits, walking seven and struck out one. , ChrisStevenson pitched two innings and allowed two hits, walked. five and struck out four. Keith Todd finished the game allowing' three hits, walking two 'and : striking out one, West family gathers Sunday for biennia' reunion Forty-seven members of the families of the spacious, treed lawn, " the late. Elmer, Richard, Harry and Hazel Reminiscing, meeting. new members of' (Mrs, GeorgegWest,werepresent , t . ., Elliott)ithe family and "remember whens during _for their. biennial picnic on Sunday, July 20, the afternoon, brought, a very memorable 1986 day to a close, .. ,June ` and Gordon Elliott _ lli . hosted the E ste gathering at err a ' Family. members attended from 1,9ndon, R their Aben ki Street home, a •St, Cteiiients, Port Colborne, Kitchoner, Point Clark: Waterloo, Ashfield Town - After the guests arrived a sumptuous Mississauga, smorgasbord dinner was enjoyed by -all, on ship, . Ripley, Point Clark and Lucknow, PREGO Spaghetti 375 M auee CANADA . to 4 LITRE Vinegar Alberta visitors at Broomes Jack, Marlene, Eric and Carrie Broome of Strathmore, Alberta were visitors at the home of his parents, Reg and Freda rceoane of Belfast. While in the . area they visited with friendss and relatives as well as other points of interest. Oan Saturday, July 13 a family get- together was held at the home of Jack's sister, Ken and Mary Scheerer of God- erich. A bountiful picnic supper was enjoyed by approximately 60 people. Jack, Marlene and family left for home on July 14 by way of northern Ontario and a ride on the Chi-Cheemaun. LUC KNOW GeraT trt tai:stxe. Mr. and Mrs. Dick McQuuilliu had Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McQuillan of Sarnia to visit on the weekend. Also visiting, was Gordon's son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Don McQuillrn, and their daughters,, Tara and Amanda of London. Linda McQuillin of Willowdale was also home for the weekend. Lawyer discu.sses f amity law Kinloss Karishea Women's Institute held their Family and Consumer Affairs meeting at the Institute Hall on July ' 17. Mrs. Gordon Wall was the hostess: Mrs. Robert Gilchrist, the president, welcomed everyone and read a humorous poem. . The Members in charge' of the WI fair display will be looking for . wedding items for their display this year. Kairshea will again provide a delicious dinner and look after the booth for the first day of the annual Lucknow Craft Festival. FainHy,Law Act The roll call, "What I've gained from my Institute member's fee," was answered by all members: Mrs. Cliff Roulston intro- duced the evenings guest speaker, Mr. George Brophy, a Lucknow lawyer, Mr. Lottery draw The Lucknow :and . District .Arena Complex draw was made on July 21. The winners _ Were: $500 ., Edith Webster, Lucknow; $300 - Helen Todd and Isobel Miller, RR 2 Lucknow; $100 SyMa- --Bruce I wtress RR 3 Wingliain and $100 , Doug and Patricia Haskell, Ooderich, i SUNPAC PINK OR WHITE Lemonade 12 oz. FRESH Muslu'aolina Brophy's topic was the new Family Law Act. Mr, Brophy gave a brief outline of family law through the ages and then a detailed explanation of how the present 1986 law effects our lives. Many interesting ques- tions were answered by Mr. Brophy. Mrs. Clarence Ritchie thanked the speaker. Mrs. Ritchie tested everyones memory of old nursery rhymes with a contest. Mrs. Roulston gave a reading; There were good reports from - all. Standing Committees, Mrs, Gordon Wall reported that Miss Marie Krauter, RR 3, Elmwood won this years WI Scholarship. Mrs. Gilchrist gave the courtesies and lunch was served at the close of the meeting by the directors Mrs, Donald Maelntyre and Mrs. Virdin Mowbray. TIBBEN Dick and Dianne are pleased to . introduce their son, Jameson Richard Bushell Tibben, 6 lbs. 14 oz„ born on July 8, 1986, at Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital; .A ,. little brother for Vanessa, Proud grand- parents are Mr, and Mrs, Arend Tibben and Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Bushell, WESTON 4'S raspberry Swiss Rolls KRAFT Mac & Cheese 226 G. Dinners GREEN SEEDLESS Grapes 1.09,. WESTON . Mealty ne Bread 11;0 POST ' Sugar � Crisp 400 G. 1 ONTARIO ROMAINE 99 Lettuce CAMPBELL'S CREAM OF Mushroom, 8°uP "zw 2 1 00 Wiener & 12'% ;bur Dime Wieuere 450 G. SCHNEIDER'S 375 0. Headcheese Bowls _ SCHNEIDER'S Lunch Meat . 175 G. PKG. OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK w ain's Groceteria WE LIVER 52 4420