The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-07-23, Page 5Mytiis gurround'midwifery To the Editor: lin January of this year the Minister of Health the Honourable Murray Elston stated that midwifery will be legalized in Ontario and to this end established a Government Task Force whose mandate it is to recommend to the Minister of Health, and the Honourable Greg Sorbara, Minist- er of Colleges and Universities a frame- work for how midwifery should be practised iOntario and how midwives should be educated. There are a great deal of myths surrounding midwifery. So often when the word midwifery or midwife is mentioned there is an immediate response. Oh! That means homebirth. It does not. Midwives are trained to work in a variety of settings, in birthing centres, homes, and in hospitals. Today's midwives are highly trained professionals, working with doctors and nurses; all members of a health care team, in many countries. They provide continu- ous care, as primary contact professionals for normal pregnancy and birth. They are trained to also recognize any medical problems, any complications of pregnancy or labour and make appropriate referrals to the woman's doctor. The midwife in such cases continues in her role as a support person for the birthing family. The ability of midwives to accurately detect abnormal conditions ' and make referrals, results in the efficient utilization of medical expertise. In a midwifery based system, obstetricians are used for high risk births where their skills are necessary. As specialist in normal childbirth, midwives can effect sizeable savings to the health care system. Midwifery is a recognized and subsidized part of health care systems all over the world. Governments support mid- wifery programs because of their excellent record of safety and their cost -effective - TO s,;a ED _0 to. ness. In the last ten years consumer demand for midwifery care has snowballed. The Government Task Force on the Implemen- tation of Midwifery responsible to 'Murray Elston has one year to compile its recommendations and report to him. The Task Force is visiting Holland, Britian, Denmark and various jurisdictions in the United States to study their midwifery systems. The Task Force is committed to finding a model for midwifery which will meet Ontario's needs. YOU need to let them know what kind= of midwifery care will benefit you. Write, let them know how you feel.-- The Ontario Task Force on the Implementation of Midwifery, 700 Bay Street, 14th Floor, Toronto, Ontario. MSG 1Z6. Also in the fall of this year the Task Force will hold public hearings across Ontario to allow extensive public participa- tion in creating a midwifery profession which will meet the needs of child-bearing families. If you would like more information on midwifery or be part of a support group contact Jeanette Farris 523-9509, Carol Cardiff 887-6960,. or Jean Schoebl 357- 1019 of "The Midwifery Support Group" sponsored by "Women Today". • Jeanette Harris for Midwifery Support • Group Midwestern • Ontario. Lucialow Sentinel, Wednesday, 3 y 239 /198.6—Ngo 5 �• � P Here's An Extra Chanes To Cash In On Some Of Our veKovel Yard Sale Specials Special Prices In Effect July 23-26 EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO SHOP COUP LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP LUCKNOW 529-7953 A•lcoholproblen..hurts,. reader says. To the Editor: Well another Tractor Pull has passed into history and personally we hope it stays, there. However, if our neighbours want .it we can move, and move we will. I ask you how much should we take, on a Sunday afternoon 'of all days. Heavy black smoke that would blot out the sun, drifting. in and over the house and ear-splitting noise with scores of unmannerly people trying to tramp over our lot. We can remedy this, , but the .alcohol problem hurts much more. Our morals seem to have flown out the window. NO LAYAWAYS When we have ailiqua'Outlet in :of a chur,h on a noisy Sunday' afternoon, could be, if our lack of decency continues, we will be having so called happy hours beforethe services on Sunday. To be serious, though, if we cannot stop the' production of alcohol why should we promote it. -at every function we have? When tragedy strikes us from, the use of this monster will we be able to say we have never pushed its sale or will we be filled with remorse? Please think about it. Livingston Menary. OI1 Mc ,x•1!11111' ,Side OI Quccii .Stl•c'c't KINCARDINE 396-2100 Red Ce4ar Shingles Response to program. excellent To the Editor: July 31, 1986 Marks the windup of the Tools for Africa Program sponsored by the Global Ed/Med Supplies (Canada) Inc. The response to the program has been excellent and very gratifying. Thereis still the opportunity to donate farm tools to the program for those who haven't searched the ,garage, basement or drive shed. For those who have looked and haven't been Ole to find any tools worthwhile or sending, there is a container at the Co-op where cash donations can be made. The cash will be used to purchase additional tools, appropriate seeds and/or oxen which are available locally in Africa. No.2 5x No.3 5x • . • . 4•1•••••••••••••••••-. • • • • • .. • '• • . • • • • • • • t Patio Lucknow District Co-op is proud to join with UCO, and GEMS in an all .out effort to assist our fellow farmers in the drought stricken areas of Africa. The rains have finally come in many places. Now is the tirne to cultivate for a better future. Many thanks to the Lucknow Sentinel} CKNX and Murray Gaunt, The, Rural'Voice and all those people who took time to support "Farm Tools for Africa". • Thank you, Co-operatively yours, Dave Dawson, General Manager, Lucknow District Co-operative Inc. Stones 18"x 18" - x-24" Sdewaik Slabs 24 "x 30", 24"x 36" . • 1 . 1•- . • • • • • �•. • • r • • • • • • • • r • • • • r • • • • •.• • • •.• 11 • '• • • • 1 • • •'• • • • •' • • • • • • • READY TO USE Sak'rete CONCRETE SAND MIX MORTARM1X • • i • • • • • • • . i r• • • . i • • Sorry to see Dr. Cieslar's resignation To the Editor: On July 22, Dr. Harry Cieslar's resignation from the position of Medical Officer of Health for Huron County became effective. We've workedwith him during his five year term as MOH and are sorry to see him leave. He has been receptive to new ideas and suggestions, approachable for advice, and supportive of grograms. Dr. Cieslar cared about the Health Unit staff he was responsible for and the people. 44111'.•• lb Si.Lawrence Cement PORTLAND AND MASONRY of Huron County he served as MOH. But most importantly, he performed his duties honestly and straightforwardly. We re- spect him for that and for what he tried to. do for public health in Duron. Sheryl Gilbert, M.A., Health Education Consultant, Huron County Health Unit. Cathy Thomson, R<F.Lit. Nutritionist, Huron County Health Unit. HENDERSON 4, BUILDING COME 'LW. HENDERSON LIMITED, LUCKNOW, 528-3118 HOURS: MON.-PRI. 815:30 p.m. SAT. 8 -NOON