The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-07-09, Page 6oa Page f—Ituc&n w Sentinel,. Wednesday, July 9q 1986 L UCKNO W LUJ1 lOW HOIWE HARDWARE "Take Us For A Ride" COME AND SEE OAR LARGE SECTION OF BIKES Bikes RX612 Ladies THIS 20/27 ln012 Speed WEEK $15O.!0 SPECIAL Regular S186.99 We repair all makes of bikes 'M/EEDS" Cut them down with Weedeater Gas Trimmers 3siz`'s from s16999 "SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE" OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9:00 PM • 4 TRUCK & TRACTOR PULL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO July 12th and 13th, 1986 WEEK -END PASS -'15.00 SATURDAY, JULY 12 6:00 p.m. * Mini Tractor Classes * 5800 2WD Wheelie Trucks * 6000 Econo Modified Tractors * 550 Super Stock Tractors * 7200 Modified Tractors Admission -'8.00 SUNDAY, JULY 13 • :00 P.M. * 6200 2WD Trucks • * 7500 Super Stock Tractors * 5200 Modified Tractors * 9500 Super Stock Tractors * 12000 Super Stock Tractors * Mini Tractor Classes Admission - x`8,00 Setting the record otraight To the Editor: ' Au editorial b the. June 4th issue of the Sentinel headed "Clubs work for commun.. ity°°, I agree with you, Lucknow is a good place to live. ' BUT to keep the records straight, when you mentioned "Meals on Wheels'', this. - idea was presented at Kinloss-Kairshea Women's Institute meeting when our Bruce County Public Health Nurse, Sharon Creighton, was. a guest speaker at the January, 1985 meeting. Our group isa rural -urban one so delivering meals looked like quite an impossible task, However, warn man n tete ted citizens and many more willing volunteer drivers this project has flourished. It was also helpful that the Food Supervisor at Pine - crest Manor, Alice Ritchie, is also bne of our Kairshea WI members, where the meals are prepared. u I know all the Women's Institutes, Lucknow Jr. W.I, in this locality have donated • to this worthy project and feel credit must be given where credit is cue. Thanks for letting me set the record straight. M. 'Elsie Houston, A Charter Member of Kairshea W.I, Lots,of company at Ernersons. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Chapman were Wednesday callers on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson, On Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin and Mr. and Mrs, Dawson Craig of Auburn were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. The Craigs also called on Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Mrs, Coby Campbell and Michael of Hamilton spent last weekend with her father Bill Uuldriks. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Chapman last Monday were Mr, and Mrs. Bill Jeffery, Miss. Mildred McClenaghan and John MacKinnon. Last Monday, Ted McClenaghan of Kitchener underwent . surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beecroft attended the Simmons family picnic on Sunday held at Mr. and Mrs. Murray Simmons at Egmondville 'with a good group in 'attend- ance. • Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. b John de Boer were . Mr, and ' Mrs. " Ron Nicholson, . Erin, Ryan and Craig of Egmondville; Mr.. and Mrs. Jim -de Boer, Michael, Matthew and Alicia, and Frank. Jamieson of. Toronto. Rev. Bill Henderson conducted commun- ion service at Chalmers Presbyterian Church. Be will also_ conduct the services there next Sunday, July 13. • .. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vannus and Lauren of London visited Saturday with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Elroy Laidlaw. • . Mr, and Mrs. Joe Dacharme of Goderich TOTAL PURSE i» !20,000.00 SANCTIONED RY: • GREAT LAKE TRACTOR PULLERS INC..' • CENTRAL MICHIGAN TRACTOR PULLERS INC. Primitive Camping Available Sponsored in part by: HELM WELDING (1983) LTD. Manufacturers of Lucknow Agr. Products ART HELM LM 519-5.294627 STU REAV 519-5294995 NO RAIN DATE mum; LAWN CHAIRS NO REFUND visited recently with her parents, Mr. and IV. Elroy Laidlaw. Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Laidlaw returned home last week from their wedding trip to New Brunswick., Ms. Norma Rintoul visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mack .Cardiff of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Caldwell of Blyth and Mr. and Mrs, Bill Ford of ,Wingham. . . • On Sunday, John Sheeringa joined 'the Lnalmers church congregation, Present were his family Mr. and Mrs. William Scheeringa of Listowel; his sister Mr. and Mrs. Ben Whitehead, Lisa and David of Mildmay and Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Falconer and Jackie of Whitechurch. Mir. and Mrs. John' Scherringa of Brampton spent the weekend with her parents' Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon, On Thursday, Mr, and Mrs, Cecil de Boer, Jason, Andrew and Candice hope°to' return home to Edmonton. • �. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Irwin, Donald, Michael and Faye spent the weekend with her brother, Clarence Crowston of Chat , ham. Guests with Miss Mildred McClenghano on Saturday were .Rev. Clarence and Mrs. . McClenaghan of Kincardine and Dr. and' Mrs. 'Bruce° Palmer:of London. Jessie Chester wing at bridge; People report Congratulations to Jessie Chester, who along withseveral other ladies from Lucknow, played in . a duplicate bridge tourney in Wingham. In the mixed game, Jessie was high lady and won the silver cup. We express our deepest sympathy to Ruth Bogues and family and in thepassing of her husband, Bill. ° Edith Webster spent a weeks holidays with her grandson Richard and his wife Audrey in Kingston. Her son George of Ottawa came from Ottawa to take Edith back with him, where she spent some time visiting in Ottawa. She also visited with Emily and Shirley: Robinson. Marg and Delton Burkhart met Edith at the airport in Toronto when she returned home. Congratulations to Kristie Messenger and Philip Jerome who were married on Friday. Welcome to Lucknow,Kristie, Pram and. Kevin Irwin. recently purchased the home of Mrs. Robert Reid on Inglis Street. Supper guests with Donna and Garry Sutton and family on Tuesday, July 1 were Wilma and Cecil Sutton and family and. their niece and her daughter. Bob Purves, Brenda, Lippert. Claire Steffler and Claire's father Neil spent Sunday at South Bay Mouth, leaving on the Chi-Cheennaun front Tobermory and re- turning that night. ° Visiting with Edith Webster on Sunday was her daughter, °Elizabeth of Listowel. She took her mother out to Hanover for dinner to celebrate Edith's birthday. Her birthday is on Wednesday, .July 9. They enjoyed the afternoon in the shade playing Q ;SNOW Chinese checkers and • having .a salad supper. Congratulations Edith. Veronica and Don Fraser4andl family moved from here to. Vernon, B.C. the last week of June; A family supper was held at the home of her niother, with Pat and Ernie Good and girls of Goderich, Brenda°Lippert and Claire Steffler, • Myra Walden' of Ripley, Ed Lippert and Ann Simpson . and Robert Purves also joining them, ` Mr. and Mrs: Daniel Goe and daughter Lindsay, of :St. Catharines visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard McQuillin on Saturday, June 28, Wallace and Kerry Houston and daught- ers, Dana and Alison, Port Hardy, B.C. are visiting with relatives in the' Windham, Lucknow and Ripley area. Recent visitors with Mrs. Elsie Houston of /Willoughby Street were Mac and Fern Keith • of Unionville; Edgar and Elsie Garland of Success, Saskatchewan and Ken and Joy Houston and daughters, Amy and Angela of Pike Lake Road in Harriston. Audrey Ritchie, daughter of Leonard and Bernadean Ritchie went to Calgary, Banff, Expo 86 and sight seeing tours frornrJune 22nd to July 1 with 35 County Junior Farmers.