The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-07-02, Page 8Page 8 Lidknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 2, 1986 ROBERT MOLE LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Invites You To Worship With Them .On " 'SUNDAY, JULY 6 10 a.m. and 7;30 p.m. Nursery downstairs morning & evening EVERYONE WELCOME 5 KM EAST OP LUCK IOW ON HWY. #86 PICK YOUR STRAVVBERRIES. 08PANSNO S OWN PLAYGROUND FOR CHILDREN P1CKI.D BERRIES NOW AVAILABLE PICK 4 . 6 qiL baskets and get the; 5th 6 qt. basket free HOURS:: Mon. Fri. 8 a.m. •. 8 p.m,:, Sat. 8 a.m. -`5 pm. Closed Sunday Weather and Supply Permitting. r s, 528-2900 528.3937 'FRUCK & TRATOR PU] LUCKNOW ONTARIO July 12th and 13th, 1986 WEEK -END PASS -1'15.00 SATURDAY, JIJLY 12 6:00 P.M. * Mini Tractor Classes * 5800 2WD. Wheelie Trucks * 6000 Econo Modified Tractors. * 550 Super Stock Tractors 7200 Modified Tractors Admission -118a00 ' SUNDAY, JULY 1 • 1:00 p.m. * 6200 2WD Trucks *. 7500 Super Stock Tractors * 5200 Modified Tractors , * 9500 Super Stock Tractors * 12000 Super Stock Tractors * Mini Tractor Classes Admission - $8.00 n fir v}` TOTAL PURSE -'20,.00 NCTIONED B Y. • GREAT LA, ' E TRACTOR PULLERS INC. • CENTRAL ICHIGAIN TRACTOR PULLERS INC. t . Primitive Camping Available Sponsored In part by: HELM WELDING [19831 LTD. Manufacturers of Lucknow Agr. Products ' ART HELM 519429-7627 TU REAVIE 5190529.7995 NO RAIN DATE BRING LAWN BAMS NO REFUND. 'Matthew. Sproule of Brookside Public School was the first place winner of the Wingbam district of the Ministry of Natural Resources 1986 poster contest. Matthew waspresented with a framed, autographed Glen Loates wvlildlife print by Mr. Loates .[right] and Andy 44, Hauser, General Managerof'tbe. Wingham branch of the MNR. ' [Man Rivett photo]. Farm safety poster whiners By 3ennifer, Dalton. Madonna Bradley, and Rachel Brophy The recentwinners in the Farm Safety Poster contest from grade r2 .were, lst, Mike Puddy; • 3rd, Mike Culbert and honourable mention Nathan Durnin and Danny Wylds. Mrs. Young ' and Miss Mathers grade 1 classes went on.. a trip to Winghan 'where they had, a tour of Zehrs and the hospital. They had a `picnic lunch in the park. They were accompanied by several mothers and one dad.; ,. Michael Johnston, grade 3 found a balloon in his field which had been. released bx Lou Nagy of Forest. Park Elementary School, near Detroit, Miclig- Mr. Liddle's. grade 6 six class went to Camp Menesetung on June 12 and 13 fore year end;camp out under the leadership of Mrs. 'Worsell and Mr. Liddle. Mrs. Young's grade 1 made dinosaur shadow boxes to wind up their dinosaur 'unit. : They are starting a "Veggie'' unit, a cooperative projectwith Mrs. Blake, the librarian. On Tuesday; June .10, Mr. Lee Cairn cross visited Mrs. Worsell's grade 5 class to talk about local government at - the township level. The class is studying the levels of government in Ontario. The grade five classes visited last .'week at Phyldon Waterfowl, which is a bird • sanctuary run by Mr. and Mrs. Hank Coleman near Brussels. Grades 3 and 4 under the leadership of Mrs. Tebbutt and Mrs. Grahain completed a unit on Amish -Mennonite Culture. Nancy Martin of Whitechurch 'spoke to the combined classes explaining differenc- es between the two ways of life. Marie Wilkins demonstrated bread making and made Sticky Buns.. IDE The students were divided intofive groups and rotated through five activities over five days. These activities included . Fraktur Art, Quilt Making, Baking, Origins and Settlement Patterns and Reading Task Cards on various aspects of the topic, 74r___ -The project culminated on the sixth day with the classes eating a typical Amish meal using the products of . the baking, groups as well as borscht: and German Hot Potato Salad and various types of pickles. The Grade 3 and 4 students would like to thank all who helped make the unit a success. .Mrs. Clarke and. Miss Jewitt's Grade 2 classes are going to 'share a "Family Picnic" trip' to St. Christopher's Beach in Goderich. The picnic will, include a walk around'Goderich Harbour to see and talk about all the interesting sights, and an afternoon of cooperative games. family members will be invited to share the visit. The . Roojn 4 Alphabet is still "frog watching" The bullfrog. tadpoles now have large back, legs and good sized bumps which will scion turn into front lefts. "Ribbitt!" Their mystery animal turned out to bea baby fish - a "pinhead". The. class is makingthank you gifts for their Grade 7 Reading Buddies. They're all making books that have imaginary stories about their buddies. Simone Bleeker and Tammy Upthegrove are the "Special Me", and Mrs. Sleeker is going to visit the class to tell the students . about Germany. Sunshine Sisters Social held Es Members and guests of the Kinloss Karishea WI enjoyed a bountifulpot luck supper at their Sunshine Sisters Social' held June 19 at the Institute Hall. Mrs. Robert Gilchrist, president, wel. corned ' everyone to an evening of fellow. ship and fun.. Mrs. Gilchrist then read . a, poem and Miss Karissa Dickie entertained and enchanted the ladies with an original ballet number. Mrs. Leonard Macinnes and Mrs. Harry Laois reported that 46 members and spouses enjoyed the May bus trip and Grand River cruises Mrs. Leonard Clarke gave a report on the district annual'. The members were sorry to learn that our present secretary,. Mrs. Murray Keith, will be moving in the fall. Mrs. Lloyd Mac- Dougall has kindly consented to be the new secretary. The roll call was an exchange of gifts ',between Sunshine Sisters and the drawing of a new secret pal's name for the coming year. Mrs. Cliff Reulston read an amusing essay on how computers in cars and tele- phones effect our lives. The hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Allan MacDougall, Mrs. , Harold Howald and Mrs. Ira ' Dickie. 0