The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-07-02, Page 5Kirlette member Wilma Blake presents the club's Lottery back to fund raiser chairman Walter Arnold. windfall of $300 from the. Complex, • [Man Rivett photo] • Birthday celebrated recently People Report Congratulations to Mr. Arthur Haldenby who celebrated his 86th birthday on Tuesday. His9v o daughters, Mrs. Marj- orie Bennet a4Mrs. Shirley Whiteside of Toronto were here to be. with their father: Mrs. Jean Hodgins of Wingham and Mrs, Dorothy Anderson of Lucknow visited on Tuesday with Edna and May Boyle • Pastor and Mrs, M. Christensen travel- led to M)Itcn' on Monday to visit with Mr. land Mrs. Don Christensen. Janine came home with her grandparents for a holiday. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Grace Hodgkinson and family inthe sudden death of her husband Wilbert at Wingham on Friday. Wilbert and Grace were former Kinlough residents. Joey Ernest, son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph ' Ernest of ourvillage, returned home from Walkerton Hospital where he has been a patient. We send our get well wishes Joey. Pastor and Mrs. M. Christensen and Janine were at Rochester, New York where they attended a family reunion. Mrs, Marretta Hodgins of Niagara Falls is enjoying a holiday here with former neighbours and friends. Mr. and Mrs, Allan. Nicholson and fa*nily of Wallaceburg, Mr, and Mrs, Mel King of Georgetown, Kim Langford and her friend of Woodstock spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson . and Loii. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Howey, Kristin and Michelle of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hedley. Thank You....! Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 2, 1986—Page 5 Wingham Day Centre news y Joan Arbuckle Thisis my first article for the Lucknow Sentinel - I am Joan Arbuckle of Wingham. and am the Day Centre's summer student. My position lasts until August 29th and then I will return to the University of Waterloo where I will be a fourth year Honours History student. The month of June is proving to be a very busy one here at the Wingham and Area Day Centre for the Homebound, Many special events have been planned for this month as June is Senior Citizen's Month across Canada. This year's theme is. "We're getting on with life". June program calendars are now avail- able for distribution at the Day Centre. The next scheduled foot clinie will be on Thursday, June 26 from 1 - 3 p.m. Please call the Centre in advance at 3574440 if you wish to attend this clinic. The Day Centre for the Homebound is a non-profit agency providing social and recreational programs for the homebound elderly in north Huron and south Bruce counties. The centre's seventh annual meeting is scheduled for June 19, The public is welcome to attend. The guest speaker will be France McHale whose topic will be The Networking of Senior Citizens in Canada and The What's Happening with Senior Citizens around the World. The centre's first day trip of the year is planned for June 17 " and, will , be to the. Couage meeting or Auxiliary Elmira - Hawkesville area; in Elmira. The tour will visit grove's Oide Time pillage and then Dater the tour will travel to the tiny hamlet of Hawkesville where dinner will be provided at Marion's Country Kitchen, a restaurant specializing in Mennonite cul- ture and food. Again this summer the day centre will be taking in four performances at the Blyth Summer Festival. The matinee performan- ces will include: "Drift", on July 10; "Lily Alta", on July 24;• "Gone to Glory", on July 31; and "Another Season's Promise", on August 21, Those wishing to attend are asked to contact the centre. Past dune activities have included: a previous footclinic, a visit by gue speaker, Bob Pegg of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the swim and exercise program at Vanastra and several short films. The newest staff member, Miss Gloria Workman from the Clinton area has accepted the position of new assistant director. We at the centre are looking forward to her employment. The Lucknow area is reminded that the Day Centre covers your community as well, so if you know of someone who could beneft from the programs and services, the Day Centre offers, make a referral to the centre by calling 357-1440 or 357-1445, or dropinto the Centre in the Wingham Armouries, Monday•to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4;30 p.m. The Lucknow Presbyterian Evening Aux- iliary met in Henderson's cottage at Bruce Beach for a pot luck picnic supper on June 17. Since it was a cool evening We enjoyed the fireplace as well as a beautiful sunset "over the water. To open the meeting Mrs. Henderson askedfor request hymns in the old Book of Praise. After singing five old favourites we heard the devotions as given by Mrs. Ross Gammie. It was pointed out that we each need time alone. Jesus went to pray alone. We need time,to think about our lives and to set - some rules to live by. Mrs. Bruce Raynard led in the mission study about Native . People ' in the local situation.: I Corinthians 13: 1-13 . points,out that charity is a virtue. Since the white man took so much land away from the Native People we must try to understand the natives and treat them with moeecharity. For thevariety number Mrs.. Frank Haw- thorne, read several poems from a collec- tion called "The Language of Friendship", We sang "At eve'n when the sun did set" 'and the meeting, was closedwith prayer by Mrs. William Henderson. I would like to thank all my patrons who supported me and Buffy's Burger for the last 5Y% years and to welcome the new owner Mary Lou Raynard. I wish her all the success and,hope my patrons will support her as much as they did me. Betty McDonagh Buffy's Burger Serving you the retail customer as well as the contractor, with all your flooring, kitchen cabinets, and ceramic tile needs. NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS TAKE NOTICE that it Is the intention of the Councll of the Township of Kinloss to pass a By-law which will require the owners of all privately owned swimming pools, liquid -manure storage facllitles and animal waste pits, located within°the Township to fence such pools, lagoons or pits within 30 days of the passing of the By-law. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the By-law prescribes regulations for the types of fences required annd.imposes penalties for failure to comply with the terms of the By-law. AND FURTHER, TAKE NOTICE anyone wishing to review the By-law may obtain it copy from the office of the .Township Clerk. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all perfons wishing to discuss the terms of the By -Naw with the Municipal Council shall advise the Clerk on or before the 21st of JULY, 1986. W. F. HAWTHORNE, CLERK -TREASURER Township of Kinloss Holyrood, Ontario. NOG 2BO SUMMER SCHEDULE OF Combined Presbyterian -United Church axony Dungannon 529.3147 Or Greg Hamilton, 528.3946 CONTRACT SALES & INSTALLATIONS Broadloom � Linoieums • Ceramics *Cabinets • Windows r P N,Ti_AtktAIL.IM EVENINGS Y APPOINTIN July 6 July 13 July 20 July 27 10 A.M. 10 A.M. 10 A.M. 10 A.M. • August 3 August 10. August. 17 August 24 August 31 Worship Services Lucknow' United Church Lucknow United Church Lucknow United Church Lucknow Presbyterian Church 10 A.M. Lucknow Presbyterian Church 10 A.M. Lucknow Presbyterian Church 10 A.M. South Kinloss Presbyterian Church 10 A.M. South Kinloss Presbyterian Church 10 A.M. South Kinloss Presbyterian Church Rev. A. Cook Rev. A. Cook Rev. A. Cook Rev. -Wm. Henderson Rev. A. Ramsay Rev. A. Ramsay Rev. A. Ramsay Rev. A. Ramsay Rev. A. Ramsay "I was glad when they said unto me, 'Let us go Into the house of the Loud'." (Psalms 122:1)