The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-04-30, Page 46Page 6—Walkerton Home and- Gamlen Show, April 30, 1986 • o o' • .* • g ° • - •••••••• • • ,• . • ..!..0!` • •• 'Aft • • :..'h '. ----- ,, a •• e r" o as • : 4.:;•••• . ofrAp,',„ • ‘4, 1 „ • - • , • O. • • NO. • 1 .ft • .,rpted second • " by tiebbieStull • The Walkerton Figure Skating Club, after -competing agahiSt 17 otheeclubS, endedthe 1985-86 season with a second -place standing.' in the 'Blue Star Interclub Figure Skating competitions. Winning eight medals, four of which were golds, definitelr proves .the club had:a very successful season; But, in order' to4surpass this excellence next year,the club is. coun- ting on ,!%:.stic..cessful "Home and .Garden 'Show." •: The figure *king 610,haS put thesliew on for the past seven years. It is, the4tinan- cial success of the .show and the hard work of a 20 -Seat executivewhich ensures the club's survival. "Twenty-six- 'thousand dollars' is the estimated figure required' to operate the skating club'next.year," say Phyllis Scott, president of the club. "Registration fees' cover very -little when you consiArAbe,ex- pense of ice time ant114struCtotS.!', . There were 12- coaches and : six ' figure skating pros teaching 95,beginner tind 'Can- - skaters, 15 juniors, 22 seniors and eight con- figure skaters.last year. In one week, alinost, 11 hours of itetintieis:booked by club. - Above-intr beyond this regular ice' time junior and senior skaters have the oppor- tunity fp; 0000 in 15 -minute. private lessons. .• ' "The more;Slcating,yon do; the betteryou are. Also, there are -Spring and summer„ figureskating schools .which skaters can take advantage of if they wish," 32 watts per channel dudes Receiver. Belt drive Changert, Cassette Deck with Dolby & 3 -Way Speakers. • AAA3-S System eludes Recelvor, Direet', Drive; Chariaere ,poby Cassette 3.41VaY, • Speakers. ; AkA 45. • 65 Waits per in- Cludes , Receiver. Direct DriveCh'anier.,.Dutil Castel- teDecie8. 3 -Way $Peakers. • • ^ 'k" r • • -7-1 mmiOmmook, "We feel our skating program is beneficial to both boys and girls in the cam- FlgUre skating is a form of recrea- tion and a learning process," in the Canskate program, a child learns to skate, through encouragment, by par- ticipating at bis or her own level of interest and skill. The objectives of the program are to provide enpyable, safe skating; develop balance, co-ordination and 'rhythm; pro- mote physical fitness, and encourage lifelong participation in skating. Canfigureskate is a recreational figure • skating program designed as an alternative to the Canadian Figure Skating Associa- . tion 's (CFSA) test system. The program, for skaters of any age, teaches basic skills of figure skating, provides learning incentices ( badges), measure progress, and partic- pants can experience the satisfaction of ear- ning awards. . Thca%”est program includes separate tests for figures, free skating and dancing. '.'Skaters,Can work towards becoming a gold medalist in'each of these divisions. It takes years of dedication and hard work to become, a gold . medalist, but it As both • Challenghig and rewarding. "'For junior and senior skaters, .the in- terest = has to "be there. It's. easier for a • begiiinner not to behitere.stedi because they will just sit out. on ,a lesson and decide not to returitthe next. week. It./0k,ke,adexpenqive sport, but it helps. the child's endurance, concentration and PoSe:".• : . • • - • < * • • V • PAOOS Ofl • Roque* SOD WEBWORM Ovid13,6tec.,dii!ife#4ckof. • • • • .U- vtuedcusiarner,', Bobby Lawn "fomIBAfterOtt. iiiistiheek#0,004ineykeireet the prtibtitth,:44- • 141140e*tiiiite,peOtli*Iti#Ittheiriiniee.pciliq. or no later jiiitteKOViiitipi*totyp.;" • 418°Ihaii*“..0.414^,066 . '