The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-04-30, Page 8Page 8—Lueknow. Sen et, -3'f AIr1 0, 1906, r.. PRESS' SUNDAY, Worshlp,Sergee AI:O11 arnt• Sunday Schoo19*4S a.m. . REV. ALLISON J. RAMSAY, MINISTER Nursery Downstairs For Littt,:e Ones Under Four . EVERYONE WELCOME i .': visit r....... t.: Bin Dear Editor; Staff Readers, Friends all, Forgive me fox-. my long silence. It doesn't mean I.haveforgotten;°you but just that .life is so. demanding,, the days, weeks, months fly by without a inuto for letter -writing. , Add to this the fact that my husband and 1 both went =down With 'flu, Which. lost Us the whole of February and you'll understand why time is short for'me., ,It was a dreadful 'flu:. this year. Did .you' have the same virus in Canada? Nothing like it has been.. known, here. My husband ,was , ill for, three weeks, 'vergixig on pheumonia; and ,I was laid lo*.. for:, a fortnight. It would. have been longer but we ran: out of -pet :food so, that got - Even our doctor was poorly. They,said this particular 'flu' strain came • from 'Halley's Comet if , you could,' believe such a thing! Since then, it's been the usual round of. Legion, :Citizen's Advice, Conferences, and so on, until my-„ husband took- early tetirernent at' the -end 'of,last month. We. ad a, ' hectic round of ente rtainment, inners, presentations,, :`invitationsr. herpe i�": �0. nom.. •nd, there -and almost nothin van actually be `h'ing b1 can't get use }lies, °no need to rias }'awn; .lots and Lots: O o,r y I achieve veryttl fiS very!thing and go ` u., toy Mr'vis ig`or e, sit and chat. It's' a b►ig me°when I'm so accustomed tgib on my, own Unce the novelty have to discipline myself °iutoo b productive,;" But .not yeti IVIy ,good wishes go ,to Nfrs Wardell;' .Ripley," and thanks ",fo letter. I,', hope very ;:much that .t an.,irnprovement in her t►usba� at She'herself will; keep :well. .ito entertain.;: with uiarly pleased that en q r r ors'me fly f 41 a e.t Onse pw,` T can' ich or shod ero�ver�cur 46, ev �uni i coy Ou: ro izlg Alfred Manary .of ' Gravenhtirst. He con- tacted -rn s'ome months ago through:the Lucknow 'S'entinel, asking ' for • help in fn 1 rorne tracing relatidns ;in this.', country. ,Since toff, I 11 then, hem haus Made several , very good ing�` more contacts aid has spoken by 'telephone to • Menary families 'over here who share' his rlt�hy ancestry. This must'be�. very exciting for him and we look forward to Meeting him during:. his stay'in our neighbourhood. We . `always enjoy calls from '"anyone dtbt she coming from yourpart of the world, I hear `lin we are to have a good summer after a very e Foment to hard winter so encourage Canadian tout Mrs travellers to include" Torthern Ireland in:• oexlong a5 their itinerary Especially, our Dungannon. then her My husband and°<�f willl elp:in•any way we ie wasp ill can and? there, are somereally super bed- atot�tter,and brealtfast 'farmhouses etc near our ever sent town�if they. wish to spend a • little time resting'and exploring without having to eat very} up the miles,; which can be so exhausting. , rally y, For myself, I hope to whizz off to London :. ,-see my son as soon as I can fit in a trip -later in the year, to visit'Belgit m. Last ,, •a� a , rdiey ' � ar ,we helped to entertain a group of '3elgianti war veterans who trained here in early forties !hen their~ „count ry was index occupation., They enjoyed their stay f s +,� +k e b '"a a � hey ��sa }much that nothing would do 4but vve hi e. , , � eturn 'the compliment As you know, my as husband isn't one for tearing about so I This. will be a in` promiSeit�trould��g0.big oy,, thrLill fo,r ne, because they have very strong rselv'es, with' the Royal British 011 acid expect to meet their President ur . .. Phis is a story •that, all`, being . for you a=` little:,later on.' est "wishes, to you all and'my b sharing her enthusiasm for the plays and music and "travelling'and all the events that -. giver her such pleasure. Also to Mrs Iris Sampson whose letters 1 lam ver...;- ad;tohave, replacing lacinthose of her • �'� p g mother.,.:the late:`Mrs. Mary Alton. I'm.,. •glad, too, to have the, photograph and• crochet she. sent me, wheal have a minute,. I will write. In fact, as` Soon ° as T get myself organized, I'll •write to all the friends out there who write 'tb, Me. Just give me a little time to catch my.: breath. We have had Austra ian.vi'sitors„ looking. for their roots. My husband,and l dropped everything to journey'' round, meeting, possible relatives and maltinglots' of. friends, also translating for them as they found` some' of the accents Dere difficuilt`to understand. They left us to ravel to 'Cork then back to 'England en ioute.'for Europe' and a month behind the Iron Curtain, three, months' in all. This;month we°also hope to welcome Mr. s- r lOnl ere will be eal'th a her s ,r oco#res�,poR r s YI lel�s"ure�t it' aiu not sur pi riend,'Mrs.Irene t e: word that she ha s iel.'I r Her daughter Gwen loner but 1 ope£ully everyone l om rief arr olesale . 'ire Twine Balli GIoves NOW 'AVAILABLE tidings, Spal het loves Bal Aldi:MVcR MOUE • ID lot SAT. lay 1st' fit) SPE( COOPER Nylon ass kl Authorized Brewers: Retail Empty Bailie Dealer [Nobeer bt ales Open 8 nam. - S pair St MON.1 SAT. 6 A.M. - 9,P.M. 'SU AY'8 A un or1E10Sy a a ;Sita 1/4 ort and help; her,; es t.; rpiro e It armed'urihtlr ensioners �u sty minute.'Wt ey re corning Special thanks hard of Goderie ellons tette ttities that 1' 0 , ide ani li To 'the editor. Every day ;of, 'the year ti'l p ysi. ally disabled children iii` fig }ting to live life a .its f ulles day of rials yeat The, aster. Sea there to h 1p thein •;v ' zttieir f i sands - of }rano are ,nd each f' ;mail :op uu' onxiriren acros, n , x .ct u Y' on Easter a Sealf'S crit o. ere i r:cx,:be'di '4t 4 yv ha , i �1' + f -f S i u i cl move c1QSC1; t ea; xz1 g.'. thei r ultimate level o a°`u rI cher. su to }fortZCi�t'i,sion ;;'0f rvli lchaii , artificial llml ; r transportation t ' treatment centres, a c�otab!e"'canrip-:_ ng "holiday, the be e iso of extensive research, ui°ogranks; or ano#vie visit by ali Nurse, rile Socety reiriai i (1EaC: atesterdSeal to i►elpiiig special ichildren in c ci -• , a privilege>> we have erijoyeo ,since.. urinception :in 19:. 'he wide` scope ofaster cal service« could not° be`: possible if " not tor: t ' encrosity of individuals :gild :buisinesse4'. who .are about,' the',quaiity of life available to Easter Scai children. 'lis would also'be impossible if; not ;for the treiriendous; rit Your sincerely,, rs.) " Mollie Whiteside,'' at vo u.uteer commitment or ai tiiiated • easter Seal'' Service Clubs who spearhead focal fund raising. activities;, and, administer baster Seal funds on behalf 'of children in •heir communities. � k t 'he Lions .Club of Lt cknow and District an active lartner ,in this orlt since ' ,1961 ;'i hro xghout W a �e any past and present m ixibers. have i ificed .Hours of ,determined effort to'liel €pup (ysrcally .disabled children. $ exceptional record is oine'.iwhich all of °the members take pride 'in' sharing. nbehalf of.The Easter Seal Society, }ilii' heartfelt: thanks to the entire community of Lueknot for;backii`g thousands ofyoung fighters served by Easter,eslsotr.gifts: loon`:theg 19$6 Easter Se! lway,.cit 48, on Cn .114