The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-04-09, Page 16Page 16—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 1986 EVENING AUCTION SALE Of consignments of home furnishings and antiques will be held for • MRS. ISABELLE MoKENZIR •of 14nclarow plus other consignments TEESWATER AGM -CURL BUILDING at the east end of Gordon Ston MONDAY, APRIL 14TH 6:09p.m. Consignments include dinbigroom sultan' livingroom - suites; kitchen suites; bed- room suites; writing desk and . chair; appliances; several antique back to wall cupboards; dishes and ldtchenware; garden tools and equipment; ,self propel- led lawn mower; and much more. • NOTE: Listing subject to change without nottce. TERMS CASH NIGHT OF SALE AUCTIONEERS Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392-6170 • Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353 AUCTION REGISTER Farm*achinery WILLIAM McCORMICK Lot 25, Con. 1 Culross Township SATURDAY, APRIL 19TH, 10:00,A.M. • Farm Machinery DONALD PAQUETTE W% Lot 17, Con. 4, Huron Township SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 10:30 A.M. EVENING CONSIGNMENT SALE Of Home Furnishings TeeswaterAgri-Curl Building MONDAY, APRIL 28TH., _ • •••••••• • . • • • •••• • • • CONSIGNMENT SALE OF HOME FURNISHINGS Teeswater Agri -Curl Bldg. SATURDAY, MAY3RD ••••••••• •,.....,•••••••,,s•••••••. •: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS • Bill Kempton and Murray Canieron Huron Township SATURDAY; MAY 17TH ANDY'S FARM SUPPLY • Whigham • MONDAY, MAY 19th AUCTIONEERS: Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353 Wallace }Warn, Teeswater, 392-6;70 AUCTION SALE • of Welding Shop-Eqtdpment Will be held for WAYNE JOHNSON .. Jct. Hwy's.li 4-80,apprOz...6Mile Nortitiftee0Water Mi.:, SATURDAY; APRILIOTIL. At 12:30 P.M. Large drill, presi'[IMiver 511.41; 3.01. alr compressor; 3 Compres- sor; 1 bait Cabinet [S.A.E.] complete With bolts; 1 bolt cabinet [metric] ionit:lete With bolts; 27 in.' :grindersr 1 round bale '.fork; 6 material bucket; 50 ft. 220 volt extenslon cord; Sirap;Orttach and dwell metre; assortment of Iarge drill biter 200 iinceinwelder;, generator, WO motor];hYdr,auIte, power pack,. 4 ton; 24on floor jack; hand operated metal shear;',' Set Snap -on gear pullers;2.ton chain holst and trolley; IA 10, 2 -speed drthb ill Wi' 'irinritor • Mode;ytwin post .dilintr truck 15.4011Wit with'I'preinitislarge see:SO[04M tael; boxes With tools; u/ hnpaet wrench [newi; 1060 Nuffleld trieto0 .1$7, .Camaro:.car [setting as WI., ill Yamaha XS11O motor cy�le ttonting),selling eertgodt andmach more. Consignments: .3.,P44,-.#Otary 5 ft iiiiatiiibt; Sofilk.ipipre 44A.e 1$3.,:,Oradar, *(ifitito &Watt-- OFSALE' „ e ,no ires usIbfor AUCTION SALE will be held for BRUCE COLWELL 1% mi, north and % mi. east of Lucknow on TUESDAY, APR.45, 1986 1:300.1a. See last week's paper for listing •••AUCTIIONEERS,i. Richard LobbClinton; 482-7898 CONSIGNMENT AUCTION OF• . • - SP Tractors • AND 200.PIECES OF.EQUIPMENT 1 row ofimreserved items , Saturday, Apia 19th 9:39 a.m. it BRINDLEY SAES. YARD -Dungannan AUCTIONEERS: • Gorden 11. Barry Gray 5297625 or 529-7970 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Well Kept Farm Machinery for JAMES H. CARD Lot 4, Con. 12, West:00141On Ashfield Twp., 1 corner S. of Lucknow and 5 Corners west of C. A. Becker Farm :Equipment TUESDAY, APRIL 224986 10:30.a.M. TRACTORS4, • 1: 225$' lvi*:'iiiiet**Titk.,,.eaki,,,, 3400 hrs. approx. 1:40.;144 good • Caudillo*: 2270 White tractor with cab; 3000 hris., approx. 140 h.p., goarfOriditlini; 1 set- of duals 20-8-38 With -hardWare- EQUIPMENT IN. REAL GOOD CONDI- TION: Ford 642 einfiblire,. hydro Static With cab and 15' cutter bar, ,pickup : and 4 row corn head; 1 set AO tires -With rims 23-1-26; 7NOirr thidiond... 269' go Baler; New Holland mix *Ill 403.,''740tirexte090 on auger; 8 Bruns gitirviti‘bins wlth 300 bushel on.10TWagona; tanal:4000-'010, 150 bu.; Gleneoef24?., cultivator -with hY'd raulic wingiand-Midiest hairows;,White wheel4dIse*Illt iv*gs;,.,Kortgalillde cultivator117"410'lliteritritiOnal 'seed drIH with double['MOO' 000; grass seeder; Anderson staiie;plehetiorith'hydratille'ontt. 10? stone Win' rower; Internaftonal 400, 8: row carnplauter: o "rs 2 Forri,152pianglis, s�mlm�un Idea tnaPOresi)relideri;; 8; New y Ferguson''..nurrilire :Sire "fitodel; Ford 3 pt.:,filteh side ra&e;Farnihand, BIrr eon blower; amarid harrows; Hagedorn snowblower; 3 lit. 1140 200 101- sprayer; fejligier 4401 Skelton bale elevator 28'; wagon and flat rack; Speed gOn:0004'.On.*heelst. 2 Sandi grain anterS000•01aSeagiidter scleaner with chutes and and 3. h.p. hurter; reettailV010i MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ,.• 3 farrowing crates; scrap Ira*, -20 bags. 1;;Iiisiari(cati for tint,:ttnekp Kauniald-sitoivniotillet John Deere500 Snoitmohilei.Lionelie bard hip tent trailer with stove and fridge, sleeps 6. Weed 6010042 wagons ,':of naltitellaneenic .0111S;'.foij :"• airn-Siliolg,orar, machinery, tools household effects, misc. Will be held for Allan R. Miller, lot 25, can. 6 Khdoss Twp., 33/4 mi. east and 33,4 north of Lucknow at Langside School on Saturday, April 12,, 11 am. F*1111. machinery .consistsof 11/1.F. 510 combbiel, pickup, #44 and #43 cornbeadsi #11 M•F baler; M.F. 33 17 run seed die with grass- seeder and fertilizer; 165 • tractor. Also selling for Mrs. Jean Kraemer, Holyrood, 9N Ford Inietor wlth indiastriallogkx- excellent :.eon44 pun type snow hiowet; other articles too num- ens to mention. Auctioneers Joe etzger, .:39$4,482, 801 ,Haldenby, . • • 19..•NotiCe to credittits 1..0 'MOO • •,P.TOTICKTO 'CREDITORS •• AND, MIMS All claims against the estate of ROSS EDWARD ),thYse 41111=1, MEW OMP 040•001110 SILNIP MIR mPOP, AMMO 31. Cards of thanks =MP grow Ammo MOW AMER PIPPO SAMS )14IFEP IRMA NNW MOP wow mow saw Isom FOREMAN The Foreman family would like to express their sincere thanks to friends and neigh- bours for their metnorial donatior and sympathy. Special thanks to the doctors and nursing staff of the Winghain and District Hospital for their excellent care. • . Frances Foreman and family —15x ••••••••••••••••••••......, MacDONALD • We would like to thank the Lucknow Fire • Department and all our neighbours for their assistance last week Don and Mary Anne —15 late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 9th clay of February, 1986, must be filed with the undersigned on or before April 30, 1986; thereafter the Executrix of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then. has notice Dated April 1, Mrs. Isabelle Eedy, Executrix, c/o GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, Luclmow, Ontario, NOG 2H0...-15,16,17 20. Ptibilc notices =PIM 1111.111.‘ MINN' GUM•MM. IMMO M• OM MM. MIND mem imme'skirramicimintols... :WOULD THE -PARTY 'WHO LEFT their belongings at 587•Gough Street, please pick up or same will be sold for storage. 3.S. ---14.15.16' 7". ' - NOTICE OP PUBLIC MEETING 'The anion County Road Committee the general public to a meet -Ing to "introduce and ,consider alternatives' for the: ' ' _ - ' • RECONSTRUCTION of BALL'S • • at the Auburn Memorial ifltall,litt; • • .- - 8:00 P.M. APRIL 11, 1986-, Pleas contact,the undersigned for. further deta,118- R. A. DEMPSEY, P. ENG., • Huron County.:g.*llineet• .11.0!111 1111111•1 ;Iii1014 611111111.filiMI arias OM,. ail, UMW 21. Personal ommak PREGNANT and need help? Free positive' .confidential • support Barthrjghai1 1066, 357-1769 or London 43Z9197' f'ilAY1t40tt DR1NKING »ROBLEM?'AA can Walkerton * ei riettS p 'rtsinititito help; Phone GaderiehS, melons "Eft mem ow. maw me, moo eselosi omeim•too,ft memo owe sews - 8. Engagements • PimTo1 39S-5407 R ' cknow Lunch wilrbe available day of sale. • RITCHIE We wish to express out sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for floral tributes, memorial donations, food sent to our homes and the expressions of sympathy in our time of sorrow. Special thanks to the Lucknow Doctors and the nursing staffs of Wingharn and University Hospitals. Addi- tional thanks are extended to Rev. Warren McDougall and MacKenzie and McCreath Funetal Home; also to the U.C.W. Ladies for the lunch served after the service. All these kindnesses will long be remembered. Donalda Ritchie Dianne and Tom Dickson Hilda and Tom Andrew Cal Ritchie HACKETT We wish to thank all those for their thoughts, food, cards. A special thanks to those who helped with chores at the time of • the loss of a father and grandfather. Lorne, Hazel and family —15x RITCHIE A sincere "thank you" to all our relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy at, sudden passing of a dear husband; father, _Bumpa, and friend, Frinif-'ttitaii.1(6iir memorial donations to the Stroke '; Club; • Diabetic Association, flowers, . cards, phone calls andlood will always be remeinbered. A special "thank you" to the nursing staff of Pinecrest Nursing Rothe, and •the Doctors and nurses of the Lucknow Medical Centre, Rev. Warren McDougall, John Williams, Rev. Arthur ,and Betty Scott," Mary Lou Raynard and 'honourary pallbearers. Last, but net least, the ladies of the Sepoy Apartments for the meal and the Zion community ladies' for lunch. All the above acts of kindness will always be remembered. , "With time all sorrows' fade - but memories grow dearer". Sara Ritchie Frank and Anne Riegling - and family HAMILTON We'd like toistart. by thanking Paul Finlay, Rick McMurray' , Tub Hamilton, Jason Beinge, Sharon Struthers, Linda Beange, Mandy Stewart and Sarah Skinn, for every- thing the3eve done in helping us prepare for our day" We'd also like to thank everyone • who took the time to put showers on and all those, who gave gifts. They were all appreciated. 'Also the guys for putting the engageMent dance on and all those who attended. To Alvin and Gladys for video • taping the wedding. -Jt was an extra special giftthat will always be cherished, and worth a good laugh,‘' "Right Ricky". Arid a special , thanks to everyone who attended the Wedding' and' recepfiotr, your presence and gifts made our, day -.4 perfect one arid will always be remembered. ' Thank you all very Douglas and Sherry etetis *too, etaelie 40.7im wile" Meow ifse;sio."emtnes tieser 61!;0111 attiterr ' DA. soN REID MCCORMJCk and'Kay McCormick, R. # 2, Witighatri Don and Marilyn Reid, # 3, Ripley are sed " to-1001000001tbe,iltatittomin.g. Of their children Josephine made and rian Gordon. will 14ike' Place uu Sdturday,. Aprit'10,- 1986, at '4 p.m."' in, Lucknow Presbyterian Church,. Reception to follow iri Lucknow.' • A thank you. to Lticlinow ?ire Departnierit; to '•• all. Concerned for Addin's safety; to ;the' Porter families' for housing, accomniod00, to neigiibourS who assisted at the time Of the fire' ait.4ssinoe.our return; and to treleSiienirs: Luckuow reed, Mill., MI is sincere y apprec- iated. Huntley,: Marcia and Addin DaWtini 1.501t