The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-04-09, Page 9WI holds pot luck dinner The annual meeting of the Dungannon Women's Institute was held April 3, at the home of Mrs. Warren Zinn, Lucknow. Twenty members and four visitors enjoyed a delicious pot luck dinner. President Ila Crozier presided for the meeting. After opening exercises Mrs. Zinn introduced Dawson Pollock and Margaret Burkhart of Ellison Travel & Tours who showed pictures of Expo 1986 and told what to look for in places to stay etc. They answered many questions for the ladies. Yearly reports were given by conveners, treasurer and public relation officer. Correspondence showed a busy month ahead. . Members were reminded of 4-H achievement night in Brookside school in May. The Port :.:Albert Club sponsored by 'Dungannon WI is the hostess club for the evening. The May meeting will be held later in themonth because of the achieve- ment -night, at the home of Mrs. Winnifred Girvin, Park Street, Goderich. Mrs. W. Girvin, a past president, conducted the election of officers. Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge of the nominating com- mittee read the slate of officers: past president, Mrs. Clifford Crozier; presid- ent, Mrs. Gordon Finnigan; 1st vice president, Mrs. Leroy Robson; 2nd vice president, Mrs. George Errington; secret- ary treasurer, Mrs. Elmer Black; assistant secretary treasurer, Mrs. Howard Linskill; district director, Mrs. Clifford Crozier; alternate director, Mrs. W7innifred.Girvin; branch directors, Mrs. Alvin Kerr, Mrs. Lois Lee, Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge; public relations officer, Mrs. Graham McNee;' curator, Mrs. Warren Zinn; assistants, Mrs. High McWhinney, Mrs. George Errington; pianist, Mrs. Howard - Linskill;. assistant, Mrs. Gordon Finnigan; -auditors Mrs. John Harris, Mrs. Wayne Snyder; telephone, commi tee, ° Mrs Winn feed; Girvin, Mrs.: Leos rd Clisloik; Standing `committees Agriculture and Canadian .Industry, Mrs. Alvin 'Kerr and Mrs., Bert Dougherty; ,Education and Cultural. Activities, Mrs. perk Logtenberg and Mrs, ° Winnifred Girvin; Citizenship and World Affairs, Mrs. Fred. Young and Mrs. Clifford Crozier; . Family and Con- sumer Affairs, Mrs. Howard Linskill and Mrs. Hugh- McWhinney; and Resolutions, Mrs, Wilmer Rutledge. Symbols provoke UG`Vir members Symbolic articles and pictures portraying . the worldly expectations of the crowd that , r welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem on Palfin Sunday 2,000 years ago were used to provoke members of the executive Of the Br ice Presbyterial' United Church 'Women; into reflecting on their own lives when they met recently in Ripley United Church., President Jessie Clark of Kincardine welcomed members to this first meeting"°of • 1986, ' Sheila MacDonald and Rev. <Glen MacPherson brought greeting'" and ""a welcome from the -local church,' - Delegates `" to - the annual . conference meeting at Niagara Falls anV Bruce Presbytcry''were appointed, Betty Tudor from Hamilton Conference UCW, one of 10 women chosen from UCW members across Canada to travel .to Korea in May of. 1985 to help, the women of that country celebrate a' hundred years of prtestantism, spoke on her experiences and insights. Stewardship, Leadership, and ;Citizen- ship , Divisions met tO,f0TITHIlate plans for the- year. Irene Tupper from Harriston spoke of the continuing need for articles for thiopia and other third world countries A .committee of Helen Welch, Wiarton, Laura Williams, . Port Elgin and the presd- ent *ere appointed "to, plan a retreat for all United Church Women. at Silver .'Lake Carnp on June 0, 10 ' a. m. 3 p. m. A leadership School will be held` at Five Oaks, Paris, Sept. <24.25, The next meeting: of the executive will be held May . 5 at ?Mon -Annabel. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN. REFORMED CHURCH Invites You To Worship With Them On SUNDAY, APRIL 13 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Nursery downstairs morning 8& evening EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, APRIL 13 Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. REV. ALLISON J. RAMSAY,MINISTER Nursery Downstairs For Little Ones Under Four EVERYONE WELCOME Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 1986—Page 9