The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-04-09, Page 7I got them growin' up blues Remember when, I used to sleep all day, When fighting with my parents, I'd have to have the last say, C' mon Jamie, Responsibility shouldn't make you blue But growing up is hard to do.* *(To the tune of Breaking up is hard to do). I've had it, this is the last straw. I've found myself doing things lately that are completely out of character and those on the outside looking in with some degree of objectivity have said I'm growing up. I started worrying about payin hills. I started feeling uncomfortab - - about hitting the marks for cigarettes, beer and money. I've even' tried saving though that seems to be going down the tubes. I've tried to see the other person's point of view these days, tried listening instead of aggressively asserting my opinion, often based on misinformation, incomplete information and with a liberal helping of b.s. thrown in to make the speechifying more fun. I've tried to do things I don't like doing like writing, dishes, ' vacuuming and the like, but I still have a long way to go. But this week the most worrisome change came. Despite everything I can do., and some of it irresponsible, I'm waking up before 7 in the morning. Today is Thursday. A normal Thurs- day would have me'stroll into the office at 10 or 10:30, especially if I have to work at night. I'd drag myself out of bed at the last possible moment, get ready t .....; Ste. . ;.,� ..�v ....... :.� and skip breakfast, grabbing a coffee somewhere along the way. This Thursday, I woke up at 6:15, an hour and a half before my alarm went off, did a few sit-ups, got ready, ate breakfast, wrote a letter and most of this column and then came to work at about 8:50. Usually, it takes me all day to do that but I did everything before 9. I keep saying to coworkers that there's something wrong with me, that someone was putting amphetamines into . my bloodstream at about 6 or so. first rst they were surprised and concerned too, but they concluded I am "growing up". ' But,to me, getting up at sych ungodly hours means not so much that 'I'm growing up as I'm growing older. Everything's slowing down, metabolism thinking is more orderly - soon .I will have to state that the "news of my death has been greatly exaggerated". It reminds me of what a wise old teacher said to me when I was in nursery school. The. Chinese woman turned her white, cataract -blinded eyes on me, eyes I tried to avoid, and, leading off with her pet name for me, said: "Cornworm, no man can tell when the flower will blossom,,, but when . it does, all turn their heads to appreciate the form and Beauty." No, I ' don't know what it,, means either, but it sounds goad doesn't it? Reideoreturftsi,Born holiday in Spain It is hoped that all the readers of the Lochalsh news had a very nice . weekend -and the Easter Bunny left$Me nice things for all the little one Dorothy Finlayson has returned home from a three month holiday in Spain. The weather there was very good. They do not get the cold and'. snow We get here in midwestern Ontario; But Dorothy said it was a long way from home and the .fa'mily. It was so nice to get back into one's : own home again. Charles and Mayme Wilkins had some of their family with them for the weekend and also Easter Sunday dinner. Cecil and Jim Webster of Waterloo were home on the weekend with : their parents Wellington and Kae Webster. Weekend visitors with Rhetta MacLen- nan . were,.. Florence MacLennan and. her friend Shirley of Kitchener. Louise Millar of Palmerston was also with her inother for a couple of days . as was her son. George, Barry and Betty Jones had their daughter Sherry Jones of London with them on the weekend. Mayme Wilkins has been quite busy these past few weeks getting her plants going in the greenhouse. She's growing tomatoes, petunias, zinnias, dusty miller, geraniums and others. Maxine Luther visited •.in Ridgetown • Easter,weeken'd• withher'many friends and rel Mr. and Mrs: Art Matt Newman returned: home Thursday ' afternoon after spending three . months -in Florida. Welcome home. On Easter Sunday there were two baptis mals at the Ashfield Presbyterian Church, Alexandria Marion, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Roddie MacDonald.of '.Artiberley and. Maggie Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex (Sandy) Simpson of Ashfield Town- ship, were both baptized. There has been a flock of swans in Finlay. MacDonald's field now for a couple • of days. OQris W yids and her friend Ruth Sweet of Toronto were .weekend visitors .; with Warren and. June ''W... yids. And the Wylde also .had`. -their fancily call in on them at different tinea during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robb bad their daughter Shirley and her husband William Irvin their family with them on Easter Sunday„ ,x Later in the week Mrs. Robb `went .up. to Hanover to stay with Bob and Sandra Darling and their family. PLAYING FROM FRIDAY TO THURSDAY Apra, Milli to 17th S.. OWTIMESi FRIDAY- ANDSATURDAY -At7:OOAnd 9:tMlP.II ' SUNDAY TOTHURSDAY ONE SHOW Eaeh Evening at 8:00 P » Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Apr 0 9, 1986 -Page 7 • BOX OFFICE • OPENS. . o. Guess woha o�n �.T 7,00 • life of the party?• • • • • • °Or • • •• • • • • • , r JOHN• NDY • •...Mut above the rest. er- :Rental • • r lcOsnst� .AP GUAGF 1 1 RIGHFf1 NG SCE. Sj • L. ACCAMPAMIMENT JJ - J1 • • •••••.•••••••!••••••#•••••.u.•••.••••••••$ • • • • • • • • 1 0 • • • o ••••••1 • • . . . • • • • a 1...x,e:a a:'.. 1 • • • . • • . • 0 • • • 1 0 . . 1 • . . . 1 • • . • ' WEDNESDAY -`THURSDAY ONLY APRIL 9 -10 7:30 P.M. • . ROBIN KURT RUSSELL • WILLIAMS • • • • • i • • • • 1 • •1 • • .• The BEST Of TIMES A Comedy about life. WINNER OF 0 -0 • • 0 • • 0 7 ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING BEST PICTURE °41) BECAUSE OF • THE 'LENGTH MUDS SHOW THERE • STORY WILL BE • ONLY 1 • B P!r .SED. Q N A • • A UNIVERSAL PICTURE •••es000. .•••••• •.•••,:�1 SHOWING • EACH EVENING AT 0 7:$0 • STARTING FRIDAY., APRIL, I t REMEMBER $240,, TUESDAY A PARENTAL ■ GUIDANCE • P.0 • • • • • • • • • i5►I1•G•••••G•P Al' TIME ornmunity Centre Three Bl Days Friday,A ►today, April 12th, 12 '00-900 p.m Sunday, April 13th, * .DOOR PRIZES . •L�T1vTBOOTH *DEMONSTRATION *CHILD CARE SERVI