The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-04-02, Page 20AP. Paige 20—Lucknow Sentinel, Wediu00410y, APIA 2, 1986 Candlelight ier-t)ic • Dorseht - Humphrey Michele Dianne Humphrey, daughter of Georg? and Marjorie Humphrey of Luelt,-- OP!" and Douglas Gerald DorsCht, son of Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Dorscht of St. Helens were •united in marriage' on March 21, 1'186, during ,a candlelight service at the Lucknow United:-Chureh, Rev. Warren McDougall officiated. Maid of honour was. Nancy Verbeek of Clinton. Dianne Huff, man and,.„ Terri-AnnDeline, both of Lucknow acted as bridesrhaidsflower girt - was Kimberly Palsa of Parkhill. Donald Dprscht, Lucknow was groomsman. Guests" wpre ushered by Michael Humphrey 441,0 Kevin Bolt of Lucknow. J -Jay Humphrey, Lucknovv was the ring -bearer. Brenda • . Dayk-wo.s-the organist and solos were by , Wilda Campbell. A reception followed at the LucknO* •Cdpirnunity Centre. The couple honeymooned in Niagara Falls and are now residing Itat ,R. R. ,2 ,Lucknow. [Fred Philips Photol ciation replaces secretary , A *Meeting of the St. Joseph's Commun- ity Sada; Association was held recently with j.'r,!-Jckie.• I. "i Simpson presiding. -Karla, Rogan : ' 4 rf'' replacingt' , elected secretary e vv 9 has,: moved. .t,the'ichoof.is used for many activities in nou-selibel hours.. Some of these activities are: volleyball, Brownies, co-operative playschool, Huron County • Public Library,- wrestling, Cubs, Beavers, • fitness basketball.CWE and444inityrecrea- tion. • ' Summer playground, •t -ball and baseball will again be organized for area children'. If ; enough interest is. shown' Dancefit, CPR and St. John's -Ambulance courses will .be made aY411010 for ,..the „community. The tennis- court is popular., with many' and perhaps those people making use of could'organize some toprnanientS:... Dave ,Stiaipe made a "indiiint,that the-, association pay for a new -Supply of balls in• Various sizes,' Clatiee-Dation'-Seconded the motion. The association would apprecigte hearing from - anyone interested in .taking r pa :ft in any of the above mentioned activities. The nextWeetiljg will be held in. April; If anyone is interestedin joining this ' association or would like Initherinforma- - -flop, please contact Jackie Simpsong , 1 Jan Caesar,. -daughter of Jack and Gwen Caesar of POkar0101 graduated with honours trOithirihe Nursing Progrann at ‘' Humber College Iy employed as an RN. at Victoria 1•1401(44' In London. . en VAK.DER WERF JOhn, Connie and big brother Jesse are proud to announce the - birth of Casey Willem;18 lbs. 3 oz. at Kincardine and District Hospital March 19; , 1986., Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.' Allan Brayer, of Ferintc0,. Alberta and. Maria Brayer oftdmonton, and Mrs. William Van der Werf of Clinton. The Dungannon on 'Mar. Margaret-' Errington;".;,;:: • . ,„; - The meeting tenoned' with the Scripture Cake recipe where members had to find the. Scripture and verses in the tibia: Then cake, and coffe4. were, ,$erved by. Margaretand tabr.i4 Irish favorites were played on the piano by Sandra-VAtjusLMargaret conducted the -worship Eby re.ading, an- Easter, Message.'When survey the wondrous Cross' ' Was sung.' , Orldria. read "Stop your doubting and - believe", "Tell me the stories of Jesus" was sung. A skit was enacted. btfive ladies calf-- rs • ed Square and .Unsquare" •which: spoke about' catering tniSsion and fellbvitShig% ,',',"•2•13eneath the Cross of Jesus was sung and Gloria followecOvitka.,PraPr, The collection taken was donated to the., thiereharekc ouncil, since the World Prayer was cancelled''due to inclement . Nora Saunders took over for for' husine'i.- 'The' rninutes were ;read and approved •and respondenceWas read. -There was:a request.; for two ladies to make table decorations at Blyth on Mar. 26 at 10 jrn. , Benediction.was repea ed y all, and Nora. Saunders thanked the hostesses for a most enjoyable afternoon. ' , rs., liaqy silS hosted the Resolutions rncetingfor-?: 6- inlOSICaltSlieaVVatiten'i 410itute., at ,.-ber, honte on .0areli- :.,2Q,,, ' Fplioxving ,,the.-Opexiiiik: of. meeting ,.:. Ptegiden't Mrs. Robert Gilchrist Wqlsooni4 tiirktber's ..andjitests, and:‘read the P:99iii' 4i .-. cif 'Vent Words:,-.Mrs.!:"Hankflarten-iiiik .: i. tue Easte,f, Scripture..,.,,_' `tslipa iiieiiiiiers'.ageed, to lookatter Ood, booth and.' 4er,11.6 Ihe":":',elei'Origr' diiuer,On„the'fit'st day of the ..eiaftle6tival.' 6 ladies thanked i Mrs. Clarence Ritchie '''' ro, Robert Gilchrist for tiieir. hard: .-.. , r i*� . and: oriaii:iiaiop, in making the -;'-iiikt":;coave cooking c°11r00.,.':''..,:14, A45:0 *0., any:ipterestitnglds.s, , wr total, resourcewere aiisWering the relltall! .; ' iil 4vir$,.' Evan ICeith tay0,6-1-1 lothrp,su ,• report One ofYtnie::''i1Pa tie:,64cotitats d86144$' the uri1 and the ,w9r14. ' • prepaied inottd onthe thwrne. if it dcsn' exist in your mind ‘• it doesn t.i.eigst l b your world. Mrs. : help kep •b6t:mtitiOcS1eaithY:a:t erttirnkminds make Iife-for °vyone.*kis. Lavis;1her th)e n6gr1i:ewccting eoselwitii ihe b 'Yc,reptet:irbp: gaNrd:' tflO C‘ lcra SchinidVed',.' • u 9:00 Litt, Ascension, Kinlough 10:30. *401. St. Peter's, Lucinto,w 42:00 Noon. SUNDAY SCHOOL At Moons's'', and Luelmow • "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 4. IBBY:S DEEP BROWN Beans with Pork... SANKA KRAFT 9 • • • 19.0Z. 6 OZ. :44..•.14 e...• e. 4"or ece'• 4.• a ob. • • . 9 • 4 9. • •5 9 .9 1 9 ......• 3 1 8 a ee „ 6, . ... • 28 OZ. • • • • • ... • Nur • -;i•:OtiteicE04,TU•ftiggr,' • FACETTES •• 06. 6., 0... • e e'er • 4 .4i* , • , . , . • i!.,• • • ' . . . • • • 1 • • iS.. o • • 4 • 44 • 4 • oo • • .- ; • • DETERGENT ' - • 6 LflRE • * • *.." • **-'s • :4;•V ••''' • • ,• 4 4. • .• ,,,, , ,,e , lip 4.• • • • • • • 0 0 . , . DUC!IY OF • " • CANADA NO..; /1 A • 10.,A. • : • CANA3k,'.NO• CANADA.;144.;', • • •• • • -• 44. ROLL • si. • • 4 • • ip • • • 4• e ••• * 44* • eV* • 1 J- -• • • 4* • 0.40.4 • 4* • • O.. • • • • • • • • • • • • CHNEIDE14'S • - SCHNE1DEFIS [STORE SLICED] 5 VARIETIES] .41; • 6• 6'..411:it 60 • :04 to • • • * e • • • • LII3 ::• "ot !0..• 4 e • • *14 **i,* 4 4 0 4 4itx:•!';i1 :11;01* . . . . ,., . •-- .... . , . . . ... 1! '414/6" ti i e 6-6 s e a, .00 .• • Is • 4 e 4$.4 • •