The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-03-26, Page 14cni• Page 14—Lucknow Sentinel,Wednesday, IVIarch 26, 1986 • , soap clam =WO *Wm 410M4 INICSO,1001114 MOD 166166 600141. LOA= GOMA i=1110 MM. OW. 32. Corning even% .,......1116014.1616166z=2. "pagoimpAnow.opoop mom mom eFoo; CHRISTIAN FARMERS PUBLIC MEETING • Wednesday, April 2, 1:30 p.m.,„ Lucknow and District Community Centre. Speaker: - Tom Oegetna, CFF0 President, St. Thomas. • Topic: Charting our course into the 90s. For information call 357-1688. —12,13 ` NURSERY SCHOOL EXPANDING . Due to a large enrolment the Wingham +Nursery School will now be adding two (2) Monday classes a.m.' and p,in. to our other weekly classes. Pre-schoolers,- 2f/i: - 5 years old and toilet trained will be accepted. Registration will be held held April 1 and 2, 9 a, to 4 p.m. Anyone interested in enrolling, phone 3574362 or drop in at the. Wingham Nursery School on Josephine Street across from the Town Hall. -4-13 ' ' VOICE FOR LIFE At Sc:-,Aridrew's Presbyterian Church, 'WingtiarM, Wednesday, April --23, 7 p.m. .. Everyti40`,welcome. -$7.00. .--13ar Attention Fanners! Wawa Moo •1006,6466131611=6,616161; OM, awn piptui .61.4p ;wip ourroiliw 4WD Illumpo A. For sole-. , • olow•mElut gum amp wit* lin= 300 - 400 MG ROUND DAL,,F.S" of hay. Phone 395-5255. —12-15x - BARLEY - 100 bushel, two row variety, suitable for seed. Phone 528-2707. —13x 100- large, ROUND HAY ,DALES, stored inside. Phone 529-7649, ,--13,14 • • , ''' ,.- -PARENTS' MEETING ----...,...................-....i. ' ' Tuesday, -"April 1 at 8 p.m. at ,Lucknow .• C.Wonted_ Centraltiblic Schbol, for any parents having --,— --re— —...--0,-,.4..,..,....,,.... ,, .. - a e t Tft- be registered • for kindergart ' WANTED TO BUY' C-,'-':' barbecue pigs, 86-87Chlid must be '5 years '' old by ruptures, rhinitis, poor doers, any size; also December, 31/86-443 ' 4 ' " SOWS and boarsfit to butcher Call 3353151. • x , • +••,, . , tat(daughter of Mr , WANTED TO . ',RENT , , and For att41, .porial4 !r1 Monday,LucknowLucknow• Port', Albert)" area for 86 crop tnril , , at Lucknow Presbyterian. on • „c • , -thurek. Everyone welcome; ---p .-........:,........, --,::„...t.,7„.......4......:-.-...:,.......:_;_...t...„:„„::....,,,..H....;„...7,...., :, • ' DAY TRIPS, - CLIP AwfsAyt ; Kitchener., Monday, 'April '1, Laffli"- and .:Singitie.Barbershoppers, Twin City Harmon- izerSo-kitchener, Saturday, May. 3. Nana .,,IviouskOri, The. Centre, Kitchener; :Mon-„ 4i,y, • ,OX:'.'15.•' Geritot ''Velliea, Wednesday,.. June 25. ,*tie Murray. Tuesday, .',June 24. '-Blossonis; 'early : in ' ' Niagara,',,... ' Falls. ' 4 ,r4t,6'1 Contact e4 : to , es , ., k • • • i',"* ;' • WANTED ()VANITY, OF -MIXED GRAIN or barley; also -steel granary. . Phone 'Gary Van::: '529-7574. -.713,14 - imon.711..,.... pro *Nu E. Farm services LYNN ',t0W12:Y. -FM* SYSTEMS. LTD., R. R,Vo.1-igneardine;,Ontario. Feral] your 'manufeed,re, and gran handling, -- eats, call,395 5286 or see us Anihefley. -• ‘; - .4*GENtAGOLOGY GET% BERG -STABLE EQUII egin4gr's Workshop ersmanure '.` A 1,$4136;"7,00 nt 4 : Community Centre, HelineSVille. Achnissibit 4free everyone welcome.. Bring your • tions and -Problems. Sponsored by the Huron County Geneaological Society. —13 • • ,LUCKNOWM Di,OR'llOCKEY" • 3RD ANNUAL TYKE ' Saturday, March 29, 11 teesw' tery Lucknow.-12- noon Blyth vs Ripley. 1 p.m., • Lucknow Jr. Tyke vs Ripley Jr. *Tyke. 2:30 - - Consolation games. 4 p.m. Championship 4 A'; clean - c a tA4t, ,V...:A.!.,(4!.n.. : 0 , ' ,I A , Z, calf tie itailS ' Loose '': ,: ,: •housing. ventilation -es:luil).10e0,' 0 dlifinetnent, :::Ritchie,b0ated ! :Water., biiw10;,;,,,i, Farrowing , .., , crates. Weatier decks. PlaStieeslatedAnd also, , farm gates Contactiloy&johnsten ' R R 3 Holyrood, Ontario.: Phone 395,5390: '..',442tfar. ! . ...0.....-........0...„.7..,a,.......;..----....,!.;.or,iimi. 0.... ai 161•=6 - .• ,.. 7 ' - F.. For rent : . .. , , . .. , a ' . r 'ITheral)istfil *from page 1 • already read. Physiotherapist's helped Adria regain motor controls (physical), speecifthera- pists coaxed the 'girl lb. begin talking and 'occupational therapists helped her learn to play again.' • Adria walked -for the first time on her -own at Christmas, At the end of Jantiary she was allowed, to go. back home.", I, "There's...still a long way to go with-- her speech and fine motor skills. She can't sing or hop -To_ one foot._ She's working on it though ,mery, determined s441. Mrs, Graham.' Mrs. Graham also, attributes much.,,o,.. • Adria's succpssiti-t*lact she is young aand'adaptable, Adria. nnowgi* to Kincardine, and -Genera, Hospital for therapy , every, Monday* Her pps.09/1 with. ..hom,4” • la ole +facility for physically disabled children and -youth in Southwestern Ontario. It is the largest ambulatory centre in Ont- ario, treating acute and long-term con- ditions, and - speech and language 'disorders. "Our •goal is to contribute to the 'highest possible quality of life for these young people by helping them reach . /optimal independence, 'self-respect and .iParticipation. " sbciety,. stated a Thames -Valley Children's Centre, bro- chure, And -the therapy' is t Working well for vOccupational Therapist Sue :,Davii,satft it Was goo to see Adria pick up crayons and, begin coloring , 'when intly*Ito' weeks' before, she refused even : •• , "Now ," she asks .me for crayons at ' therapists frothe are The giri presently 4.0-10 Rows Day • part:Of'att outreach from Care 4,o,MicknoNvi• where8ets very ,, Tliarnes' • ',good 'treat' aid:: Mrs.Graham. • ,This'faltit Win* iinterfor Adri4to-Start._. 'or treatment regular -Kin ergat„ ,Forty-six F. E. MadiirI Art Students of inghain, and, surrounding area . have Made. alremendOtis, ,unprecedent- edaehieveinent: they have won,tripslor two to Expo $6i.,:s.* months ago, Pacific Western ,Airlines in, co7operation. with the Expo 86 World' E.40009P, being held in beautiful Vancouver, 13:e m #ideM, 6• 1 ' . 4 w • AiMeS.,, Ceirie enjoy: an afternoon of thirlls': and spills for a Buck. —1.3ar l'''''-' ,• :-:--,--------7--;—. " 7---7-7- . ' 0110-$1ritSSASOCIAVO*OESTING:r. Tuesday,, April 1, 2 -PA, 'Mayfair, Rcstaur-. ant. —13„ , .... , *Models from 41.1..:01•1110 011410... 1,115, fitgri!,■Xj 1.111*11.10, innIMP OMMI. 100 ACRES .” from: too .‘f0.1r.:*(efit..,PhOne5297888. -. —5ltf. ,• „. .. • ctoici,••••••••••••e. morims.•••••••••••,•••••,•••••••=m4.•••••••••••••••• 100 OR 160 Acpo for -kepi or shares, 'fall ploughed, Ashfield Township, Phone 529- 7127. —12,13 •• 84 ACRES OF PLOWED LAND near St. Augustine. Reply in writing to Box "B", c/o 4,iicknoir Sentinel Box 400 Lucknow, NOG 2H0-. —13,14 68 ACRES OF FARMLAND on thef;6th• West WawatioSh. Callafter 6 p.iii,°51.1.-71.90'.' •R0441Irueo Powered When's-. . For effortless alteratlen one -hand.; '..,Troy4filt-sets.'the Standard by whielt all ,are 'judged; GENERAL STORE - - Grocerles, elgarcttes.produce, • pop Meat, lee eream, ;was( 4i$1 •.,tone14.000Ps, hardware, - tools, faim -gates, hay feeders, water bowis and parts, Bauman- spreader chalns and 1oggsag ocr000siAtorkt-priOio.-, Askto-dayaboutour- •;s0 change, • ate 4 ; eat"- rj O. that the -entry reflect the simplified Expo 86 theme "Transportation and/or Communication .The judging Was ;to have been coin- pletedbY Dec, 31, 1985,, but due to the radifie;Western Airlines strike, it was delayed until last week. Mrs. Dian Wood, the art teacher Of the_students, • . ; , )r�ject du&to the statOre, ofthe priZes, and was att. home -during, ,the Sara -change.,. wluch. ,took -. her; The first -caflcame froma.jtudent • test, was created to in Te rturnty for );;-t :.t;•• ;;;0.• approxi -,I• ch ace° an - tr4;41,„ tit : ritssels Who: ewof elrit ,„Ole'World - calling students at home and the. Touch". „TiK.ontestlas opprto all 11aof wnnrvfdp to ,1ieli,,u `.?.Grade 8 - 13 StudentS4n.lbe?0,!'ovioc0: 04r3,000„ " .:44.:territetieso*eft:, „A Phone., call to 'Pacific Nesterit • erit Ontario, ' Manitoba, Saskat- ' in -,Toronto confirmed- that-alJ British whOcreceived a 10tter readmg., Yuk�n and North West Your ` entrY1, •,Successful : candidates Were 040400 PkatWW0i06. i*Itiogg Ycontest chane Programme has been judged as which required the submission of a a,,fwthiier,... Stare. :r your, %Creative work in one of tive separate, At categories -isSay;.:pie:att; graphic.0:14,4,Mondays';', classes, there were - photography, ancl special (a category for• so, the other 44ttOti: Prcsently, four ,560101ation, there. are, 46 known Winners,' REAL ESTATE & 1%SliRAV,E LTD . , . £*&LYaL.7 100 tot 20, concession 14. West.Vavvari011•Townsbip, 50ACRE ;; :; o • • BROILER FARM, 12,500 quota. 4 bedroom, -'4‘erOgi.:.Kinloss Township. - itiNt.pssi..,40:.,:::10foi..):14iTy,-,70. ups, pipeline, stable ,..cleaner, • sheds, large - aut�niatic feeder barn, 4 bedroom home, !iihotio304.4*iiittoirg pool and anotber, 100', acres 216 .LEVEL Ap4;%%.4 bedr»r'm brick, 41 as hardwood bush, give us an offer. KINLOSS TOWNSHIP,:.‘ hardwood ah workable, $45,000 KINLDSS, 100 a hog fan, 05.:*0,0q0o,4 bedsonk bor*..iartgo: ,barn, 2 sheds, 9 1-2 per cent fin&uieing, asking $85,000. - - Xiit41(6$$ werkat4,74:4.0t4-44att.baw. Asking $72,000. . • barn. I$1"31j1144C(44:,„0!(-30ENt441-°.°-..1411V8VE._ 3.1titiS° return on invstincnt, sirto4Mots' i'avI4Yrtee(xlvreet7ole41.,113141'ae4,111, ant L 7 301:1*: ng EN payment,deck. Mkng e. sun :ft d drive, :3 bedtom, 7 UNIT' APbedroorn home, low clownttliched garag mortgage at 6 YEAR OLD hrick h4th central. vacuum, too many extras toetrieritt04- A DONAGU ) ' • • ,.