The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-03-12, Page 7Two special guests •By Janies Friel Right now I'm making a bit of history. Minor, footnote type history, and only in the annals of Signal -Star Publishing. I'm at Goderich putting together papers with two courageous students from Conestoga College, for Young Canada Week, the peewee hockey tour- nament during March break. Most will remember seeing the byline of Alan Rivett gracing these pages not too long ago. He has sportingly con- sented to paste up his old newspaper alma mater and put off his holidays for a couple of days. I think we should all give him a big round of' applause. •Our next, guest star is Kathleen Carter, a third year •journalism student, as I understand it, and she has agreed to take on the sometimes time consum- mg but always pleasant task of finding news in the four mtincipalities until my return Monday the whatever. The seventeenth. I hope you will all wel- come this week's guests. Of course, our regulars, are still here, the lovely and talented Pat Livingston, Joan Helm and Merle Elliott and the always prOfessional Tom Thompson. In the same way they telt me what's going on, I'm sure they'll assist our two guests. 'So, now, back to history. I supposed you'll be thinking that I'm down in Goderich goofing around with the • student journalists (you've heard how reporters can be), taking a few pictures of the hockey stars of tomorrow and taking a couple hauls at a hip flask whenever the chill gets too deep into the &fines. , L can't deny that that sounds like a fine idea but unfortunately, according to other Goderich staffers who've done this project and survived, it's one of the most gruelling weeks a community journalist can go through. The fact of the matter is that a reporter never looks after the thing twice. Goderich Signal -Star editor extraordinaire Dave Sykes may have, and is likely a changed man for it, but in recent history, it hasn't been done two, years in a row. And now it's my turn. •The survivors of the list two years have maliciously told me tales of days of arena hotdogs and fries, days of starting work at about -8 a.m. and going till past 1 a.m., and of the otherworldliness a YCW reporter feels for day t after the tourney. Sounds like fun, right? -- I 'should say so. And the best part about it this year is that there'i, a McDonald's to pratronize when a little variety is needed in the rink rat's diet. That's the history part And hopefully, I'll be able to make a little money. I figure a delivery service for over a thousand peewee,.aged boys has got to be a gold mine.. • I'll cut the students • in 'for a percentage, and the three of us will take, orderslrom boys into the first years of eating 'Write their body weight in a day. A. percentage, even a small percent, age, ..of ivIcthis-and-that arid fries awl, 0,' shake for that many be:A:would mike the three of us rich, • See ya in Rio. • . *liey's Comet reme To the editor: Boni in 1901, and still remembering Hailey's Comet as I saw it in it's magnificence in 1910, lhope to survive a 13itionger, so aril renewing my subscription to the Sentinel, cheque enclosed herewith. I have hoped for years to live long enough to see the ',,omet again but it , has been scarcely visible thislime. In 010 it was high up in the sky. For the interest of my Wildlife Conser- vation acquaintances who are .endeavour- ing to save the vanishing bluebird, during ows it's nests were built in 48 nesting Weis on iny 'bluebird trail of 70 bOxeS. About 360 eggs were laid and I estimate T_, DungannonPiti ••.41? LAURIE PENTLAND "Hey Donna! The second 441 Etiquette meeting for Dungannon had quite a few, helpful hints in it, didn't it?"'' "Yes fl did Deb. We distnised topics like manners.and consideration at home, giving a party,„ invitations,. family meals and hospistality at home," • IS C T Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 12, 1986—Page 7 LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Invites You To Worship With Them On SUNDAY, MARCH 16 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Nursery downstairs morning & evening EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW PRESBYTERAN ClitJRCH SUNDAY, magi Worship Service 11:00 a.m: Sunday School 9:45 a.m. REV. ALLISON J. RAMSAY, MINISTER Nursery Downstairs For Little Ones Under Four EVERYONE WELCOME Her dream was to coach high school, football. Her nightmare was Central High. ININGNAMI ONTARIO PHONE 357-1630 tte,tirtIPA141101Etl ao lo.V•af Is •001,4 at/ .• i• • Frorrithe producers of The HIDING PLACE and JONI.. • • '1 believe THE PRODIGAL the most powerful film ever made to reach peop!e fOtifiyGraham 'How long I've tonged for films of this caliber to be produced— the realism °I:the story line,the dialogue—the relevancy of the 6frics-of the songs —all of it is first class —plus the incredible • " .....loy4e:loonforf,-Author . • • ' „ , 44FIE ORO,MGAL is a profound cOMr,nentaiY. on, t'i.atirpreqent condition. , Mirror. inwhieh'Wealt see ourselves. is:4,christiirrnim in tifebest • arenatichdeae,.40-roser ,s4e0.21:6.1eh.o.":.a_71pray,it7111 boii#Cp. modliiitaw • 1, Bel Air Presbyterian Church Los Angeles. Califoriia .14,, • •!, • ,,•,••4V, about 250 young Were fledged. For any others who may,be.interested in Wildlife Conservation„ the eastern blue bud likes open country With scattered trees' and woodlots. This involves grassy paStur- es and hay fieldt Sincerely, - Graham MacNay.. • • , . 1 • uette dub news • ',That's right!. Alan,. in the first half of the. meeting three, we were shown, how to eat •:- certain foods such, as spaghetti, and -son10 ,;•' fruits. The ; information on banquet - pro, •; eeedings was also very, informative," . 'Del!Don't forget the next meting wilt;• be held Mar, 17, • • • • 0 •.• 16 years &Wei $3OO!. Ages iuul VICTORIA • elL Wingnam ST. 21,1986 8100 0-15 $2.00 Under 10 years $110i - • .‘f--•'•• 0 0 I • • IS VALLAULE IN YOUR NEIGHBOURI1001) 0 FrOM. ktrideitorion • through Grade It O 0111MItti.00 ClIrl‘104rt 1190,011.0r, O Modern FacIlitIes CI french taught from Grade I to 430110 0 Ontario Niloistry-.4 Edu�atlon approved Interested Christian parents CALL • • 10i,J., 10. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Monti 26, 1986 • 11:00 • .. 0 , • 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 00 0 °He fought'his firsk4iittlir (in'theSet)llish-Highlaridg in 1-531i. Hewill f Igh IhIsl; realest I»itht elk the -streets of NeW Sin* City in1988., Wisp ame is Mac ',mid, • He iS immortal. • • • • • •• • • • IN $titt(ag14, NdATNES •'• • '..)10,6•.fwer•criEte-r cgotufiv F9i( 0 0 SLEEPING BEA -TY •„,, R.., • lil ..111 r, 0,4,..w. '• . II "1:00 NIGNItY Amiti9.0 0 ,m, ONLY — 1- ' ' ,':•1,,,i,,,,,,,,,,,,i,, , 140ACCOMPtINilittlti 4° MAliiiNEEE iiiii,10S. 2:00 P.M. .I imiunIkT - , :.-, .7'.".:*7 ”" , ' .,,,:, 40`*****41.'...itiStoi * • 010 allitio4,04,,i0iip to to Ito **to* 00,0 00 . . , .