The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-03-12, Page 5Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 13, 1986 --Page 5 St. Helens Women's Institute invited to local workshops A meeting of St. Helens Women's Institute was held on Thursday, March 6th at 2 p.m. in the Institute Hall. After opening with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect, the roll call was answered by a news item pertaining to education. Minutes of the February meeting were read and adopted and the treasurer's report given. Correspondence included a brochure on the courses offered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food for , 4-H and also for the general public. There were invitations to workshops in Londesboro and Holmesville. Agnes Lyons expressed thanks for cards Busy schedule for Lucknow Kinsmen The Lucknow Kinsmen Club had a very busy schedule the past weekend, On Satutday the popular band Player from London played at the Community Centre. This was a follow up to their November 85 appearance and . Chairman Blair Alton reports that approximately 350 people were im attendance. Monday, the first day of March break, '49 avid skaters participated in the annual Kinsmen - skate -a -thou. Chairman Rod McDonagh reports that the club will net approximately $1500,00, which the club has voted to put towards the Lucknow and District Sports Complex Fund. Lucknow Central Public School won the Lucknow Kinsmen Club Heritage D.ay Contest. Local schools were asked totake'" part in a snow sculpture contest using Canadiana as the theme. Lucknow Cent ral's entrydepicted a man harpooning a whale from his boat: Lucknoiv and.;District Christian Schoo°1s4aced sego d;.. while Kinloss Central"came' if i iird:, Plan are already underway for Kin Summerfest '86 to be held June 20 - 22/86. This • will incorporate both a men's and ladies slow pitch tournament. The club will also be involved with the annual Bike Rodeo at the public school in June, In February the Kinettes, with the help of the Kinsmen, canvassed the village for the Ontario Heart Fund. The Kinettes pre- ared and served a dinner to the residents aof the Senior Citizens apartments -on Feb,. 4. The meal was followed by a few 'hours of cards. Two Kinettes visit Pinecrest Nurs- ing Home each month to take part in a sing -along, play bingo or just to serve ice cream or some other snack to the residents. The Kinette Club helped the Kinsmen club with the Player dance on March 8 and will assist - with Summerfest in June. Preparations are underway for the Annual Spring Fashion show on April 21,.1986. The Kinsmen Club placed first in the Monkton Kinsmen Hockey Tournament and the - Dungannon Snow Pitch Tourna- ment. They are entered in the Durham Kinsmen Broomball Tournament :.in mid- March, as well. Students are generous By Stephanie Levesque Students in Huron County are' generous with their time and money. This was proven at the March session of the Huron County board of education When a list of beneficiaries of. .the student's was presented. ' Seven foster children in far off lands are supported by Huron .County students, Also, they have contributed money and goods to international, ' national and local charities. Some,of these, are the heart fund, tnultiple sclerosis read-a-thon, earthquake relief and African' relief. Locally, they have assisted the Family and Children's•Services .� Christmas` Bateau and the Salvation Army plus many more. , • -We commend these, schools,- students • and staff for theirs support and un lerstan-. ding towards= those; who nee assistance," stated director of educatitrn" obert, Allan sent to Gordon during his recent illness. Norma Raynard will be -able to obtain pictures of the 80th anniversary through Mr. Campbell at Goderich. He took over the photo business of the late Fred Bissett who was the photographer at our anniver- sary. Muriel Moffat advised that the format of the Women's Institute is being revised under a five year program of which we will hear more later. Minutes of Yesteryear for 1959 - 1960 were prepared and read by Elaine Errington. The topic Education and Cultural Affairs was convened by Isabel Gaunt who introduced Fran McQuail as guest speaker. Fran, the librarian at Lucknow Library, explained the library system used in Bruce and Huron counties. Small libraries have access to thousands of books through the system of Regional services which serves the whole Saugeen area. She informed the members about special books such as reference books of all kinds, large print in fiction and non-fiction, multilingual, and magazines. Also, there is audio-visual material, cassettes and tapes, and "talking books. The Lucknow Library has introduced special programs for chi en as well as an adult book club and two-hour films for adults. It was all most informative and Fran also had a large display of books of interest to women. Luba Strutton read an article called Fabric -holism written by one who couldn't resist a bargain in fabrics. Elaine Errington also had a humorous reading which involved the present political leaders and their policies, After closing the meeting a delicious lunch was served by the hostesses Elaine Errington and Lila Rintoul. Afterwards, all took time to see the craft display of knitting and sewing which some of the members had brought. ;;;11.1111 1 _III .sill i11. " 1: 1 s 1, 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 i 1 I 11111. 1 1 1 11 1 11 .1 11,1 If.:: 111'1111�111I11 ' i$ i I 1 1.1 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 l l 1 1! 11 1 1' 1 1 1 111f11.I1,1I�11 •1111 1[, 1111$ 1 11�I1s1 1 I 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 ! I i 1 1 .1 �1 1� � ilk K .1. ! A.1 �:�. �1 1 • 1 1 1 I 1 1" 1 11 14.1. I•' ! ' 1.: i 1 1 , 1 1 1 . ! 1• 1 1. 1 :10 .' ! The Tru -spread ary �ert,Applitator.it, accurate dry .spre6d ng machine ren the, rr�ar�C�� YE • r6gardtes� of the formulation •of fertilizier used! 'AT THOOPSON ,.We'reimproving ,services tv increase• your pro#itr;