The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-02-19, Page 19eative think,. ... ._ By sdonna f andJennlfe r l Grade. .3 an'd 4 in Room 7 have begun an,' Ind ividualized<Reading,Series based upon; a creative thinking progr-arn set up by Mrs,,.. Deb Heslinga.. Thepro rani was resented_ • g . ,lig: � � ...''+* by Mrs, f eslinga, who also: left task cards and novels .for the ,ciass'Rs,, use, This week in Miss' Mathers' Grade 1, the childrenhave :been busy doing Valentine's activities. As 'weii students 'hove, been studying time and discussing the important: - times in their lives. Mrs. D"eb Heslinga visited j00111-•1 twice last week. and. led the classfin, some .',creative writing::activities about snow. The children invented things like snow recipes, snow menus, 'anal snow collages Room 10 is also showingtheyF love books by reading and;a eading. T e roo n is full. of paper hearts each' -with L ythe title : of the book read and:"the,.name ',Child, Who has read it A surprise is calming `;Feb f 8 un honor` of all this reading Public speaking was held i d Feb,: 11 to hear the winner rem eadr Classroom, Winners were en- picked from each division Winners int the primary Division Were: Grade 1;; first, Keith MacKenzie, second Debilyn: Greene; Grade . . firs: Adella. Andrew, ..second Michael Dauphin; Grade 3, tied for first Eric Andrew, _,:Shane. Webster; tied fox"`. second ' Michelle ' MacGillivray, Michael Bakker. , Winners in Junior Division were, Ruth Ann, Bakker, second Linda. Hai third, Dianne "Ross and :Honourable tion :Sarah Dauphin. Winners in the, Intermediate: Divisi •"were, first Jason- Cameron:, s on Karr Bakker, andsthird Waayne Black arsr- en- The lu"dges .for ;':ramary Division were Helen Blake, . Maryto and Don Tremeer The judges for junior; --,and, :iiaternuediate were Jill Clynuck;. Alice Woodward and lace McDowell, . r`, The :ll aom 4 Alphabet Lias had a friend- ip m ix withfriends in Loom 3. For eight days they've shared a ttsic, writing,, math and center activities, talked about friend ship and made new friends tudents ished'', the then, Y, t ne's. Day wit; " s tared. cooktn Maris iweek. The Alphabet aiso se i its partner class uxi that the ,: class. i train• crash -.t ori Most. of peetial onY SFr - treats, part,, was a redo' Grades 5 - the" day. VaIen ctivity. ecual � 'e' 7 Rig ale kw MIS result 410hn Wise's deeisionof D ember 20,,1985 aE 14Edpxo sAlonaLssalsiprhibi ffe d.ve-an 1 1986 ►RM, ;AND IT WAS OPERATIVE, . YOU ALONG. WITH A ,L RECEIVE ,FULL. "DUCT}MUST BE ' c heat wail flli sulate A shoot party was held Feb.. 10'rat Helens Hall There were five tables,;,>H man was ,Hobert Jefferson, second 'xhi Ross Durgi n.. °High ;:lady _was Ruth Aa Durnin; Hirth Shirley: Hunter second "Mas:. lruots ►as a tie between: °°> ` Jefferson and Durninp;:with R. Jefferson winning: Weather., permitting, these card , ,parties are planned' for every two weeks. ng wood cedar:,bash. rec;reatloi i property, reduced reti,, ,fleldstone hilae, eattle; .r. .a�,v e� B� B 0 Ypf Presbyterian Cl urch,;: trig harn attendance President Mrs .Robert Bregman conven- ed the meeting ,at..10:30 a. m with iarayer . .. The: rnoiniung sassion: included a' welcome ' : by Mrs. Huigh -Clugston, minutes and roll 'Call. Rev:Larry' Welch of Rluevale brought' greetings froni,Presbytery and cc ximei ded" the work .being done, He told the meeting'• to- keep in' Mind' thewhole • church wltfeh ;is mission -oriented. }The treasureir *reported; the .group;, as exceeded . the allocation of . $18;650... The suggested allocation.; for 1986 was $19,845. and it was accepted, Mrs. ,Ion' Robertson and Mfg:. Hugh Nugent were thanked, for printing the.`.reports; The theme of :the ,afternoon: session+.was Sharing the Journey and began with a film pres'enta on on, native people - by 'Mrs Robert Arbuckle and Mrs..George Elliott; Brussels. T'he f lit -is°available to' all groups` ' .from yrs, ,..Arbuckle, Ladies.' frorri Teeswater WIMi led in devotions, with scripture read, by Mrs Uiiilliairia'1VZclnnes.`and, inedicationby'Mrs. Johp ,,MacDonald`' who said "Life . is impossible with familyr, friends "' and others:'". Mrs. Clifford Young led in prayer, M Mrs. Paul"M.iils;was pianist;for-the byre s.. The offering was received and was dedicated by,Mr ,. William' Rintoul;. chiirch The.. various secretaries' reports , v accepted. ,,Delegates were palated to =alt Synodical;; annual meeting at. St. Asndrew's Welland . on April 22 23:. Mrs,' bBregniap co iniented ;on the "pres-' identsactivities "'during her three year 'term of office.: Mrs: 'Ted `English presided for the �electionyand inEstalla ion of officers. Evan kith Ilion presideii' :and MaitlandPresbyterial to an: Engliis� vritl 49r Pints (societies),, each 4 1 6, it size but ; each doing its .best C iurtesies were ,given by .l is, Ross Cun ening, and closing . prayer °was given by Mrs. MacLeod, B, a sels.l ffieers tor, f926 ari;z =ho ent ° -Mrs. Ross Gununin, GT± ary pry kiaow; s third vice pres aid, Teeswafer: tl esurcrl Hai Bateman, Iii 1' Winga0. , rhusfd Henry` MacKen zie, Lucknow, and -assist'a'nt" historian) is Jahn Stokes,; RR. 1 i1V'rox- etct Secretariesare recording, i°s, Glen Halderiby, corresponding, i�;+Irs ° Ewan IVlaci ean, AR' 3 bucknow, adult west, Mrs. , ..,i - George George Elliott, -Brussels,. and : youth, and . Children,Mrs., Hugh Nugent,, Ripley Cominittees a e: associate menuhersp', Mrs* Noble Johnston, Lucknow'-friendship'= and service,,' °' Mrs. " Ira . Dickie. Milt :, 1..ucknow; literature, 'Mrs 'W Ilia Creath, Ripley; GIa`d Tidi<nrgs, andBaker, RR 1 Listowel public �� rs Gordon"; • Wall;: Wi'nghain; -Isiipply,'' 'l homas MacDonald; Ill 1 °Hoiyrood einbers without portfolio 'a Mcre Mrs; Bert„. "Thompson,: RR.3`-Teeswater; ; Mrs.' Allan i`V1acDoi gall, R ' Lucknow; : and Mrs. Donald' MacAda2 Winghain given: cards en n° The Lucknow and District ,annual'yValentine Euchre Partr Feb '13 in the..Ro,aI Car adianli g at "8 with 1S"tables "enjoy, cards ,While the committee were' pa ing t Iinich, lean Conle3r, Donalda Mo a ilatoldan wbcli played' some lively music.' High lady. was Jean Whitby and the high:. an Was ,Lloyd MacDougall Thelucky- ally uckyally was Fred Ward; lucky piakc, .Mary►bell. Peddie,`` and the, kicky cup was "Evelyn:` Phillips The birthday prize was won by Aria Frneweiin, whose birthday was on Feb. The 'committee • iia charge, of the euehre bill . icultu were Mme, Wulliar . Campbell, Mrs. holt: M :. 'Vernon'. Hunte Jean on and Mrs Eldon .Brodieys esldence 528 35161 E 1NG A 'PDINTME1 T A AiLABLi: