The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-02-19, Page 7M reh of Dimes collects *2,2 1 To the Editor: The Ontario March of Dimes can help - thanks to your help. To date $2,241.25 has been donated for the 1986 campaign with the breakdown in Lucknow $1,026.94, businesses $625, coin collectors $6.61; in Dungannon $102.70 and rural areas $480. Replies from anyone missed in the villages or from rural residents would still be appreciated. The campaign slogan is Help us break the bonds of disability. The March of Dimes helps disabled people discover their potential and their abilities, enriching their lives in so many ways. Co -chairpersons Bernice Davies and Laura Lee Cayley thank all who gave a donation. Special thanks go to volunteers who carried out the door-to-door canvass: Mary Cranston, Tena Gardner, Jean Con- ley, Sara Ritchie, Jane Treleaven, Norma Weatherhead, Kay Crawford, Kay Collyer, TO ED Joanne Weber, Mildred Cameron, Shirley Bolt, Marg Wilson, Anna MacDougall, Doug Clark, Marie Greer, Lois Farrish, Ella Hackett, Ruth Thompson, Lloyd Moffat, Ross Cumming, Lynne Mann, Sharon Struthers, Mary Cleland, Blanche MacCallum, George Anderson, Glorie Rit- chie, Elizabeth Black, Elaine Steer, Mary Boyle, Margie Lougheed, Ruth Ritchie; in Dungannon Lynda McNee, Penny Hodges and Mary Ann Brindley. Sincerely, Bernice Davies, Laura Lee Cayley. Door prizes, refreshments at Montgomery Motors opening Congratulations to Montgomery Motors as they held their grand opening Friday night and Saturday. Reeve Herb Clark cut the ribbon on Friday night, with a large turnout. Door prizes were to be drawn for and coffee and doughnuts were served, and the first twenty ladies receiving a rose and a mug. Better health to Harvey Webster, who has been a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital for the past two weeks. He was transferred to London on Feb. 17. Congratulations to Merle Elliott, as the Lucknow Agriculture Society presented Merle with an Agricultural Service Dip- loma at their annual supper and meeting held Jan. 21 in the Fellowship Room of the Lucknow United Church. Ruth Bell made the presentation on behalf of the society. Veronica and Don Fraser and family, Robert Purves, Brenda Lippert and Claire Steffler visited Sunday with Pat and Ernie LUCKNOW W by'' rcaf. rt Schlosser Good and girls of Goderich. Congratulations to Maggie Legrand on her winnifig the Lotto 6/49. The Lucknow Kinettes served a bountiful ham dinner to the residents of the Sepoy Apartments. After the meal was consum- ed, a vote of thanks and an appreciation gift was given to the Kinettes. Card games were then played. It was afun night for all. On Sunday morning Deanna Reavie and Mary Lou Priestap brought their Sunday School class to the Sepoy Apartments for a Valentine Service, the theme of which was Love. The class presented Valentines, which they had made, to each resident. Luel®ow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 1986—Page 7 ss Monday night's dio personality By James Friel I walk out the Sentinel door on a Monday night, lock up and walk down a still, foggy, warm street, past the Becker's. 1 hear the last four neon letters in the sign above the shoestore buzzing and, the finishing touch, a dog barking in the distance, I'm trying to think of an idea for a column and deadline is creeping closer by the hour. Monday night is the last chance to write a column. And all 1 can seem to do at this time is wonder what happened to Nina Yanko. Nina Yanko is the CKNX radio per- sonality, as most of you probably know. I hear her Monday nights on the FM channel while I paste up the paper into some semblance of order for your reading enjoyment. The last couple weeks she's not been doing her radio thing at the usual time slot on Monday. 1 think it's been that long - I know I can state without too much waffling that she wasn't on tonight. I guess 1 should state here that I don't know Nina Yanko beyond hearing her on the radio. She wouldn't know me from Adam, though I would bet a dollar that I would know her from Adam. The other thing I know about Nina Yanko came well before 1 knew she was a CKNX employee. I went to the Wingham used book store when I was a cub reporter in Clinton and one of the volumes I saw there had to do with underground culture in Toronto. It was a thick Penguin and I picked it up. I'm interested in fringe elements FRIEL WHEELING but from a safe distance. I'm more a Marlin Perkins than a Jim Fowler. I checked the date of publication because the fringes can get tatty and diffused after a bit of time. I knew then why Nina Yanko got rid of it. For all 1 know, Nina Yanko has wisely taken holidays and jetted to the south for some sun or maybe east for skiing. And finally, the upshot of the whole matter. Whether the CKNX FM channel evening personality has taken holidays or whether she's gone on to greener pastures. I notice that there is lots of music in the evening but not the same personality to the show. I suppose I'm resisting change, I've got a stake in the status quo now. My getting used to the Monday night routine kind of reminds me of a journey I made once. It was during the early morning hours in New Brunswick. 1 had started from Brantford and was driving straight through to Prince Edward Island to live on the island province. At that loneliest time of the night I caught a station out of Maine with a kind of unique mixture of music. It kept me company as 1 drove by Edmunston and Grand Falls until near sunrise when I lost it. But for that especially tiring part of the trip I had company in the form of heavy metal and a Jackson Browne retrospective. Ok. There's a column - now for an editorial. (See opposite page.) ATTENTION! DAIRY PRODUCERS The flexible NEW supplement for on-farm mixing with grain or top -dressing on haylage, silage or high moisture corn Keeps your herd in top condition for top performance Shur•Gain QUOTA MAKER. is a new 40"o dairy supplement that can help you work to your quota with better feed efficiency and perhaps with fewer cows QUOTA MAKER is a very palatable blend of all -vegetable natural protein sources It contains 00 urea Designed for maximum flexibility in feeding, it can be easily top -dressed on haylage, silage or high moisture corn Or, it can be blended on the farm with grain for balancing roughages To ensure top production in your dairy operation. ask for QUOTA MAKER from your Shur -Gain dealer Its your wise choice ATTENTION! BEEF PRODUCERS SHUR'CAIN CHECK OUT OUR COMPLETE LINE OF Beef Supplements 3296- OECP 40% - 2 OECP 4096- Beefmaker 26 ECP 36% - No. 1 & no 2 Steakmaker WE DO COMPLETE RATION BALANCING AND COMPUTER RUNS. WE ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS FEED ADDITIVES including Rumensin and Bovatec HODGES MILLING LTD. DUNGANNON 529-7951