The Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-09-21, Page 2Page •2 - t.uekuow Sentinel. Wednesday. SepteuiberI, 1994 Fielder. resigns from Kinloss council Kinloss Township council will be one member short until the fall election. Councillor Clifford Fielder tendered his resignation at the Sept. 6 meeting, due to' his being relocated by 'his employer. Mark Becker, clerk -treasurer, said it is not mandatory that the vacancy be filled due to the closeness of the municipal election. New fees If you have an old fridge, freezer or air conditioner containing freon, it is going to cost you 525 to deposit it at the Kinloss landfill site. The cost is payable upon delivery. Becker said new legislation by the provincial 'government, effective January 1995, necessitated the move. Scrap dealers will no longer he able to remove units containing Freon, and it will be the respon- siblity of the municipality to have the freon removed. Tax certificates and zoning compliance letter fees will increase to S20 from $ 10. 9-1-1 Councillhas given its support to el moving ahead with the 9-1-1- civic addressing in Bruce County. Coun- cil clarified at the Sept. 6 meeting that reservations were based on unanswered questions • related to costs, administration (one tier or more) and concerns around future costs. - Road work . The municipality will apply for infrastructure funding to do some paving and construction work. Areas affected are 11/4 miles of Range 3 SDR west - $60,000 for paving; '.James and Ella streets, Kinlough - $15,00(1 for paving; and 551,221 for part of construction on the sixth east. All applications arc subject W government approval., Because one road is located along Councillor Wolfe's property, he declared a conflict of interest and did not vote on.the above motion. Rezoning needed John Payne of Sault Ste. Marie outlined tentative plans he has to open a millwright shop if he pur- chases land in the municipality. Payne was seeking permission prior to purchasing. Becker informed council that a letter from the county planner ad- vised that, to conform, a rezoning amendment would have to be ap-. plied for and possibly an official plan amendment obtained. Countil supported the planner's opinion and informed Payne that he will have to make application for the rezoning if .he wishes to proceed. Miscellaneous. The assessment on property of Henry Van Hesch was reduced due tothe removal of a mobile unit. Subject to the building inspector's approval, applications for permits were accepted from Renold Stanley, Fishcrmans Cove, Gloria Symes, Albert Colwell, Noah Brubacher and Paul Maelntyre. One hundred trees will be ordered from Maitland Valley. Conservation for roadside planting in 1995. r Lucknow i11agark�t� NNECIREL L UCKNO W -J 528-3001 We Reserve The Right To Limit Uuantitt'es To Normal Family Requirements WITH THIS COUPON SAVE 50 offs 1 kg Jar ' • • KRAFT. Plain I C H E.EZi WHIZ or Cheese Single Slices 1 kg Pkg Special .Price w/o Coupon 5.49• LOffer Expires Sat Sept. 24/94 499 with this 44643834 • - . ... ....::. PURITAN Selected Varieties 680 glTin I .9 1 I . • coupon J Stews WITH THIS COUPON SAVE .90 off 1 - 400 g Box :1- POST RAISIN BRAN ,Special Price w•o Coupon 1.89 ' Offer Expires Sat Sept 24/94 L • Ir- • QQ '. V V withthiscoupon Nielsen • 44643876 J KNECHTEL P• ure 1 Litre Bottle Apple Juice , / .79 V - .. . BEATRICE - Assorted Varieties... - 500 g Tub500 Yo rt1 gu ■ '49 KNECHTEL 2% g /500 Cottage Or Sour mP Tub • Cheese Cream II 3.9 ADMIRAL . Flake or Chunk 6 5 or Light,.Tuna ■ . KNECHTEL Assorted Pourable 485 ml. Salad Varieties 69 - Dressings gg s CUT FROM CANADA"A"GRADES Beef Loin 11,00 kg T. -Bone or Wing Steaks • NtLT' ••• — MAPLE LEAF "Sweet • Ib Ib 3 95 kg Cottage Rolls Pickled" • MAPLE LEAF Bar -B Oue or Wrse Choice 450 g Regular Wieners . - ' SCHNEIDERS Assorted Varieties Deft Sliced 661100 g Popular Luncheon ' ' • • . 99. Meats PRODUCT OF ONTARIO • White . • Cauliflower PRODUCEPRODUCT OF USA 9Ib .ea 218 kg Granny Apples No 1 GRADE Smith PRODUCT OF ONTARIO CANADA a 1 .3 64 kr) Fresh , Rutabagas, • Ih PRODUCT 51 kg Fresh9 Tangerines OF ARGENTINA ' Ib Cost of meals on wheels increases slightly by Pat Livingston • Higher expenses has.. forced a slight increase in the cost of Meals on Wheels. Ruth Thompson, spokesperson for the Lucknow group, says the cost of food, con- tainers, membership in the Ontario Community Support' Association and part time student wages for kitchen help contributed to the 500 increase. Effective Oct 1, the cost of having a supper time meal delivered will be $4. Although the cost is up, the well-balanced meal is still a great bargain as it includes generous portions of meat, potatoes, vegetables, bread and butter, along with dessert. The hot meals are delivered around 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Bernice Johnstone, another Meals Wheels volunteer,. says, "Most people think of Meals on Wheels as a program for the older citizen. But it can be a great terf►porary help for a new mother coming home from the hospital, for any other person returning from.a stay in the hospital or someone who is ill at home." Miss Thompson said over 40 volunteers are involved in the local Meals on Wheels program which is a non-profit group. More drivers are• needed to help deliver the meals. If you can give 30 to 45 minutes of vnur time daily on a rotating basis, not get involved. ror more . information on receiving the meals, call Ruth Thompson, Bernice Johnstone, Mary Boyle or the kitchen staff at Pinecrest Nursing Home where the meals are prepared. Volunteers can call any of the ladies listed. jobsOntario training extended until 1996 • jobsOntario training, the. provin- cial government's job creation and training program has been extended to Mar. 31, 1996. Paul Klopp, MPP Huron, says he's "convinced its working." Klopp was in the arca last Friday on a campaign :to recruit new employers to the program this fall. • The program has been particularly successful in Huron County. In the Sentinel's readership . area 87 employers have participated in the program, with the placement of 1.80 employees. County wide, 594 jobs were created with funds totalling. $2.7 million. Art Helm, of Helm Welding, is one of those employers. He speaks highly of the program, saying one thing he liked 'about it was the business owner didn't have to do a lot of work to be involved in the program. Klopp spoke highly of the • Huron County team responsible for the administration of the program. jobsOntario . training pays the training costs of employers who hire workers who have been receiving social assistance or whose unemployment insurance benefits have been exhausted. .. Art Helm, of Helm Welding In Lucknow, talks with Huron MPP Paul Klopp who was touring the area last week recruiting new employers to the jobsOntario training program that has been extended to March 1996. Helm is already training several employees under the program. (Pat Livingston photo) Must have agreement • from page 1 In response to A.J. Sherwood's question about having some work done on . the unopened ,road al- lowance between Lots 18 and 19,. Conc. 3, council advised that . to have the road work performed an agreement would • have , t� be reached between himself and the township: Reeve Bob Hallam will act as the township's representative at a meeting on Sept. 28 when other municipal representatives/emergen- cy personnel and telephone com- panies meeting to discuss municipal ' addressing and 9-1'-1. Worked night and day • from page 1 Neville said investigators "worked night and day with no •days off" adding that an investi- gation "becomes very intense" when there is a suspect vehicle. He said he was pleased with - the investigation and that solving the crime "puts everybody's mind at ease in the community that there is no killer running loose." The police investigation con- tinues. substantial - aid in the investigation."