The Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-09-14, Page 13Couple celebrates 60 years by Paul Ciufo The key to staying married for six decades is compromise; said Harry and Mary Lavis, who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Sept. 8. . "You have to co-operate," Harry said. "You hay.e to iron out your dif- ferences. 'There are ups and downs through the years. They don't stay together for 60. years anymore; • these couples don't try," Mary said. Mary was born and raised here and Harry immigrated from England in 1912. The couple's romance began when both were working' on the same farm in this area. Harry worked in the fields and Mary helped the lady of the house make food for the men.- "In en.-"In those days the men did the work, not the tractors," Harry said. They dated for' about five years and had a modest wedding at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church when Mary was 25 and Harry 30. Rev. J. L. Burgess presided. They lived on a farm for 25 years and then moved into town; one son was born to them, Jim Lavis, who lives in Wingham. An open tea reception was held on Sunday at the town hall,for the couple. They proudly dis$layed letters from the Governor General and Prime Minister congratulating them. "It's rare that both are together for the 60th. Usually one is deceased," Mary said. Church hosts two groups •from page 12 Dungannon Church hosts . the Explorer and ;Messenger groups at 7 . p.m. Wednesday evenings with Jan Logtenberg and Dorothy Bere teaching. Elizabeth Irvin and Mary "Garriptt are in charge of C.G.I,T. at 7 p.m. Monday evenings. Sunday School superintendents and teachers at Dungannon are Katherine McNee, Alicia Campbell, . Jan Logtenberg •and Gail Ulch. At Trinity, Superintendent Janet Wilkins has Anne Andrew, Nancy Cameron, Shirley Irvin, Jayne Kimberley cottage ,last week. Colleen Zinn 'and Claudia Baskerville as teaching assistants'. Nile sisters Val Mallough and Fifty years ago, September 9, Karen Shepherd are•in charge of the 1944, Vivian Tiffin became the Sunday' School: Assisting bride of .Wallace Wilson; in a Donnybrook Superintendent `lovely home setting in Wingham. Suzanne Robinson are daughters- They have resided at the Heritage Heather and Patricia, Susan Bieman farm R.R. • >#2 Auburn 'all their and Sheila Armstrong. married life.. Daughter Wanda Nile .Anniversary is on Sunday, entertained the family with dinner September 25, 11 a.m. servie. "at the, Benmiller Inn- on Friday Other pastoral congregations are September 9. -May we also. add our invited to attend. " Coffee and congratulations. doughnuts will be served from Sympathy is extended to the 10:15 until -scrvicejime. Ralph Brodie family in the sudden George•and Doris Cowan (former death of son Thomas in his 46th . Lay -Man) well-known from . the • year on.. August 16, .1994. Brussels land • Chatam area are Memorial service . was held at hosting a 17 day Holy Land Tour, Goderich Kingdom Hall on August Good luck to Lochalsh woman heading.to school in•Windsor February 21 to March 9, 1995. This Biblical Lands Tour Experience features Damascus, Jordan and Israel with an optional extension to Egypt and a cruise on the Nile River. Further information available from church secretary. Visiting Jim and Margaret Errington over Labor Day weekend was her sister. Mary. Ann and Sheldon Martin, New Hamburg and brother Earl 'and • Ruby Dahmer, Cambridge. The Hodges, Penny, Sherry and Tanya visited friends •• at a •31. We would also like to remember the Finnigan families, Hazel Habel passed away August 27, 1994 in her 96th year, a sister of the late Cora Sherwood. Interment took place in Maitland Cemetery on August 31, with Rev. Kathi [Jrbasik-Hindley officiating. Dungannonites are proud of 17 year old Tenille Cranston, who was sponsored by Lucknow Lions Club in an Exchange Program touring Wales. A group of 10 girls, each representing their own country, visited many interesting sites during • their three week sojotim. Judy and Randy Kerr have returned from a motor trip to the West Coast. Eric Wiggins, his wife Lorna and daughter Deanne treated the Kerrs to • a memorable sightseeing weekend, a hilarious. dinner show and. a tasty tour of the largest bakery in Vancouver, where Eric is the plant manager. Eric, a Dungannon native is the son of Amy Wiggins, Seaforttt'and the late Bill Wiggins., As a youth, he was employed at Eedy's Bakery. Vivian Pentland, North Bay, has been. visiting the Pentland families in this area this past week. r Julie MacDonald, daughter' ., of George and Andrea MacDonald of Kincardine, is attending the University of Windsor This year. in Windsor. Good luck Julie.' Kae, James and Cecil Webster, were in Ohio visiting with Sean and Atlee in -Richfield on the- weekend. Tricia was working in -the -office at Kent University all weekend which she attends, we did not see' her. Rebecca • Dadson, daughter of Dave and Liz Dadson of Ingersoll spent. a few days with her grandparents, Charlie and Mayme Wilkins and Gordon and Shirley Dadson of Amberley. Laura Wilkins, daughter of Larry and Janet Wilkins of Ashfield Township, also stayed with Charlie and Mayme to help Mayme , look after Rebecca ..while her parents were on holidays t� the. United States. INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK Visitors on -the weekend with Elmer •and Edna Culbert were Elmer's brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Borden Culbert of Redford, Michigan. The foursome attended the annual Culbert picnic which was held this year at the home of Harvey Culberts. Rod, Lisa and Laura Finlayson of Sarnia visited' for a couple of days 'with, Dorothy Finlayson. Gordon, Nora and Glenn Robb attended a family picnic in Chesley last Sunday. On Sunday, Charlie and Mayme Wilkins hosted the annual W ilkins- H ola 401 HYBRID CANOLA A new le!'e! of . performance' for c'ntario CUnOla gro vers. ig ZENECA Canola Information Meeting Monday September 19'/94 Ripley Legion Hall 7:30 PM -8:30 PM Guest Speakers Door Prizes CO.OP Sponsored by LUCKNOW DISTRICT COOPERATIVE LUCKNOW RIPLEY R.S.V.P. Noon Sept. 19/94 Friar reunion. There were 71 people present.. • On Saturday, Kae, James and Cecil Webster were in Kincardine, where they attended a family dinner at the Governor's Inn in honor of Garry and Joanne Johnston of Kelowna, British Columbia,. who were home on holidays. •There were approximately 40 people there. Visiting with Dorothy Finlay.son was Barbara Rogerson of Toronto, Duncan and Laura Finlayson and children of Port Elgin, Jeanie Finlayson of Teeswater and Carol Finlayson, her husband John Balch and children, Alexander, Nicholas and Elias. Gordon and Nora Robb have had two of their grandchildren, Heather and Mark of Paisley stay with then • Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 14. 1994 -Page 13 BOWLERS NEEDED To fill Leagues for the upcoming 1994-95 Season (Sept. -April) 2:00 PM - Monday Afternoon (Ripley) 8:00 PM - Monday Night Mixed 7:00 PM - Tuesday Mixed Non -Smoking 2:00 PM - Wednesday Mixed (All Ages) 8:00 PM - Wednesday Night Mixed 8:00 PM - Thursday Night Ladies New Bowlers, experienced or not. are always • welcome, regular and spare bowlers are needed Give us a call, or drop by... LUCKNOW BOWL ' & GAME CENTRE 7 I 0 498 Campbell St. LUCKNOW 528-3437 Licensed under LL. B 0 •"KEEP FIT - BOWL A BIT" • THIS SEMINAR IS FOR TOPICS INCLUDE.... 1. TRAVEL HEALTH INSURANCE 2. INCOME TAX SAVINGS 3. ESTATES, TRUSTS, PROBATE FEES, WILLS & POWERS OF ATTORNEY GUEST SPEAKERS.... 1. Robin W. Ingle.:. President of John Ingle Travel Insurance of Toronto 2. Bryan G. Allendorf... Tax Specialist with Deloitte cyst Touche of London 3. J. David Fischer . E3tate Lawyer with Lerner & Associates of London I. GENE DONOHUE. MASTER OF CEREMONIES WHEN... WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1994 at 7pm WHERE... Knights of Columbus Centre, • 390 Parsons Court, Goderich, Ontario Tum south opposite the Beer Store on Huron Rd. to Suncoest Ortve, and take the first eery. Spyns"t l_'d Ov Reheshrnwnts e,vett INVI STMENTS 1JL' Court Hcuse Square. Guderrch, Oniony c air 524-2773 or 1-800-265-5503 $10 A Note From Home Pick Up Your Home Hardware Catalogue And Save $10.°°, on Beauti-Tone Paint Dear Homeowner: It's time to pickup your new Herne Hardware catalogue. Bring this card with you, we'll give you $1(). off*'a purchase of a 4- litre can of Reauti-Tone or Super . Peauti-Tone paint. But hurry, quantities. are limited. LUCKNOW Home Hardware LUCKNOW 528-3008, AEI )1k1 .utv .td\crtru•t.l di icumt, un liv.nnrlintc ur tiuppt.•r Bt.:Ati- oiii t $10