The Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-06-22, Page 11Luc•know Sentinel, Wednesday, .June 22. 1994 - Page 11 Local Habit for Humanity Local woman presents petition accepts applications against infiltration of `killer cards' Habitat for Humanity is now accepting preliminary applications for houses, which will be used to determine the needs for housing and how best these needs may be met. Habitat for 'Humanity is a non- profit, non-government organization dedicated to the elimination 'of poverty housing, ' believing that everyone should at least have a simple, decent place in which to live. Habitat solicits donations of labour, building materials and money, using these to build affordable homes for families in need. Habitat is a joint venture, in which, thosebenefiting from it participate in the work. As a condi- tion of being selected for a home, each family must invest a minimum of 500 hours of "sweat equity" in the construction of their home or other Habitat houses. This reduces the cost, increases pride of owner- ship ' and also creates opportunities to learn new skills. Families arc required to pay for their homes by way of an INTER- EST FREE mortgage of up to 20 years. These payments are then returned to a revolving fund which is then used to build more homes for more qualifying families. . For further information about how you may qualify for a Habitat home, or how you may help others to acquire decent housing, please write to Habitat for Humanity Huron County, c/o Gordon Kurtz, P.O. Box 417, Bayfield, Ont. NOM IGO or fax Dianne at 565-2899 during office hours or phone Dianne at 565-2889 or 2513 (eve), Gordon 565-2645 or Conrad 482- 9724. Information leaflets and applica- tion forms may be picked up at these locations, any branch of Huron County Library, office of MPP Paul Klopp in Clinton, most Huron County Churches. New welcome centre for Goderich gets,. the axe A regional .welcome centre over- looking the Maitland River in Goderich was axed by that town's council last week. Tourism promoters throughout the county were willing to commit $11,600 "in true regional spiritualism" to the project, Tourist Committee member Napier Simpson said But council : was hesitant to gamble that the remaining money' could "be raised to compensate for a cancelled federal program that would have given $50,000 to the project. Goderich's Commissioner -of Works was negotiating with the federal government to apply various work program for unemployed to the project - contribute the equivalent to ;about $25,000 in labour. '• 1 The project was expected to cost 1 $212,000. Coun. Rick Magic said, "Really what we're talking about is not a tourism information centre for Goderich, but one that really is for the region. And then, it's really the Huron Tourism Association that we're dealing with. "If that's the case, why, arc we even debating it around this table. Why doesn't the Huron Tourism Association themselves go directly for the funding, ask• the Town of Goderich for. a $50,000 contribution, which we would make to them. And then let them staff it. " Let them rhanage it. "We could then be the ones to withhold the funding at the last minute instead of always being at the receiving end of the stick." ' Council was also uneasy with the' location picked for the welcome centre at the north end Of town. I 'his week's! Feature: Magnolias -Various Sizes & Prices. Bakeri Blue Spruce Fruit Trees Forsyth' /ia & Lilacs Oc u of ' l RR 2, Lucknow 529-7247 Mon-Sat18-(5 Closed Sunday MEMORIAL DESIGNING our specialty... gkelton TemoriaIs Est. since 1903 3 Durham St., Walkerton • • Large Display of monuments & markers For ernore informal iora call, Sara or Grant 881-0234 LAM II FIZT Psychopathic killers make lousy "positive role model heroes", says a Huron County child rights advocate. And Debbie Selkirk wants as- surances from the federal government ..that collector cards listing profiles of infamous killers never hit the Canadian market. Th.e cards have been available in the U.S. since last May and a few have legally trickled across the border. "Trading cards arc supposed to .portray positive role model heroes, not killers," Selkirk said. She is past -president and director of the Huron County Community Child Abuse Co-ordinating Committee. A petition listing 800 names was presented by Selkirk on behalf of the. committee to Huron -Bruce MP Paul Steckle. It calls for tightening of the Customs Tariff's clause that deals with importing obscene material. "Obscene" is defined in the Criminal Code, but does not deal with violence in a non -sexual context. "We're involved with child abuse prevention. We feel this is an issue where children are affected," she said. If the cards are marketed in Canada, children will he able to collect cards detailing Jeffrey Dah- mer's cannibalism and Charles,Ng's alleged killing spree. Eclipse Enterprises of Hollywood is con- sidering adding a card on Paul. Bernardo and Karla Homolka. "They're here lin Canada) al- ready," Steckle said. "And they're here in some pretty big numbers." The Burlington Post estimated 15 per cent of the cards issued by July, 1993 at that time were purchased in Canada. She added there is also a risk that young children will see the names of brothers and sisters who were victims of violent crimes listed on the backs of Ihrst' Cards In fact, mother of .slain Burlington teenager Leslie Mahally has leen petitioning the government for the past two years to pass legislation to keep the cards out of Canada. Eclipse Enterprises boasts in promotional material. that it "offers 100 lurid, tantalizing 'and sen- sationalistic" cards entitled True Crime. Series One features 55 serial killers and mass murderers. Series Two "shines the' light on 55 gangsters and hoodlums - and the G -Men who brought them to jus- tice," Steckle will present the petition in the House of Commons this week,, where various other petitions and addresses on the subject from all parties have already been presented: "It's a human issue, but should not even be an issue. It should not be allowed," Steckle said. He will support the petition when it 'is presented, The new Huron -Perth District Health Council has formed. Its members were announced by Ontario Minister of Health, Ruth Grier, at the Seaforth Legion on June 10. It Is the 33rd and final' council to form. Its members are: Rev. Peter Baldwin, Goderich; Deborah Campbell, Exeter; Brenda McIntosh, Seaforth; Joyce Scotchmer, Bayfield; Diane Aitken, Clinton; Linda Knight, Belgrave; Dr. Ken Rodney, Seaforth; Debbie Selkirk, Lucknow; Warden Allan Gibson, Lucknovr; Dave Gower, Goderich; Howard Culligan, Mitchell; Janet Hook, Stratford; Anita Looby, Dublin; George Ryley, Stratford; Donna Clark, Listowel; Terry Fadelle, St. Mary's; Judy Kipfer, Milverton; and Jeff Wilbee, Stratford -Chair, Huron -Perth DHC. (David Scott photo) DON'T MISS QUALITY MANUFACTURED HOMES' OPEN HOUSE with FACTORY TOURS IN PERSON • SATURDAY, JUNE 25"' 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Be sure to visit Quality Homes' model home court and plant just south of Mount Forest this Saturday. You can check out our beautiful model horses, and see how our top-quality, customs -designed homes are built completely indoors. And, you can see hockey superstar Wendel Clark. Captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs! (' •s me autogr.>ph opportufttics avatl,ihlc nn41 strictly Itmuctl hurt" ) Free plant tours from 11 am to 3 pm Four model homes open for viewing daily. 8 km South of Mount Forest on Hwy. 6. Call 1-800-265-2648 for details. IJALITY M A NUF A CT UR E D LTD.