The Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-06-15, Page 2y Page 2 — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 15, 1994 Council will not commit its financial support *from page 1 stated, "Facing reality, someone has to take the garbage. Our own site could be closed in 10 years. I'd 'be more opposed if it was Toronto's .garbage." "How do you know we won't get Toronto's garbage?" was the quick retort from one of the group. Elliott was piqued with the group for not being informed personally of the May 27 meeting. "You. come here tonight asking for sup- port, and I didn't even hear about the, meeting that Friday until I read about it in the paper the next week." Bev Grierson told council the meeting had been advertised on CKNX and was included in . the Dungannon column in the Sentinel, and that Hallam knew about it. Elliott replied that because the reeve knew about it didn't mean the whole council did. "It wouldn't have been hard to call the council- lors." ouncil- lors. " Grierson tried to placate Elliott by • saying that the meeting was an organizational one to find out if a coalition group would have the support of the community. Council , verbally agreed to give ' support to the coalition group through access to township records, and assistance with obtaining infor- mation they may need from county and provincial bodies. Minutes from •the meeting read, "No motion of council to indicate its position on the question was put forward at this time." No commitment was given to the request for financial support. "We have -to look at what the long-term implications could be if we (provide financial support to this' group," said Foster. The coalition group has desig- nated specific areas of impact to be examined by individuals who will report at the group's next meeting on June 24, 8 p.m. at St. Augustine Church. OMB hearing switched to pre -conference by Pat Livingston KINLOSS TOWNSHIP - What was supposed to be a full On- tario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing on Aug. 3, regarding the proposed rezoning of property by Donegan Haulage, will now be a pre -conference hearing. Mark Becker, clerk of Kinloss Township, says the hearing will discuss the issues and also try to resolve some of the concerns. Donegan's 1991 application to have 15 hectares at Lot 16, Con. 5, rezoned from Al (agriculture) to M2 (extractive industrial) was turned down by council: Subsequent to Donegan's ap- peal to the OMB, a mediation meeting was held on Aug. 4, 1993, to see if some resolution could be arrived at prior to the expense of a full board meeting. The appointed mediator recom- mended to the OMB chair that a full hearing be scheduled. • A hearing date set for Dec. 3, 1993 was subsequently postponed when the applicant, Donegan Haulage, cited a lack of time given him. by the OMB to send out the required notices, which are to be in the hands of any effected parties 50 days prior to the hearing date. This most recent change in the hearing comes about at the re- quest of the township solicitor and the Ministry of Natural Resources who want both Donegan's applications for rezoning and a pit license dealt with at the same time. To date, Becker says the applicant has not provided all of the reports re- quested' by the Ministry of Natural Resources. Lucknow illa� m! arkct LUCKNOW -..� 528-3001 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities To Normal Family Requirements BEATRICE ' • Assorted Varieties 175 g Cup Fruit Bottom • Yogurt MINUTE MAID Selected Varieties. • Frozen 6 x 355 ml Tm Lemonade. or Punches ■ 9 HEINZ 750 ml Squeeze Bdttle Plus 250 ml Bonus Ketchup ,LIBBY'S i• Assorted Varieties 14 oz Tin Beans 2 or. Pasta 1.. SUCCESS tO oz Tn Mandarin Oranges .99 rWITH THIS COUPON SAVE 1 00 off 1 700gBox KELLOGG'S Rice Krispies Special Price w/o Coupon 3.99 Offer Expires Sat. June 18/94 L r, with this coupon. • 71417699 J KNECHTEL • 2 litre. Bottle t 1 Ib. Tub FRUITE Drinks Margarine or Rougemont Apple Juice CurItom Canada 'A" Grade Beef Hip (Eye Removed) 5.05 kg Outside Round . ' Steak Roast 29b- , SWIFT Premium 450 g,Pkg Weiners1. KNECHTEL 33% Salt Reduced or Whole, Half or Mini 8.80 kg Black Forest Ham KNECHTEL Pepperoni, S m er. or Salami C 99b. SausageILLMOMMII ■ PRODUCT OF U S A No 1 Grade Fresh Cantaloupes ■ ea PRODUCT OF ONTARIO English Cucumber Ib ea PRODUCT OF u S A Sunkist Size 138s Valencia Oranges doz PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Fresh Romaine Lettuce ea. Tests proceed *from page 1 testing have been signed with about one third of the site awners, most in the Ashfield locations (which includes three farms owned by County Warden Allan J. Gibson). Testing will proceed on those properties to see if they have problems which would eliminate them from further consideration, Metzger said. John Doherty, reeve of Goderich, asked what happened if other lan- downers refuse to sign agreements allowing their properties to be examined. Metzger said that under the system set up to meet environ- mental hearing standards, no property can be eliminated from consideration unless it has been inspected and found to be ineligible for environmental or other reasons. "At some point we have to compare all the properties. It will be up to council to decide what action to take (if property owners refuse access)" At last month's meeting he had indicated the county can expropriate access to the properties if landowners refuse to sign agreements. Lucknow residents on District Health Council by David Scott • • SEAFORTH-Ontario's Minister of Health, Ruth Grier, announced the • names of 20 new members of the Huron -Perth District Health Council (DHC) to a full -house at the Seaforth Legion on Friday after- noon. The Huron -Perth DHC is the 33rd and final DHC to be formed in the province. Ken Whiteford, Chair of the Association of DHC's for Ontario, introduced the Honorable Ruth. Grier. After Grier's • remarks, presentations were made to. the 20 new members. • Ten members, representing don- sumers and providers of health care and local government, were chosen from both Huron and Perth. The Huron members are as fol- lows: Consumers -Rev. Peter Baldwin, . Goderich; Deborah Campbell, Exeter; Brenda McIn- tosh, Seaforth; Joyce Scotchmer, Bayfield. Providers -Diane Aitken, Clinton; Linda Knight, Belgrave; Dr.en Rodney, Seaforth; Debbie.. Selkirk, Lucknow. Local Government -Warden Allan Gibson, •Lucknow; Dave Gower, Goderich. There were welcoming remarks from both Paul Klopp, MPP from Huron, and Karen Haslam, MPP from Perth.. Closing remarks were heard by Jeff Wilbee, Chair of the new Huron -Perth DHC. The announcement marked the culmination of about 18 months _ work by the Huron and Perth DHC Steering Committees, chaired by Paul Carroll and Jeff Wilbee, respectively. The 20 members were chosen from 35 viable applicants from Huron and 54 from Perth. 1 The first DHC •was formed 20. years ago in 1974 in Ottawa: "The DHC has proven to' be an effective model forhealth care planning," said Ruth Grier, Minister of Health, • in her remarks. "You get your own district health council and that's a body that will take the lead in your local health planning, making sure that you, the resident of Huron and Perth, get the most out of the health system in terms of care, in term of efficiency and in terms of cost effectivedess," Grier said, ounty preparing for JK 1 Junior Kindergarten Parents of students enrolling in the Bruce County Board of Education's four junior kindergarten pilot projects have been attending information meetings over the last two weeks. Teachers' have met with a consul- tant and visited so-called `early years' classrooms in London . for I I junior and senior kindergarten, trustees were told. • Educational issues chair Jennifer Yenssen said the sessions "debunked a lot of myths" and answered a number of teachers' concems about the new programs. Junior Kindergarten pilot projects' begin in 'September, depending on sufficient, enrollment. So far, registration numbers are incomplete. Rezoning plans shown *from page 1 Road superintendent Henry Clark informed council he had an inquiry from a company wishing to retnove tires from the landfill site, at' a cost to the township of $1.65 per car tire, with escalating prices for larger .tires. Council agreed they are not 'interested in removing the tires at this time for that price. Clark will attend a meeting of a new Public. Alert program under the jurisdiction of the Solicitor General's office. Members of a group opposing the rezoning application of Donegan Haulage attended the meeting to discuss the OMB hearing, that is ed to a now changed pre -conference hearing. Allen j and Rick McArthur presented to council their plans for a proposed rezoning to allow a golf course at their property along Bruce County Road 1. They also requested the widening of the 14th Con. Council informed the McArthurs they would take their request into consideration when they update the long range construction program. The municipality will not be sending in infrastructure funding applications until it is known whether there will be funding for The new Phase II of the arena complex from jobsOntario. Ratepayers are asked to note that council's next meeting is changed to June 23 at 7:30P .m.