The Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-06-08, Page 7Canuck fans are loyal To be a true blue Vancouver Canuck fanis to know Dennis Kearns. It's to have watched pain- fully as Gil Perreault, Rick Vaive and Cam Neely starred, for other teams and to have waited patiently for Rick 'Blight to score 50 goals. It's to have cheered wildly for Per- Olav Brasar and hoped Bob Manno could move the puck like Bobby Orr. For Canucklehead lifers, then, this spring marks the end of another sentence but it's no more or less exciting than the last release when the West Coast went wild, for the terrific team of '82. The team that went to the final 12 years ago was, of course, completely different. It had Lars Molin, not Pavel Bure, and was dressed for Halloween (bad uniforms), not hockey. But most of all, it had no businesseing in the final while the '94 team was built especially for it. The '82 Canucks were under .500 overachievers who couldn't win on the road. They were a curious mix of backgrounds and bodies (see Richard Brodeur), not big, fast or particularly talented, just a group of journeymen from several countries Who seized the opportunity for their moment in the sun. , 1 In A Park Somewhere By Those Canucks didn't have to upset any powerhouses in the playoffs, either. Los Angeles looked after Edmonton and Chicago beat out Minnesota so Vancouver didn't meet a team with - more regular - season points until it got to the final and lost only two games getting there. With Tiger Williams and Curt Fraser stuck to Lanny McDonald like velcro, the Canucks frustrated the Flames and dispatched them in three straight. They knocked off L.A. in five when defenceman Colin Campbell had his first two - goal game since peewee hockey, then whaled on Chicago thanks to the physical. presence of hard rocks like Ron Delorne. There was a differenthero every night and had to be. No player was capable of carrying the team alone. Against the Islanders in the final, the Canucks were clearly over. - matched. Still, through sheer deter- mination, they skated and scored with New York in Game 1. But when Harold Snepsts coughed up the puck to Mike Bossy in over- time, the game and, for the most part the series, was over. Mosquito record: 2 and. 2 The Mosquito baseball team has victory. In the fourth inning,' with split their first four games; two • Lucknow leading 5 to 4, Lucknow's wins and twolosses. offence scored 15 runs to roll to a Goderich # 1 defeated the team in their first game of the season by a score of 21 to 5. In ' the return game, Lucknow now over their first game jitters, scored a 14 to 8 vic- tory over Goderich # 1: The third'gameof the season was against Listowel and the home team walked away with a one-sided BOWING Monday Night Summer League H.S. and H.T. as of May 30: Martin LeBreton 314, Ron Cassidy 773; Marion Jones 219, Wendy Ritchie 575. Games over 200: Larry Villeneue 219,266, Martin LeBreton 264, 230, Bill Nilkele 235, Emerson Howald 243, 227, Ron Cassidy 288, 252, 233, Harold Elliott 215, Eric Hal- denby 220, Eric Taylor 298, 235, 219, Paul Beese 319, 270, 280. Team standings: Tryhards 16, Pen. Busters 14, Road Kill 12, 'Bush- wackers 10, Mighty Canucks 7, The Blues 4. LUCKNOW & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB Dabber Bingo Lucknow Community Centre Sunday, June 12/94 $1000. Winner Ernie Cook Wingham Community Centre opens at 6:30 p.m. Bingo starts at 7:15 p.m. 20 to 8 victory. Lucknow played Dashwood on June 4 and was defeated 11 to 3, dropping their record to two and two. Dashwood scored six '.runs in the third ' to break . the game open and collect the win, improving their JJm Negligee. Sportscaster The Sports Network The team, especially Snepsts, was devastated by the loss and took some loosening um for Game 2. At practice the next day, Tiger Wil- liams skated through centre banging his stick and screaming at Snepsts, "Harry, up the middle." The ice was broken, the team was back together but the series was lost. Not because of a bad pass but because the Islanders were a better team. Those '82 Canucks represented' the first 12 years of a franchise that changed direction more often than uniforms. Today's team reflects a stability found only in recent years and a generation of fans and players who actually grew up with the team. Cliff Ronning is the first player to admit he always wanted to play in Vancouver. And he meant hockey, too! • They're different teams a dozen years apart but identical ' in what they mean to those loyal to them. If there's a championship parade, in Vancouver, every true Canuck fan will take a moment to remember Thomas Gradin and Ivan Boldirev, even if they're still trying to forget how they were dressed. record to four and one. Two seniors receive awards Two men from Listowel and Bluevale were among 20 seniors who ' received Ontario • Senior Achievement Awards yesterday (June 7) during a special presen- tation at the Legislative building at Queen's Park. John Vernon Fischer, of Bluevale and Cliff Allison, . of Listowel were honored for being outstanding seniors who, after age 65, have made significant contributions to their com- munities, • .)/;//vy 7/;///;ry -%,,,,,,e,:;,,.y JUNE 7, 1994 BILL & BARB HAYDEN Don't miss this festival The village of Blyth is gearing up for its 5th annual Rutabaga Festival June 24 to 26. This year's event boasts family entertainment and variety. Or- ganizers Mildred Ament and Brenda Burkholder say it promises to be a full weekend of activity to delight and amuse people of all ages. Events include a car rally, early bird sale and buskers' festival, dance and a parade including marching bands,. Shriners, the Canadettes and many local entries. For more information on this fun -filled weekend, call. Brenda at 523-9541 or Michelle at 523- 9751, evenings. rte. ,11.6t A New Spirit of Giving Guess Who's 40? • The Butcher! (John Kranenburg June 10) From your family, friends and neighbours L Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 8, 1994 —Page 7 ri. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 7 & 9 pm Sun. Mat. une 10 16 Sun. - Thurs. 8•pm 2 pm LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-100-255-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO .NIMII•M11111111111111••111•111•11111•MIll •• A T E C THEATRE KINCARDINE 396-3250 JUNE 10, 11 at 7 & 9 p.m. -- JUNE 12 to 16 at 8 p.m. IN FOR THE RIDE OF HIS LIFE. 13IEV1=1RI Y I -I I LIS A PARAMOUNT C OMMUNICATIONS11,16 COPYR111111 1994 BY PARAMOUNI MIMS AllAIGIIIS COMPANY ;,' �� ALL EATS 3.50 MON. TO THUR . THEATRE SEATS FOR SALE Call Theatre and ask for Mark LUCKNOW & DISTRICT KINSMEN PRESENT t2oT11ANN1/AL SIJMMERFEST SLO PITCHTOURNAMENT June 13-19; 1994 AND TWO GREAT DANCES AT THE LUCKNOW ARENA YR0 �D nW S00'97 DESPERADO. A band after the Eagles own heart WHITEHORSE A Classical Rock Band to get you dancing Tickets FRIDAY JUNE 17 $ 5.00 ,LUNCH AVAILABLE MUST BE AGE OF MAJORITY The Kinsmen are pleased to present The Good Brothers Tickets SATURDAY JUNE 18 $ 1 0 00 LUNCH AVAILABLE . MUST BE AGE OF MAJORITY Tickets Available at Image Impact in Lucknow or from any Lucknow Kinsmen or Kinette. WARNING: PLEASE NOTE THAT TICKETS TO THESE DANCES ARE LIMITED ANE WE•CANNOT GUARANTEE TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR