The Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-06-01, Page 20Page 20 — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 1, 1994 ti Lucknow Junior Women's Institute 20 year celebrations The Lucknow Junior Women's Institute celebrated its 20th anniver- sary on May 21' at the Lucknow Town Hall. The evening started with a delicious meal for present and charter members, past presidents and special guests. 1t was catered by the Lucknow Senior Women's Institute. Guests included: Jean Whitby who was instrumental in the for- mation of the group 20 years ago; the speaker for the evening, Ruth Alton and Terry Ricd; provincial PRO and Susan Pevoy. After the meal, the program began with president Sharon Nivins wel- coming all attending this special evening. Susan Pevoy, the provincial president of J WJO congratulated the group on its anniversary and en- couraged members to become active at the provincial level. Cecilia Miltenburg gave a history of the club. Many activities have continued sincethe club's begin- ning such as making quilts for fire. victims, the Senior's Christmas Party, annual' pot. luck supper, Secret Pal gift exchange and fund- raising for various community projects. Throughout the years, members have learned about reflexology, RRSP's,..landscaping and many different crafts. Sharon Nivins introduced the guest speaker, Ruth Alton, who spoke on her recent trip to Japan. The group came to appreciate the size and cost of property in Canada as a four foot by eight foot piece of land in Japan costs $100,000. Audrey Ritchie thanked Ruth for sharing her i experiences with The Lucknow Junior Women's Institute celebrated Its 20th anniversary last week. On hand for the occasion were these charter members. Back row, left to right, Nancy Brown, Mary Nelson, Elizabeth Irvin, Ruth Ritchie. Front row, from the left., Deanna Reavie, Nancy Aitchison and Nancy Ebel. (Pat Livingston photo) 11 Past presidents attended the 20th anniversary of the Lucknow Junior Women's Institute recently included, back row, left to NW: Nancy Brown, Mary Nelson, Pat Porter, Donna Arnold. Front row, from the lett, Deanna Reavie, Nancy Aitchison, Elizabeth Irvin, and Sharon Nivins. (Pat Livingston phdto) everyone. The evening closed with a social time and the serving of cake and punch. . Charter members who were ab- sent, for photos from the event were: June Alton, Joy Emberlin, Beth Hallam, Coralyn Henderson, Cathy Jamieson, Gail Pritchard,. Marg Stanley, Gail Cranston, Bren- da Grubb, Barb Hawthorne, Sandra' Henderson, Stacey Purney, Mar- guerite Sanderson, Elaine Whitby and Joan Livingston. Absent past presidents were: June Alton, Shirley Colwell and Sherry Alton. Purple Grovers were on wagon train 1 train group. They also enjoyed celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Amelda and Leo Murray of Holyrood. Visiting with June and Earl Elliott on the holiday weekend were Shari abd Ian Elliott of Bracebridge, Janice, Stephen and Lynn Elliott of i Blind River. Also on the long weekend Maureen and Roy Collins and family hosted a family shower for Maureen's nephew and his bride to be. Alma and Don Gillies visited with their daughter Valarie and Dave Gibson of London just prior to the long weekend. Joyce and John Farrell returned home from their annual sheering trip to Manitoulin Island. While there they visited with Ella Baker of Gore Bay. by Mary Anne Kukoly Purple Grove Correspondent Did everyone say Hip Hip Hooray for the lovely sunny warm weather on the holiday weekend? I sure hope so. It was a great weekend for those who were seeding, those who were suntanning (I know some burnt) and for the auction sales in 'the area. Many from our area were seen at the auction for the late Fred Ed- wards. The weather wasn't so hot for the auction sale of Edburt Bushell but again there was a good crowd of bidders and buyers. I know too there was plenty of visiting going on and renewing of acquaintances. Shirley and doug MacDonald, Stefani, Megan and. Krysten Walker, Judy and Bob Thompson enjoyed their time with the wagon r Gladys Arnold, Anne and Don McCosh and. Mary Anne. Kukoly attended the Orr family reunion near Arthur on Sunday. Congratulations to the Kincardine Community Singers for another excellent concert. The John . Farrell young ladies hostessed the Chalmers Church youth, group last Wednesday. evening. June and Earl Elliott visited with Linten Sillier of Teeswater during the week. Marion Gamble had Sunday sup- per with Alice and Allan Gamble. She also visited with Mrs. Glenda Schoeble who spent the weekend with her parents. Tillie Gamble, Stephen and Michele visited with her parents the Mackies of Holyrood. 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Auditors;' and for the transaction of such other things as may properly come before, the meeting, Copies of the Annual Report and.Hospital Financial Statements may be obtained at the front desk of the Wingham and District Hospital effective June 13, 1994 and at the'Annuai Meeting. • Memberships granting voting, privileges may be purchased al the front desk of the hospital for .five dollars (55.00): prior to five o'clock ' p.m., Monday, June 13, 1994: No membership sold, after that tirne. on that date, will 'entitle the purchaser to a vote. -Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this.sixth day of May, 1994. By order of, the Board of Governors. • L..Koch, Secretary BRIAN W. 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