The Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-05-04, Page 14Page 14 - Luekuow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 4, 1994 Bank of Montreal Lucknow - Listowel-.Wingham would like to announce the safe arrival of "ABBY" our automated banking machine. She will be a welcome addition to our staff, so won't you please come and welcome her on May 901, 1994. But don't forget your card. Coffee's on us! AMMI III/IM111 Shop for Mother's Day for a chance to win $100.00 Gift Certificate! * 25% Off Coats * $1.5.00 Off Denim ! ;! * $10.00 Off Blouses and Slacks I * Louben, Sigrid, Olsen, Marisa Christina and Howard Wolf Now $20.00 Of/! • $10.00 Off Prom Dresses * $5.00 Off Al! Bras, Panties and Shorts * 20% Off Maternity Wear* KISSES 1111111111 FASHIONS 220 t>urhasts bl INA LKF.RTO J 881-3090 Mother's X ,1 x ,1 Buy any fragrance and receive a "FREE" Mother's Day Card Cover Girl Lipstick 3.49 Cover Girl Mascara 2.99 Daisy Plus Razors 1'o's 3.39 Gold Seal Red Salmon 1 .99. Nestle Pudding Cups, 4x42q 1 .69 Welchade Grape Drink Boxes 3 x 250 mi ...99 Quaker Granola Bars 1 .79 Nescafe Cappuccino 4.39 Paper Towels, 2 roll pk. ■ 69 Specials in effect May 4th - May 14th or while quantities last. • FAJtnbach Pharmacy LUCKNOW 528-3004 slvlc )ovic 311 It 31111( '/w$ 3/111( 311Nc 31111 3/111( 31 11c slvlc 30%of 31111 of 3/%11( 31111( 'ow X X X X Y XX 5< >5 5< XX x XX X Olive is home from the hospital We welcome Olive Chisholm home from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Apr. 25, following surgery. Congratulations to Wilfred and Marian Austin on the arrival of 'a new grandson, born to John Paul and Cindy (Brindley) Austin. Chad Ryan arrived on Apr. 30 at the .Alexandra Marine ,and General Hospital, Goderich. He is a wee brother for Megan. A good crowd attended 'the general meeting of the Huron Bruce Branch Canadian Diabetes As- sociation, held at the Wingham and District Hospital, on. Apr 26. In the absence °of the president., Teresa Courtney, past president, chaired the meeting. ' Treasurer Joan Cane reported that the branch had toppled its 1993 annual appeal goal of $26,000. Special thanks was given to all who „helped reach this goal. Special speakers were Lorraine Devereaux, of Seaforth, who spoke on "How to increase your personal power" and Thea Trick, of Clinton, who spoke on "Diabetes and foot care. Branch coordinator Val •Clarke told how more help is needed on the executive and in what direction the branch is headed. If you can help please call. Congratulations to the following children who were baptized during Mass in Kingsbridge on Sunday: Alexander McDonald, son of Peter and Laura; Michael Rawlings,son of Sean and Melissa; and Elizabeth Miltenburg, daughter of Ben and Jayne. Eric and Anna Courtney and daughter Sarah, of Burlington, visited at the home of his parents; Joe and Teresa Courtney on the weekend. Along with Gary and Chris Courtney and family, ` of Blyth, ' they attended birthday celebrations for little three-year-old Brett Courtney at the farm home of Brian and Jeannette Courtney, Ryan and Dale. The Courtney and Battye families enjoyed a Sunday brunch at the home of Gary and Chris (Battye) Courtney on Sunday, honoring all the mothers present and for Brett's third birthday. 1 "Happy Mother's Day" to all our readers. Hazel Webster, whose 91st DUNGANNON birthday occurred Apr. 27, was honored by Dungannon/Nile UCW, when 25 ladies and gents gathered in the common room of Maitland Manor Health Care Centre, Goderich on Apr: 26. Convening the songs of praise program was Margaret Errington, with musical accompaniment by Elmira Finnigan. Serve the Lord with Gladness and make a Joyful Sound was narrated from Psalm 100, Ralph Henderson's rich • baritone . voice echoed through the• halls as he dedicated "How Great Thou Art" and Thank you Lord" to Hazel. Spring time readings were given by Helen Dawson, Helen and Jean Errington, Elsie Irvin conveyed a message from former member Olive Blake, who resides in Cambridge at St. Luke's Place. Ernie Durnin's mouth. organ selections were pleasing before and during lunch. Continued health was wished Hazel as she• extinguished three candles, denoting yesterday, today and tomorrow. Marie Stewart and Gwen Caesar have returned from a visit with Gwen's sister, Annette Rabjohns, in, Birmingham, Michigan. While there, they visited the Detroit Institute of Art. • Allan and Beth Dickson, Arlene and Ralph Curran attended a tree planting ceremony in Stratford on Sunday, in memory of their son-in- law and brother-in-law, Gary Ladonceur, a firefighter, whose death occurred Nov. 13, 1993. Gary was the husband ofthe 'former Diane . Dickson . and father • of Sharisse and Nicole. Visiting Elmer and Aileen Trom- mer last Wednesday was a school buddy of. Elmer's, Wesley Beaver, of Cambridge and Lorne Humphrey of Belgrave. " Visiting Lorne and Susan Alton this past two weeks was Susan's mother, Margaret MacDonald, of St. Joseph's Island near Sault Ste. Marie. Enid Maize Williams Fenton; of Tara,, was a mid -week visitor with the Pentland families. Dorothy, Riordan, Adeline Arlin, Margaret' Errington and -Tom Cul- bert were the lucky winners at the Dungannon Senior Citizens euchre party. last week. Birthday celebrants were Ronald Keller, Eldon Culbert, Aileen Trom- mer, Adeline Aliin, Aileen Tigert and Raymond Haggitt. Marking anniversaries in April were Ross and Bernice Henry, 46 years; Ronald and Jean Keller, 13 years; Tom and Margaret Young, 45 years, and Russell and Jean Phillips, 45 years. Congratulations and best wishes to all. from the Club. • The Port Albert 441 club's new project is "Batter Up'. Leader Don- na Hayden hosted the first two meetings. Tasting their cooking is • the ex- citing part of this, project. So far they have baked muffins, brownies, cheese loaf and vegetable squares. Tasha Godfrey is president elect, vice is• Della Hayden, secretary is Abby . Vandenbroek, with Kelly McNee as press reporter: Today, May 4, the Glenn twins - Angela and Arletta - celebrate their 24th birthday. Their sister, Amy will be 18, on May 10, and Peggy 'Brindley„ on the second day of May became 20. Best 'wishes for 'the • coming year (rain all your fried' ds„ Congratulations to Tim McNee who successfully completed a two- year woodworking technical course at Conestoga College. To his credit, a beautiful oak desk adorns h.s mother's (Lynda) livingroom. Working with wood is a family, . tradition, with Tim following in -the foot steps of his grandfather, the late Graham McNee and' his father, the late Kenny McNee, Dungannon United Church was filled"to capacity on the occasion of its 139th anniversary on Sunday. A challenging message was delivered by Rev. William. Bres- nahan, Lucknow. ' • Organist Mary Garriock accom- panied the guest musicians Nancy' Park and Jake Middlekamp. • Two beautiful hydrangea plants graced the ,sanctuary in memory of Mr. and Mrs: Herbert Alton and Thomas J. Webster, placed by the. family. , . - A time of fellowship 'was enjoyed at the luncheon hour. 1 WI night out planned for Thursday by Shirley 'MacDonald Where was it written, "The best laid plans of mice and men will come to nought?" •Purple. Grove Women's Institute Ladies' "night out" has been changed to Thursday, May 5. The children' of the community are very -much involved in presenting a play on Wednesday evening at Ripley, District school and are counting on Moms and Grandmas being there to let everyone know how proud they are of each of the kids, On Thursday, ladies, at 7 p.m. we will .be expecting you at the community centre to celebrate, "An Evening with Friends." URPLE GROVE Recent�isitors 'at the home of Fran and Jim Farrell were Melanie Haines, Blair Liddle, Renie and Mel Arnold and family and Jerry and ay Lottenberg. . Don and Anne . McCosh and Maryanne Kukoly visited reeently with Currie Colwell in Lucknow. Also visiting were Betty and Ken Morrison of Huntsville and Shirley and Bruce Colwell. Word is Gladys Arnold is feeling under the weather. Best wishes MEMORIAL DESIGNING our specialty:.. Est. since 1903 . 3 Durham St., Walkerton Larg('• Display of monuments & markers For more ittfnrni 1t•icni (1111; Sain or Grant 881-0234 LAM i' S"fIAWttY C 1 JENNtt: 1442 -- 1474 r.. 1103- lyi9 _..i • from everyone, hope, you are soon feeling better, Aunt Gladys. June and Earl Elliott had a nice visit Saturday evening with son Steplien and Janice and Lee as well as John and -Joyce Farrell and girls! Marion Gamble, Alan and Alice attended Michelle 'Gamble's First Communion celebration at St. Michael's in Kitchener on Sunday. `Katherine Collins . and Marj Thompson enjoyed lunch in. Kincardine with Lois Small on Thursday. A pat on the back for the Reunion Committee on a .job well done. The dance on Saturday was a great success and what appeared ' to be a near capacity crowd: MS FACT #1 Canada has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis in the' world. Multiple sclerosis SOCIETY OF CANADA 1-800-268-7582