The Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-04-13, Page 9Prisoner of conscience is guest speaker
The South Bruce Amnesty Inter-
national group % will mark the
Canada -wide "Day of Presence" to
remember all people who have
'disappeared' in the world.
On Friday, Apr. 15, at the Kincar-
dine District Secondary School,
John Yebuga Will share his ex-
perience of living in Uganda where
100,000 people disappeared in the
mid-1980s. Now employed and
living in Toronto, Yebuga was
detained as a prisoner of conscience.
in Uganda until his release in 1987.
Disappearances and political
killings are tools of repression used
by governments and armed .op-
position groups world-wide to
silence opponents and intimidate
entire populations." The 'disa-
ppeared' have 'simply vanished.
Amnesty International says often
there are witnesses who testify that
the person was last seen in the
custody of government security
forces or police, but there is no
record of their whereabouts.
Somebody knows what,has'•hap
pened to them, and more impor-
tantly, is accountable. '
Political killings aie deliberate,
unlawful killings carried out on
government orders or with their
complicity. Political killings are
government backed or sponsored
murders which arc rarely inves-
On the morning of Aug. 15,.1989,
heavily armed men, believed to be
members of the Guatemalan
military, burst into the home of
Maria .Rumalda Camey, 23, and
took her away. Maria's 'disa-
ppearance' followed a number of
kidnapping and political. killings
• carried out against her family. Her
husband and two children have
since fled the country. .
Twenty-eight year old teacher,
Domingos Seguarado, was shot
dead by Indonesian soldiers while
taking part in a peaceful
demonstration for independence m
East Timor on Nov. 12, 1991, He
was among more than 200 people
massacred that day in Dili, the
capital .city.
'On the Day of Presence, shadow
figures will represent real people
who have 'disappeared' or have
been killed. Amnesty International
members in communities across
Canada will be making people like
Camey and Segurado symbolically
At the Kincardine District Secon-
dary School library on Apr, 15 at 8
p.m., there will be petitions to sign .
and letters to • send on behalf of
these 'disappeared'. Everyone is
welcome to come and hear Yebuga
tell of his own experience as a
prisoner of conscience in Uganda.
For ° more information on the
South Bruce chapter or about this
event, call Laura Lee Cayley at
Laura Lee Cayley, of South Bruce Amnesty International, gain
presentations at Ripley, Brookside and Lucknow schools last
week about 'disappeared' people. With the use of shadow
figures, Mrs. Cayley discussed with Lucknow students, Tom
Synies (left) and Kelly Doelman, what the "Day of Presence"
scheduled for Apr. 15 Is all about. (Pat Livingston photo)
Alvin Moran honored . on retirement
Alvin Moran, a 27 -year employee
of Sifto Salt, Goderich, retired the
end of March. On the last day of
' employment a. chicken dinner was
enjoyed at the lunch hour.
He and his wife Joyce were
chauffeured in a taxi to and from a
party at the Park House where he
was presented with many useful
gifts from his employer.
He, was also honored at a family
dinner party -held -at the home of his
son. Mike and Kathy Moran and
family, Goderich. Attending besides
Alvin . and Joyce were their
daughters Judy and Mike
Lajeunesse and family of Goderich,
Brenda and Steven Wylds and
family, R.R.#7; Lucknow and son
Ron of London.
Congratulations to Stella McCor-
mick who celebrated her 88th
birthday on Apr. 2 . and to Eldon
Culbert whose 81st birthday was
celebrated on Apr. 5:
The annual meeting of the
Kingsbridge Catholic Women's
League was held on Apr. 4 with
election of officers followed by a
wine and cheese party.
Elected officers for 1994 - 1995
are president - Clarice Dalton and
Jennifer Miltenburg, president elect
- Karla Hogan, second vice - Jean
McDonald, third vice Helen
Riegling, treasurer - Shirley Martin,
recording secretary - Marianne
Hogan, corresponding secretary -
Anita Frayne, past president -
Elizabeth Frayne.
Alvin and Joyce Moran and Allan
and Beth Dickson enjoyed the
baseball season opener at the
Toronto Sky Dome on Easter Mon-
day. The Toronto Blue Jays playing
against the Chicago White Sox won
the first game of the season 7 to 3.
This game was a thriller to watch
as the Jays hammered in three
home runs.
Grand opening of Mirror Images,
Unisex Hairstyling was held on
Apr. 5, Gail Ulch, owner, was
welcomed by many neighbors,
relatives and friends who called to
wish her success on her new
location on the corner of Conces-
sion 4 and. Dungannon's main
Street in the building vacated by the
Canadian Imperial Bank of. Com-
There were 11 tables in play at
the Dungannon Senior Centre
euchre party last Wednesday. Win-
ners on. high white card were Ber-
Ladies high was Vera Purees, low,
Emilie Masecar:
Dungannon Play School enjoyed
a' bus trip to Robinson's Maple
Sugar Bush on Thursday, and
•treated were, with the tasty products
made from the sap.
George Cardiff, Jr. and sons kyle
and Josh of Kitchener, are spending
holidays with his father George
Cardiff and his sisters in this area.
Last week's news' about the
drainage meeting shopld have read
that the information sheets, as well
'as a map with the list of 93 lot
numbers with owners who will be
affected by the drain; were given to
nice Henry with Nels Pearson, .low. everyone.
Wilkins had large family
gathering over Easter
Charlie and Mayme Wilkins had
all their family with them on the
Easter weekend and also Maymes'
brother, Lloyd Irwin of Kinloss
Township. This meant there were
about 25 there at one time.
Cecil, James and Kae Webster
visited in Clinton on Sunday with
their cousin Marian, and her son
Lloyd Smith.
Elmer and Edna Culbert had their
family with them for dinner on
Easter Monday. They were George
and Andrea MacDonald, Michael
and Brenda Lazetta and their
children Christopher and Michael,
and Julie and Michael MacDonald
all of Kincardine. '
It is so nice to be wakened by the
robins these morning. 1 guess it
means the warm weather will soon
be here,
Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ewen MacLean were her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Williamson, of Wyoming.
Gordon and Nora Robb were
recent visitors in Lions Head with
ohm by Kae Webster
their daughter, Janice and Ed
McClutcheon and family.
Easter weekend visitors with Max
and Helen Riegling were their son
Dean of North Bay, Mr. and Mrs.
Percy McClenaghan and family of
Clinton and Marcella Courtney, of ,
Cecil and Kae Webster visited
recently with Shirley MacLennan in
Kincardine and with Gerald and
Joan Thorpe, at Point Clarke, and
Bert and Pearl. Hopkins in Wiarton.
Congratulations to Dorothy and
Don Farrish on„the safe arrival of
another grandchild..
If you've any news for the
Lochalsh column give Kae a call at
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 13, 1994 — Page 9
Cowan Printing & Advertising
Lucknow 528-2730 Fax 528-3348
Tiverton Recreation Presents
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