The Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-03-16, Page 56Page 40 -Farm Progress '94 REASONABLE RATES PLUMBING • GAS FITTING HOT WATER HEATING • SHEET METAL Call Rob Kinzie 482-7969 Did you Know... 4‘41 You can now plant corn as soon as 72 hours after application of Roundup? See us today for mOre information Larry Bartram (519) 421-6400 Roundupf THERE'S NOTHING LIKE IT Take this chain saw safety •quiz The correct answer for each of the following statements is "True" or "False", Please make your selection. • . CHAIN SAW. SAFETY TRUE FALSE . . 1. Correct chain tension will insure that the saw won't vibrate. . 2. To make certain chain tension is correct, the chain should not be hot when adjusted. ' 3. Carry a chain saw with the bar forward and pointed at the ground. 4. Manufacturers produce twelve main types of chain saw chains. 5. The most common type of chain saw injury is slipping and falling with the saw. 6. Anti -kickback chains will help reduce the force of a kickback. . 7. When a chain saw is idling, the chain should move slowly. • 8. Eye screen protection should be worn when using a chain saw. 9. Most chain saws will notiemit enough noise to impair hearing. / 10. Proper felling will 'reduce injuries and will improve the quality of wood . , being ctl. i 1 . I I 1 . 11. It is okay to fell trees on 'windy days if you use the•correct cutting techniques. 1 I .i . 12. The most dangerous kickback zone is the bottom quadrant of the bar nose. . . 13. Using the tip of the bar when limbing puts less stiain on the saw and the ' .operator... , 14. Proper notching ensures thc tree will fall where you want it to fall. . 15. For a tree to fall freely in the desired direction,,a notch should be as • open as it is -deep. • . •. .. 16. Only.professional loggers should use Dutchman notches. . • • . 17. Place chain saw on ground when starting. 18. Chain saws are a source. of high level noise.. . . 19. The depth of the notch should be one-quarter the diameter of the tree. . 20. Make the •notch on the side to which the tree is expected to fall. . 21; If the cut shows a fine powder instead of wood chips, your saw needs sharpening. ,. . . 22. The operator is thel most important ingredient/in chain saw safety, . • . 23. Depth gauges should be checked after'every third sharpening. . . . ' 24. Depth gauges should be set at 30 thousandths. . 25. ;If you have a Dutichman notch, you can control how the tree will fall by using a proper backeut. i d '5Z..4 :1Z 'H 1 ZZ 1 'It 1 '0Z,:d '61,' 181 ,L 'LI d 91 L1 ',L .£1dt „.4 1;01 ..d '6' .L8. L'9 d d *£ d 'I •