The Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-03-09, Page 14Nage 14 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 9, 1994 38. Auction Sale AUCTION REGISTER CONSIGNMENT SALE DAVIDSON CENTRE Friday, March 18/94 If you have something to sell, give us a cpII. Grant McDonald 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh 392-6170 AUCTIONEERS 394 Educational LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the South- western School of Auctioneering, Next Class: March 12 - 18. Information, con- tact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115, -- 10bc BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR...with our great home -study course. Call for a FREE BOOK.. 1-800-267-1829, The Sheffield School, 962-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa, Ontario KiL 6R2. --10bc 38. Auction Sale Reminder Notice Commercial Milking Herd Dispersal Sale WEllinrn S Ur,r',l / E ;•1q;fr Rl- a;r ()TO Jif t,iE nf.lrl'12:00 Noon Friday, Mar. llth tai LL1CknOW Cr>rnrnunih� ;ale 4 A See last week'', piper for more information or Call Gordon H. Brindley (519) 529-7970 Res. ' 529-7625 Bus. •4 or Call Ross D. Clark (519) 922-2396 40. Lost & Found FOUND:- A young female dog, all black and white, very well behaved, looks like part husky. Found in Whitechurch area. 357-2719. --09-12xc • 39. Educations) OFFERING THE BEST Chet Training and • Pastry & Desserts diploma programs. Full-time 17 weeks Accom- modation and lob placement assistance Dubrulle French Culinary School, Van- couver •1.604-738.3155 -1Obc FREE 'CAREER .OPPORTUNITIES' GUIDE. Train -at-home. Accounting, Airconditioning; Bookkeeping; Business; Computers; Electronics; Law Enfor- cement; Medical Secretary; Paralegal, Psychology; Social Worker; Travel. Call 1-80Q-361-1971 todayl--t0bc 46, In Memoriam GILCHRIST Murray Gilchrist - March 13, 1991. Forever in our hearts you remain, Until we meet again. Your family. --10x 47. Cards Of Thanks KUIK I would like to thank everyone who sent cards and phone calls to me while I was in Wingham and London hospitals. Special thanks to my family for everything. Helen. —10x 47. Cards Of Thanks MCALUSTER Words cannot express our sincere ap• preciation to everyone who has been so kind during our recent loss. Our neigh- bors, friends and families have been a tower of strength. to help us through a very difficult penod in our lives. A special thank you' for all the flowers, memorial donations and food brought to all of our homes. Marlene and Mary Lou the supper on Monday night was wonderful. Our thanks also to Rev Nicholson, Rev. McWhinnie and Rev. Kinan for all their Support. To Joan Poi rd we can't express enough gratitude for making everything as easy as possible. We also wish to say thank you to the emergency staff of Wingham 8 District Hospital and the ambulance drivers. Ethel McAllister, Beth and Bill McAllister and boys, Doug and Mary Lou Raynard and girls. --'10x TIFFIN I would like to thank my neighbors, friends and relatives for the visits, telephone calls, cards and gifts While I was in St. Joseph's Hospital and Vic- toria Hospital, yondon, and since retur- ning home. I would like also to thank the nurses and doctors for their care and understanding. All thew kindnes- ses will long be remembered. Gertie. -- 10x • u 47. Cards 01 Thanks WRIGHT t wish to express my sincere thanks to our neighbors. Gary Stein Marlyn and Ross Moffat Rick and Chris .Jones, and Kevin McCormick who quickly came to Janet's and my assistance, at the time of my accident 1 would also tike to thank Dr Peter Long and the Nursing Staff at Wingham and District Hospital for their attention and special canng A very special thank you Mom Wright and Mom Schiestel tor moving. in and keeping the household running. A special thanks to Elma Mutual and Hoick Mutual for being so understan- ding arid supportive during these past. few weeks. To all those who called, visited, sent cards and gifts and helped Janet -and the kids and myself, a big, heartfelt thank you. Steve. —10 HACKETT I would like to sincerely thank Fred Kuras, Bryce and Allen. Ritchie, Ken • Alton and Bruce Raynard for helping with farm work during and since my operation. Also to Ken and Ruth Alton for the short stay at their home, and ail •those who phoned, inquired and sent cards to me. Doug. —10x 00030Sinep; And Products And:WO:di:Your Profits Grow 520,20. Steam Clean Carpets & Auto Upholstery Sonia ?/ai`ttueutee Seivadee A Diwsion of 682130,0ntano Vm,ted CLEANING ALL FLOORS, WINDOWS, WALLS AND CONTENTS . • The Cummings RR #3.TEE.. WATER • (519) 392-6982 Afiliga R. ELLIOTT Painting Teeswater •Residential •Commercial Interior & Exterior FREE ESTIMATES BUILDING SUPPLIES CONTRACTING FREE ESTIMATES RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL l AGRICULTURAL ' 440 Campbell Street Lucknow NOG 2H0 LOCATED ON HWV 86 AT THE EAST END OF TOWN 392-6669 Richard CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS Wingharp 357-2310 we build the best and repair the rest, 2eo/‘Fe S»rfft4 If/e/i6r9 A,.d /tiao44e S'Eop Zee( R:R, #2, AUBURN. 529-7212 FAX: 529-3277 R.A. HAVENS ELECTRIC *Residential. *Farm * Commercial Electrical Contractors brad humphrey CARPENTRY R.R, #2 LUCKNOW, ONT. NOG 2H0 528-3834 C'.intpittr off• \FaiFto \ tuft; * Doors &'*Windows * Textured Ceilings '* Cabinets *Flooring 44...Drywall * Decks Oil, Propane & Gas Furnaces Installed B. Serviced 529-7619 CAMPBELL HEATING SERVICE LUCKNOW RR2 LUCKNOW, ON" NOG 2H0 Bernard Campbell _KEITH'S REPAIRS ERVICE. Small'Engine Sales and Service Marine & Power Equipment Repair FREE ESTIMATES Rod Havens LUCKNOW for all your building needs HENDERSON tlf'R mecare' Burrows OW= 782 Havelock St. Lucknow (519) 528-3118 Fax (519) 528-2814 Hwy #86, WHITECHURCH 519-357-2277 W iHusgvarna ilk FOREST& GARDEN 144 4 MHW PLUMBING Box 93, Lucknow, Ont , NOG 2Hd Qualified Licensed Plumber with 10 years experience "Reasonable Rates", 24 HOUR SERVICE Michael H. Whitcroft 528-3407 #47 3: SUtNoCO Chisholm Fuels SUNOCO DISfRIBL•TORS LUCKNOW' Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681 Furnace Installations Wood, Oil Combination Furnaces • Burner Service Propane Filling Station PRODUCTS FOR FARM, HOME. & INDUSTRY • TITAN McCULL,OCH Xresin Small Engine RR#5 Lucknow, Ont , NOG 2H0 357-4360 Repairs to alt makes of small engines COMPUTER TUTORING "Your place or mine COMPUTERS CUSTOM LMAREAO JOEY LEGRAND 528-3618 or 528-3631 or 528-2548 BBS LUCKNOW BUSINESS FORMS COMPUTER FORMS COMPUTER CHEQUES FLYERS DECAL SIGNS COWAN ranting LUCKNOW 528-2730 GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Bradston es construction Steve Freeman 528-3123 \21310 New Homes, Additions, Renovations Replacement Windows & Doors Drafting Service