The Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-02-06, Page 13Lots of folks enjoyed a wintry weekend outdoors when the Lucknow and District Kinsmen held their 5th annual Mushball Tournament. $1 -million shot for old Huronview by Heather Boa Huron County will receive Si million to renovate the partially - vacant Huronview building in Clin- ton, Premier Bob Rae announced Saturday, The jobsOntario Community Action funding will be used to tum the old senior citizens' home into an expanded health and social ser- yices comp ex, creating 25 construction jobs and seven fulltime positions, Rae told a group of people packed into the auditorium at Clinton's old. Huronview buil- ding. The grant will be .matched by about $2 million from the county. "We're putting $4 billion a year into a program that,will get the construction industry back to work. What the benefit of this is, is that on a long-term basis it will be a tremendous 'shift for the way we provide services to. people and very important. to use a facility such as this and put it to good use in terms of services that will be provided," Rae said. "Once the construction jobs are done, we'll have.a building that will: last us well into the next century," Rae. said. Rae presented the $1. million cheque to Warden Allan Gibson. "This is .the beginning of a 10 - year planning effort for Huronview and rest assured we wiWinvite you back to the opening hopefully sometime next year," Gibson said. The program has created 2,400 jobs through $48 million' in jobsOn- tario Community Action assistance to 360 municipalities in Ontario. These communities are also contributing $97 million, bring total investment to $145 million. Rae 'also announced $10,000 funding for the Huron Community Network to establish a leadership program. LDSC EXPRESS Speeches, music and animal .projects by Bethany Luchies, and Vessa Kuyvenhoven "Honorable Judges..teachers." On Wednesday, Feb. 9, nine people said speeches in the .gym. Nathanial talked about Walt Disney, Richard told about his trip to the east coast, Steven replayed his trip out west, and Alicia B. pretended , she was a tour guide for an African. Safari. . From the senior division Alicia P. told funny stories about her brothers, Beth talked about colds and how to cure them, ,Dennis spoke about his sister Karen, Michelle did her speech on the letter "S" and Leanne talked about a handicapped boy she babysits. Out of these people,, Richard, Alicia, Dennis, and Michelle were chosen to go onto the Legion. . Our school would like to thank the three judges who helped to judge our speeches. Did you know that soon. tigers are black and white? The grade one and two students have been 'doing animal projects. Their projects were on raccoons, cats, tigers, panda bears, lions,...the list goes on. Their teacher,. Mrs. Nonkes, reads the projects to the. class. The. students have learned many new things. "Un..un..deux /deux." If you asked the grade seven and eight students what their favorite part of French was,' they would answer. The Num- ber Game! 'The students are num- bered from 1 - 12, (in french, of course) then, they call each others numbers while clapping their hands to a beat. "I love your tiger Michelle[" The grade six, seven, and eight grade art class has one half of the picture on a sheet of paper, and drawing the other half. Everyone has worked hard,. and the pictures are lookin' good. "Okay, who squeaked that time?" If you walk past the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade music class and hear squeaks, strange noises, don't 'worry.. The students . have just started learning the recorder, with Mrs. Vanderlie and soon they'll be sounding good. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, 'February 16, 1994 — Page 13 In area bars Health Unit kicks off Safe Sex campaign Valentine's Day is the day lovers traditionally celebrate love. This year, February 14 will also kick-off a Safer Sex Bar campaign in. local bars. The goal of the Bruce -Grey - Owen Sound Health Unit's cam- paign is to raise awareness about HIV infection and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) among sexually active adults in Grey and Bruce Counties. The campaign will make con- doms, in attractive pink Valentine's cards packages decorated with hearts, and AIDS information avail- able to bar patrons. Written on the cards will be the campaign's theme, "For All The Lovers Who Care, Thank You". • The health unit had success with this campaign several years ago and decided to use the campaign again because of "positive feedback from bar owners and patrons," said AIDS Education Program ,Manager Sue Askin. "Making accurate , information accessible to people in a variety of settings is critical,". she said. "The rate of HIV infection among wom- en and young adults is still increas- ing. We need to keep getting out the message that HIY/AIDS . is preventable and that people can use their knowledge to protect them- °selves." The campaign is designed to help people associate that the idea of being responsible is part of what Safe sex is about, she said. "The condoms provide a positive message and remind us of the re- sponsibility each person has for his or her own health. People who care about themselves and others will be using condoms.". After 50 Years in the Jewellery business, 25 of those in Lucknow, we are closing our retail business. Our "Repair Business" - *Watches *Mantel *Cockoo & *Grandfather Clocks *Jewellery, will continue at 698 Havelock Street, across from the Medical Centre. All In -Store Merchandise Agnew LUCKNOW Jewellery and Gifts 528-3532 Final Clearance Markdown lomoimorizsi New Spring Fashionsc Arkiving Daily No Credit Cards On Sale Items eeVee`s LUCKNOW 528-3320