The Rural Voice, 1986-10, Page 54Car and Truck Oiling at Riegling Farm Equipment Ltd. HWY. #86, 4 MILES EAST OF AMBERLEY, 7 MILES WEST OF LUCKNOW 395-5107 OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK "Quality Work At A Fair Price" S Free Weekly Draw S 1986 CROP -ONE STOP r%Q AP Q [3QQp�j 110 QGtQOnQ 401Q Abba CC' Op • CORN • SOYBEANS • COMMODITY CONTRACTS FULL SERVICES: Custom Drying Purchasing or storage Order now SEED CORN TWIN COUNTY GRAIN ELEVATOR 52 THE RURAL VOICE R.R. 3. Brussels. Ontario NOG 1H0 519-356.2292 519-356-2293 ADVICE FARMS NEED TEAMWORK Teamwork is essential on today's farms, and one of the most important teams is often neglected: the husband and wife combina- tion. This team must first agree on goals. Once these goals are deter- mined, each member must develop his or her individual strengths. To- day's farm women are challenged to expand their roles in an effort to strengthen the farm family team. Collecting information and record- ing and analysing the results, for example, is a role that often goes unthanked, but is important if the financial and production strengths and weaknesses of an operation are to be understood and positive changes made. A good team always has a com- prehensive plan. On the farm, sickness, death, or financial rever- sals can often spell the end of the game if team members have not put emergency plans in their back pockets. Women who are actively involved in the day to day running of the operation can carry on the operation should problems arise. It may not be necessary to know how to feed, clean, and harvest, but if a history of inputs and results on a monthly basis is familiar, that new hired man can be given direction before another problem occurs, i.e., the end of the next fiscal year. Husbands and wives should prepare themselves for the possibility of acquiring off -farm employment to supplement cash flows. You are both marketable commodities. Women should also be actively involved in marketing and credit requests, as this will improve decision-making and establish a credit rating for the wife. John A. Wilson, an American accountant, said when addressing Women for the Support of Agriculture, "The woman with an understanding of the financial world has a much bet- ter chance of making a significant contribution to her family and society." Women should sharpen their stress management skills and share them with the rest of the family. Younger family members should be introduced to the team ap- proach as soon as possible. Because of the role that women