The Rural Voice, 1986-09, Page 74V
NEWSLETTER - Grey County Federation of Agriculture
446 10th St., Hanover, Ontario N4N 1P9
Grey has planned their annual
meeting for October 24, 7 p.m. at
Chatsworth Community Centre.
Guest speaker is Larry Ryder.
Tickets will soon be available from
directors or at the Hanover office
at $10 each.
A successful membership drive
was held and over 30 new members
were signed up.
A discussion was held on an
OFA resolution re reducing the
number of farmers. Farmland
would still be producing as some-
one rents the land and therefore
overproduction would not be
eased. Unions do not reduce
numbers, e.g. teachers. Fifty per
cent of farmers are over 60 years
old and naturally will be reduced.
Farmers should be treated the
same as urbanites who receive $200
per week (or more) for retraining
in new work, while farmers receive
$250 to leave the farm.
There has been no action from
government re the Line Fences
Act. Township by-laws haven't
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maitre, Ramsay, McKessock, and
Stephenson to hopefully get some
Counties are putting exhibits on
display at OFA meetings showing
the federation's involvement. Grey
had a good display which is
available for local fairs.
The Properties Committee met
to discuss single residence
severances, and made some recom-
mendations. Ideally there
shouldn't be any single residence
severances, but, if allowed, should
not curtail normal farming prac-
tices as reasonable expansion to
adjacent farms. Conditions for a
severance should contain re-
quirements for the owner supply-
ing a suitable line fence and if a
municipal drain is involved, should
be apportioned costs of the drain.
Joanne R. Sutherland is OFA's
new Executive Administrator. She
has extensive experience in federal
provincial relations with particular
emphasis on agriculture. The pre-
sent OFA membership is 23,859,
which is a decrease from one year
Plowing Match Committee. This
group has to arrange for the
Federation building, arrange
motels for workers, etc. In 1987,
Grey County hosts the match and a
committee was named to plan the
Federation of Agriculture's in-
volvement. Named were Mary
Harvie, Doug Gowanlock, Clay
Schwegler, Bill Pullen, Lorne Ec-
cles, Carl Spencer, Arnold Oliver,
and someone from St. Vincent
The Insurance Committee will
meet and make some recommenda-
tions re getting more realistic set-
tlements. Histories on increases are
to be developed and sent to the
Solicitor General.
Noise by-laws were discussed
and seem to create more problems
than they solve. The O.P.P. are
enforcers for townships which
have a by-law.
New Beef Group
Carl Spencer reported for the
"Ontario Beef Producers for
Change." The intent of this group
is to promote a beef commission to
stabilize prices and give producers
a return on their investment. The
lifetime membership fee is $50 and
1,000 to 2,000 members would
probably prompt the Minister of
Agriculture to act.
Rural/Urban Meeting
Roger Lamont is planning an
evening for rural and urban peo-
ple. East Grey W.I. made the ar-
rangements for October 8 in River-
side Community Centre. If suc-
cessful, it will be held in another
district next year. Commodity
groups will supply the food and
service clubs will be invited.
Wayne Gayman, from OMAF,
said they are looking for a swine
specialist. Sheryl McArthur has
been transferred to Guelph. He
told of the crop tours and ex-
perimental plots.
The next meeting will be Sept.
Bessie Saunders
Grey, Arnold Oliver, R.R. 2, Holland
Centre, 794-3744; East Grey, Clay
Schwegler, R.R. 1, Flesherton,
924-2770; South Grey, Gertie Blake,
R.R. 1, Ayton, 665-7558. Meetings
are held 4th Wednesday of each
month at the OMAF office board-
room in Markdale.