Box 429, Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0
Meeting Highlights
President Doug Garniss welcomed
everyone to the meeting of June 6.
The minutes of the last meeting were
approved as printed on a motion by
Walter Elliott, seconded by Shawn
Drennan. Carried.
Doug introduced Jim Bell from the
Co-operators Insurance Co. to ex-
plain the new "Farm Security Plan"
being offered through the Co-
operators to any OFA member. Com-
plete details are available by calling
your local Co-op agent.
Guest speaker for the evening, Bill
Kilmeer from the Ontario Fertilizer
Institute of Ontario, was introduced
by Shawn Drennan. Bill gave details
on corn yields:
Maximum Yield Corn Research
at Elora
(Research station at Guelph)
Treatment Yields bu/acre
1981 1982 1983 1984
Normal Fertility 101 107 118 77
Very High Fertility 119 154 174 146
Difference 18 47 56 69
U.S. Corn Yields:
580 potential bu/A
352 bu farmer high
338 bu research high
114 bu. 1982 U.S. average ... last year the most
corn plants per acre was 39,000.
1983 Soil Test (ppm) on maximum
Yield Corn research at Elora
P(phosphorous) K (potash)
Normal Fertility 17 114
Very High Fertility 73 235
Al Higher Yield Levels many factors will need
restudy, such as:
nutrient rate tillage
soil test calibration pest control
plant spacing hybrid, variety
planting date environment
rooting depth energy efficiency
water use efficiency economics
Emergency OFA Board meeting in
Toronto on June 6, 1985
There were three people present
who had attended the meeting in
Toronto earlier in the day: Doug
Garniss, President of HCFA, Barry
Mason, Regional Director for Huron
Northwest, and Eric Prescott, 2nd
Vice President, HCFA.
Eric reported that the OFA is very
concerned about the May 23 budget.
It was silent to the concerns of
farmers in the area of financing and
Farm Credit dealings, and to the 11
promises that Brian Mulroney had
made during the campaign and elec-
tion period.
As a result of this emergency
meeting the following resolution was
passed at the meeting:
WHEREAS the Federal Government
betrayed farmers of Canada by
presenting a Budget which totally ig-
nored its own consultants and com-
mitments of the Government of
WHEREAS the Government has ig-
nored its own promise, it has ignored
the needs of its farmers
THEREFORE we ask the Govern-
ment to live up to its commitments
made during and after the Election in
order to get the message across to the
1. Every MP in the Province to be
talked to in the next week, this to be
done by a substantial group of
farmers in their own riding, and that
we demand that our MPs represent
our frustration and anger and de-
mand for action to their respective
caucuses and ministers.
2. Executive of the OFA and CFA
responsible for determining a na-
New Ontario Farm
Machinery Depot
For farm machinery parts
482-9997 or 262-5867
Bill Kilmeer
tional plan of action (bring it back to
the June 19 Board meeting.)
3. That all opinions be open for con-
sideration including lobbying, other
sectors of the agri-business industry,
withholding FCC payment. Hold
local demonstration and demonstra-
tions in Ottawa.
4. That we urge the government in the
meantime to deal expediently with
subject matter ... Bill C215 (fair pric-
ing). That this committee be urged to
travel across the country to get a first
hand knowledge of the pricing con-
cerning a wide range of producers.
5. Time for talking is just about past
and that we demand that the govern-
ment act upon what's been said, both
by us and them, and we demand to
know the government's present
priority about agriculture and its con-
Adjournment was at 10:30 p.m.
Coffee and donuts were supplied
compliments of the Ashfield
Township Federation of
Agriculture. El