The Rural Voice, 1985-07, Page 249cooda See j‘del¢d R.O.P. TESTED SHEEP We are consigning top quality rams and ewes to the O.S.S.A. and R.O.P. Sale at SHEEP FOCUS '85, Markham, July 19 & 20. Visitors and Enquiries Welcome MURRAY & NANCY EMKE, R.R. 1, ELMWOOD. ONT. NOG ISO 519.364-5087 "Quality Breeds Quality" PUREBRED LANDRACE & YORKSHIRE CONSIGNMENT SALE FIELD DAY Y s __s° FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1985 Stratford Fairgrounds 2 p.m. Judging of Swine 5 p.m. Free Pork Barbecue 7 p.m. All -White Sale We offer an excellent group of bred and open gilts, plus lean, aggressive boars. Top quality breeding stock from accredited ROP herds. Join Us For a Pleasurable Profitable Day. For Information call Ontario Landrace Swine Association 519-656-2299 Ontario YORKSHIRE BREEDERS' ASSOC. 519-876-5261 22 THE RURAL VOICE MERVYN ERB Wheat woes, crop monitoring, barley diseases, and foliar feeding I wasn't sure whether to touch the Great Wheat Debacle with the pro- verbial ten -foot pole or not, but one thing really makes me mad, and that's people who pass the buck and won't take any responsibility. And the really frightening thing about this situation was that it concerned a crop protection fungicide named Bayleton which was registered by Agriculture Canada to control powdery mildew and other fungal diseases on wheat. Bayleton is a product that can ar- rest and lessen disease in a food crop, a product that can save you from los- ing bushels of yield, a product that can potentially make you, the grower, money. Registration of Bayleton was restricted. And this year the disease infestation was one of the worst ever. It makes my blood boil, and it should do the same to yours. Did you also know that the last time there was a crop protection chemical of new chemistry let out for our use was in 1981? That should tell us something. Look at the myriad of new post - emergent chemicals that have been released in the U.S.A. in the past three years. The U.S. farmer is cer- tainly getting many advantages. This also should tell us something. If you ask me, somebody, somewhere, is scared to death that some dangerous i Mervyn Erb is Crop Specialist at the Hensall District Co-operative and is a regular contributor to The Rural Voice magazine. crop protection chemical may be released to the inept farming populace which will spray it on us all, and "somebody's" name will be on the document that allowed its use. Shame! And then what self- respecting Minister of the Environ- ment would sign her name to user permits knowing full well that her term in office would only be a few short weeks, so why get her hands dir- ty! The government doesn't care about the farmer — there's too much wheat produced anyway. The way they see it, you over -produce, the price goes down, and they make subsidy payments. You get a disaster on a poor crop, there are crop insurance and deficiency payments. The government isn't concerned about John Doe or Mary Smith; we're all lumped together and viewed as an agricultural industry, just as we have the automotive industry and the forest industry. So there it was, Chemagro Limited seeking the registration of the fungicide named Bayleton for use on winter wheat, grapes, cucumbers, ap- ples, and asparagus, to name a few. The registration was obtained from the Feds along with a Pest Control Products Number. But registration was received for 1985 for use only on winter wheat. The Feds aren't dum- mies either, and they aren't about to stick their necks out any further than they have to, so, they thought, let's involve the provincial Ministry of the Environment. Agriculture Canada stipulated that the provincial Ministry of the Environment issue (and sign, of course) user permits to keep con- trol of who used the product — to make sure none of it would be used on grapes, apples, asparagus, and other crops. This had been standard procedure in the past. This spring, New Brunswick issued a blanket user permit, and P.E.I. and Quebec both had user permits available. But not Ontario, no sir! Nobody would take the responsibility, not as long as we had bread on the table. And did the allegations fly! "If you spray, your wheat crop will be con- fiscated and destroyed." "The fungicide will raise the protein level of the wheat and the mills will reject it