The Rural Voice, 1985-07, Page 19each location for the tour. Sadler Richards asks pointed questions and makes detailed notes between the raindrops on her note pad. Francis and Lawrence Hogan and Steve Howard join the tour to suggest other sites. Sadler Richards writes descriptions of each site and tells Cooper the kind of sign required for each plot. Cooper is chief sign and poster maker in the group. One of the necessities of Sadler Richards' job is delegating authority. With the team organization of the program, people power is available and jobs can be distributed to the most capable per- son. Sadler Richards is responsible for correctly allocating work. When the afternoon crop tour is completed, the team and the Hogans gather around the kitchen table. When Hogan makes a hearty cup of hot chocolate for everyone, and a big bowl of popcorn, it creates a festive mood for planning the details of the up -coming event. Sadler Richards pulls out several pages of lists from her folder and leads the discussion. She has, im- pressively, thought of every im- aginable detail. The theme for the special event is "Conservation makes dollars and sense." Sadler Richards suggests hav- ing buttons printed with this slogan. The buttons would create an at- mosphere of camaraderie. She has done her homework and received estimates for the cost of buttons. The group decides that ribbons would be less expensive, but just as effective. The logistics of the tour, the people to involve, the number of wagons and buses to arrange, and the focus of the tour are discussed. Sadler Richards follows through her list, checking off each point as it is dealt with: the guest speakers, the equipment to be displayed, first aid, lunch, washrooms, extra insurance, publici- ty, parking. By 6 p.m., the group has covered everything on Sadler Richards' list. Everyone now has a list of his own responsibilities to carry out before the next meeting. Some lists were mental- ly filed and others were written down. Sadler Richards generally spends about two days every week out in the field studying plots, discussing her- bicides, and talking to farmers, as she did today. The remainder of her week is spent doing paperwork at the Clinton OMAF office where she routinely records all she has ac- complished to date, and what she plans to do next. Sadler Richards is expecting com- pany for supper at 7 p.m. After a day of walking through fields and work- ing out details, she is relieved that her husband, Doug Richards, will have supper ready when she gets home. [ 1 y�y>, Sadler Richards spends a ,good deal of her da,'s o driving from one site !n the nest. NEW MF 550 COMBINE, Diesel, air conditioned Big MF Discounts and low rate financ- ing. Don't buy without seeing this. USED COMBINES — MF 540 Dsl, w/air, 2 crops, neat condi- tion — MF 300 recond., guaranteed — MF 510 gas, older but OK — MF 510 Dsl, rebuilt recently—NH 975, big capacity, low price, as is — MF 410 w/air, above average — MF 510 Dsl, quick attach, ex- cellent — MF 510 gas, quick attach, good — John Deere 4400, real good — John Deere 3300, Premium — Call Geo. C. South Equip- ment Ltd., Meaford, Ont. Phone 519-538-1660, 519-599-2733 or 1-800- 264-3116 no charge in 519 area. Thomas Cook & All Star Tours presents the 1985 WHEELING, WEST VIRGINIA July 19 to July 22, 1985 Cost of Tour Each of two: $319.00 Each of four: $259.00 Includes transportation via motor coach, three nights ac- commodation, and two-day pass into Jamboree in the Hills. Thomas Cook LTD. For more information, call 519.524.8307 Box 68, 59A, Hamilton St., Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5 Jl'I Y 1905 17