The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-09-15, Page 18r • l4 Page 18 - Lucknow Sentinel, 31. Service Di.rec#ory MHW;.' LUMBING Qualified Licensed Plumber TO Years Experienr� �-�- Reasonable Rates 24 HOUR SERVICE Michael H. Whitcroft LUCKNOW. 52S-34071 111 34. Personal HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3635. --40t1 THINK more clearly! come out of the fog caused by drugs and environmental toxins. Buy and use the book 'CLEAR BODY CLEAR MIND' By L. Ron Hub- bard. Phone (519) 571-9253. --36bc MEET SOMEONE NICE - now! Town and Country introductions tor friendship, dating, marriage. The system really works! 26 successful years. Confiden- tial. Mr. Gordon, 6021 Yonge St. #802, Toronto, M2M 3W2. --37bc CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE - Are you pregnant? Need help? Call our 24 • hour hotline collect 323-3751 or drop in at 178 Main St. S. Mount Forest for free pregnancy testing, counselling and support, childbirth coaches, clothing. - 37ar Thanks to %au It wart... • FOR 41,10103 UmWtl Way Wednesday, September 15, 1993 36..Announcements NATIONAL AUTO LEAGUE - 33 years in Business provides HEALTH RAC ter any trips up tq 180 DAYS. SINGLE 8 , FAMILY RATES under age 73. $1 mil lion coverage DIRECT CLAIM PAYMENT from $49 to $1440. CALL 1- 800-265-1657... SALES AGENTS IN YOUR AREA NEEDED. -37bc 38, Educational BE A SUCCESSFUL WRiTER..,with our great home -study course. Call for a FREE BOOK, 1-800-267-1829 The Writing School, 1985-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa Ont. K1L 6R2. --37bc LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the South- western School of Auctioneering: Next Class: November 20 - 26. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. -- 37bc OPEN YOUR OWN TAX PRACTICE: Earn Certificate in Income Tax Preparation. Manual/computer ap- plications. Free brochure. CaII 1 -800- 563 -EARN; Fax (204) 254-6172; Write: Jacks Institute, 902 - 167 Lombard Ave., Winnipeg R3B OW1. --37bc BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR.., with our great home -study course. CaII for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The 4heffa,3Id School, 905-38 McArthur Ave., ..Ottawa, Ont. K1 L 6R2. -37bc 40. Lost & Found SMALL BLACK DOG found in Lucknow Saturday, Sept. 11 wearing red collar. Phone 528-2301. --37ar 36.'Announcements 36, Announcements NOTICE I'(')WNS�lfl oF HURON RATEPAYERS 13v law .35 I).3 ficin ;1 11'a.le wpW, passed and i. I'1leclitt' til ll)cu'hcr 111. 1901 .3.() In ;ill residential premises each gaillage hal shall have allixetl 111 11 an allflir,t c(f 1(1tt n.hilt of Union tarhat' halt; fag unless a lila mlrifl hath i« ficin. n•e(I 7 hi cnntntrlcial lnenti't's rown'hip hags .hall hr indite(' (fv,nct'. 111 Ic.iticntial (plum .es 1,1eivisilinR tli.lnl.alllt' solid t+;l.lt• ;11 the Site 1111(1 Ih.c e'.:i 'Med Llrnch shall hate allixctl In i1 an ;Iflf,Incecl 1I'\n.hilt 01 !mon gmhal:e hat tag unless a'Um%nshih hag 1. 11eIfl '. I,.etl 1 11) 1)ttnut s nl cnlrrntcn'cll ltrcnli.c. (leflcl.ilinl! tli.fxl.;lhlc ullitl ‘‘;‘,le al the tiifc 111111 the c\cat ;11c'(1 french .haft Irliliic li,wn.hift ha)2. intcn.hifl (,I 111,11(111 13,1,, la>,'. ;Hid 'Fmk n.hifl (11 (futon 13ap,. to! 'l; I 11 each rnccn.hift 111 Ii11I(lI flay', ;nc•❑>ailahlc ul Idtr 1(1110V, int!' I'nwn.hifl ,I 1fuulli I\iunicifml O(lice I l\\11.hilt (11 1i11l1)n 1V;I.I' 1)1'..4111 :11. Site t ighlhelosc lack 11fca( ,l'• Sausage 131nee fienc•h Kincardine Ifinite Ifold h'ate Kinralcline f't1Nars ( Teacup. Stoic •\Inhctl\ •r(twnship(,I Niton la e• \\ ill he atailahlc (,n,tit'plcmhci f)Ih. 1cN> to 47. Cards 01 Thanks SCHMIDT A sincere thank you to my family, relatives, friends and neighbors tor their lovely flowers, many cards and gifts 1 received on my 80th birthday. Everything is remembered with loving thoughts. Vera. --37x 47. Cards Of Thanks CONGRAM A sincere "thank you^ to relatives and friends for attending my 75th birthday party, also for gifts, flowers and the many cards received. Your kindness was much appreciated. Harvey. --37 38.. Auction Sale AUCTION SALE of Household furnishings, misc. items at... LUCKNOW ARENA FRI., OCT. 1, 5:45 p.m. Clean, good consignments welcomed until filled. Auctioneer • 395-5062 Ailan R. Miller 46. In Memoriam ULCH In loving memory of a dear son and brother Karl, who passed away one year ago September 7, t992. So many thins have happened, Since you passed -away Life has never been the same, Since that dreadful day. And now as we sit alone Wishing you were here The sorrow we feel cuts to the bone As we hear your voice in our ear If we could have but one wish, One dream that would come true We'd wish with all our hearts, For yesterday and you. Forever remembered by Mom and Dad, Cassandra and Katrina. -37 MACLENNAN The family of the late Donald MacLen- nan wish to sincerely thank neighbors and friends for many kindnesses and expressions of sympathy at the time of the death of our brother. Special thanks to Rev. Nugent and Joan Pollard, This thoughtfulness was very much ap- preciated. The MacLennan Family. -- 37gp Steam Clean Carpets & Auto Upholstery CLEANING ALL FLOORS, WINDOWS, WALLS AND CONTENTS The Cummings RR #3 Teeswater (519) 392-6982 . R. ELLIQTT Painting Teeswater -Residential •Commercial Interior & Exterior FREE ESTIMATES -392-66i69 • Rid) -tf- CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS 1 Wall Wingham 357-2310 What better way to advertise your product than in our Business Directory What better way to advertise your product than in our Business Directory 'This Space Reserved For Your Business Card BUILDING SUPPLIES CONTRACTING FREE ESTIMATES RE$IDENTL IJCOMMERCIAL AORICULWPM CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING CENTRE 525-3720 LOCATED ON 1 N Y 86 AT THE EAST END 5F'TOWN brad humphrey CARPENTRY R.R. #2 LUCKNOW, ONT. NOG 2H0 528-3834 •c',,,,,ptile .I' 11,111(.)'. N,1„G * Doors & * Windows * Textured Cerilings *Cabinets * Flooring * DrywaiF * ec s This Space• Reserved For Your Business Card •u\No�eeC hti s h o ismBUTORS s \/'% LUCKNOW Phone 529.-7524 or 524-768 1.. Furnace Installations Wood, O'il Combination. Furnaces ' Burner Service Propane Filling Station PRODUCTS FOR FARM, HOME, & INDUSTRY TITAN McCULLOCH' Irwin Small Engine RR#5 Lucknow, Ont., NOG 2H0 Repairs to all makes '• of small engines 357-4360 Smyth we build the best and repair the rest ceor.Oe &nyl/ W dd n� .9f0A 17 aclt;de ay .,Cal . • R.R: #2, AUBURN 529-7212 FAX: 529.3277 EITH'S EPAIR SERVICE Small Engine Sales & Service, Marine 6 Power Equipment Repair KEITH FOERSTER R.R. #3 WINGHAM (519) 357-2277 LAWNBOY HUSOVARNA NOMA BUSINESS FORMS COMPUTER FORMS COMPUTER CHEOUES FLYERS DECAL SIGNS COWAN rIn lir LUCKNOW .528-2730 GENERAL PRINTING ' OFFICE SUPPLIES Bradstones Construction Steve Freeman 528-3123 New Homes, Additions, Renovations Replacement Windows & Doors Interior Trimming - Decks, Etc. lr1 '•:Sa; yu5 ', :'43"' Yt3r • :. 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