The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-09-08, Page 14Page 14 - Lucknow Sentinel. Wednesday, Se.ptentber 8, 1993 36. Announcements NATIONAL AUTO LEAGUE • 38 years in Business provides HEALTH PAC for any trips up to 180 DAYS. SINGLE & FAMILY RATES under age 73. $1 mil- lion coverage - DIRECT CLAIM PAYMENT from $49 to $1440. CALL 1- 800-265-1657... SALES AGENTS IN YOUR AREA NEEDED. --36bc • LOSE WEIGHT in 7 DAYSI with revolutionary Slimpatchl Clinically tested homeopathic patch. Suppresses ap- petite. No pills, exercise or starvation) 50 million sold in Europe. Now available in North 'America. ORDER NOWT 1 weeks supply $12.95; 1 month $24.95; 3 months $49.95. SLIMPATCH INTER- NATIONAL, 697-1755 Robson St., Van- couver, B.C. Canada. V6G 3B7. --36bc \"1"I'EN7'ION V F:'I'F:IR:\NS E.x-SERVI('ENIF:N .SNI) WO\IEN & 1)Epl;NI)F:NTS Lho Ito�al ( anarfiarn region \t'i'' It Iturcau.tltl'itt'. \lr. \It l I1. Harper, P110incral Set 11( 1)ffire1'. 1 undtin, Ilnlann, t+ill hr hating in the area:- \nnne.tnhing inl'urmattun. adtice 01 as'.i'tancc. regarding: a:u \\ I)i.ahilit) Pension. Ilii Ireaimenl of entitled ttIcran. Ice 1pplicalion al;uin.t 41(11 vow nal appik:Ilion. for 11ar \eterans and 1l itlims \liotn mice,. 1. reggired to contact the Service. Officer or Secretary tit ;he Local I{r:uich. ‘$ 110'4' mute appear. bclosr, not later than Sept. 14, 1993 to arrange all inters it'tt. I ine t t t Seo ire Officer F38. Auction Sale AUCTION SALE of Household furnishings, misc. items at... LUCKNOW ARENA FRI., OCT. 1, 5:45 p.m. Clean good consignments welcomed until filled. Auctioneer 395-5062 Allan R. Miller 38. Auction Sale AUCTION SALE for the estate of Fraser Mustard. R R #2 Bluevalc' Ontario 1.01 72. Con( 3 Morns Fwp 2 ccirners south of Bluevale. 2 miles east or 2 corners south of Diesel Cdr Diner 2 mules west Wednesday, Sept. 8, at 6:00 p.m. For more information Ross Turvey 357-2381 Brian Ri.ntoul 357-2349 39. Educational LEARN AUCTIONEERINGatthe-South western School of Auctioneering. Ne4 Class: November 20 - 26. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R,#5, Woodstock; Ontario. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. -- 36bc FREE career guide to home -study cors respondence Diploma courses. Accoun- ting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, • Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton, (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. —36bc 38. Auction Sate ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE • o1 Household Machinery and Anhque5'. for Art Stewart R R #6 Godench (owner moving) North half lot 1 Conc 3 Ashfield Twp 10 mi North 011 Godench on Hwy rte 1 2 mi east or 2' rn1 S E Prot Albert or 5 rn W of: Dungannon Saturday, Sept. 11, 1993 • at 11:00 a.m. HOUSEHOLD: Inglis fridge & stove like new. wooden becl', and dresser, end tables srntll tabltr•, dehumidifier elerfric, sewing rn,rr hlne electric. heaters wood ,,tovo day bed fan, pots & parr, numerous dishes and glassware aril nitler household items ANTIQUES: Copper holler r.oal oil farnps, ilf111(111(r Coke skin ox yoke. ,end numerous other antique. toms MACHINERY: Trail haymower side rake horse mower scuffler horse drill buzz saw. cross cut saw table Saw Homo. lite chain saw, 12 hp Ma5tercra(t� riding laivin'rnOWer (l'ire r'few). Honda ST 390 bike." vacgr>n'-c).f'rn7rrrptOe15"^Sm 1t items TERMS: Cash day of sale or cheque, with proper I, D Auctioneer or ovr,n,ex{ not responsible for accidents or loses of purchases day of sale Any announce m_ents day of sale take prec-edencei over t rtt1en aegiertnsrng G S T ,& P S T will be in effect wlae.re For further information contact Art Stewart: 529 7326 Edna Alton' 529-7215 Brian Rintoul. Auctioneer 357 2349 46. in Merinorfat» SMYTH In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Cindy, who passed away two years ago September 10, 1991. Little did we know when we awoke that morning. The sorrow the day would bring. The call was sudden, the shock severe To part with one we loved so dear. You didn't have time to say farewell Or for us to say goodbye. You were gone before we realized, and only God knows why. We think of you in silence, and often speak your name. And all we have are memories And your picture in a frame Your resting place we visit and place flowers there with care, But no one knows the heartache as we turn and leave you there., Our hearts still ache with sadness Our silent tears still flow. For what it meant to lose you No one will ever. know. Sadly missed and always remembered by husband Barry and son Ryan. --36x ..MCQdliLUN In Igving memory of a dear husband and father, Richard who passed away one dear„aa o„ September 7, 1992. Those whom we love gri'"aUt'ilf sight, • But never out of mind; They are cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind. Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days; Sincere and true in heart and mind, . Beautiful memories he left behind. Lovingly remembered by wife Emily and family. --36x SMYTH fn loving memory of a dear daughter, and. niece, Cindy, who passed away two years ago September 10, 1991 -We .think of you in silence, we otters. speak your name. We feel again the bitter blow that never should have came. Each morning when we awake, we know that you are gone. But no one knows the heartache as we try to carry on. Our hearts still ache in Sadness and our secret tears still flow. What it meant to lose you, Cindy, no one will ever know. • Our thoughts are always with you, your place no one can fill, In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still, They say that time heals everything, but we know it isn't so. Because it hurts as much today as it did two years ago. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed Mom, R.J., Larry, Joanne. Brett and. Kirk. --36x SMYTH In loving memory of our dear daughter in-law Cindy Smyth, who passed away 2 years ago September 10, 1991. To one we will never forget, :;Her absence to us is a sorrow Her loss we will always regret, Always in our hearts, George and Barb Smyth. --36x In Loving .. emory Of JACK COLLINS McKIM "There is a link death cannot sever, love and remembrance last forever" . . Sadly missed by... Carroll. Kathryn, Lori, Sc.ott • & Darren Steam Clean Carpets & Auto Upholstery Supmaoa NlaiHleNaNce S�uuce CLEANING ALL FLOORS, WINDOWS, WALLS AND CONTENTS The Cummings RR 1t3 Teeswater (519) 392-6982 BUILDING SUPPLIES CONTRACTING FREE ESTIMATES AOCUACOMMRCUCONSTRUCTION AND EUILDING CENTRE R. ELLIOTT Painting Teeswater *Residential *Commercial Interior & Exterior FREE ESTIMATES 392-6669. 'Richard CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS Wingham 357-2310 • brad hurnphrev CARPENTRY R.R. #2 LUCKNOW, ONT. NOG 2H0 528-3834 * Doors & * Windows * Textured Ceilings * Cabinets * Flooring * Drywall * Decks MACLYN 01 G Oil $350° Dripless $5O°° (plus taxes) -DUS ONTROL- Grading • aneS & parking 1 • ►• 395-335 McLeod WeII Drilling Ltd. 'FARM • DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL • MUNICIPAL' ROTARY & CABLE TOOL QUICK EFFICIENT SERVICE E Slabii ,lied Spice 1945 INGERSOL L. 519 485 4181 LUCKNOW 519 528 2746 ee Toll Fr100 667 01199 RALPH H. McLEOD 4 irrl,f I4',111 I I1 II �, l I II HN, rlV ,)1\11 . This Space Reserved For Your Business Card ERH'S REPAIR SERVICE Small Engine Sales & Service, Marine & Power Equipment Repair KEITH FOERSTER R R #3 WINGHAM (519) 357-2277 LAWNBOY HUSQVARNA NOMA '�. Chisholm Fuels St'tiOC.'O'-DISTRI Bt' TORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681 Furnace Installations Wood, Oil Combination Furnaces Burner erg e Propane Filling Station PRODS FOR FARM, HOME, & INDUSTRY TITAN McCULLOCH Lwin Small Engine RR#5 Lucknow, Ont., NOG 2H0 Repairs to all makes of -small engines 357'•4360 Smyth we bili;) the best and repair the rest GJ (� II eorg' )rr1C�th tl•:1d.nq , r7.,d ltlach,a, Shop ,lid R.R. #2, AUBURN 529-7212 FAX: 529-3277 BUSINESS FORMS COMPUirER FORMS COMPU1I'ER CHEQUES FLYERS DECAL SIGNS COWAN LUCKNOW 528-2730 GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Bradstones Construction Steve Freeman 528-3123 fiZT Replacement Windows & Doors , New Homes, Additions, Renovations Interior Trimming - Decks, Etc,