The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-07-28, Page 7D Attempted break and enters in village A Ripley woman received minor injuries after rolling her scar on Concession 4 in Kinloss T6w.jiktlip. She had been travelling est on the concession, near Side Road 25 when she lost control of the.. car on a curve, left the road, and rolled over. A total of $1,900 worth of prop - my was stolen from two pick-up trucks which had been parked at the Ripley Huron Community Centre, From one truck, a cooler and 60 compact discs had been taken. Among the items taken from the isecond truck were a socket set and a baseball grove. On July 20, picnic tables and park benches in Point Clark had been reported damaged. One seat had been damaged and graffiti had been carved in the tables. The damage had occurred •overnight. Also that night, liquor had been stolen from a .fridge outside a Point Clark cottage. On July 22, three motors worth a Crime Stoppers seeking help in thefts which have plagued area over the last two years Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce along with the. Ontario Provincial Police and• Municipal Police Ser-' vices in Grey, Huron and Bruce Counties are requesting, the public's assistance in apprehending the person(s) responsible for outboard motor and boat thefts which have plagued the area during 1e last two years. Since 1992 numerous small out- board motors and boats have been stolen from waterfront cottages and homes from Grand Bend to Sauble Beach. In 1993 thieves have made off with outboards from the Owen Sound and Colpoy's Bay areas and last struck on the evening of 'June 24, 1993 in the vicinity of Cape Crokdr. Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce and Huron Counties have combined resources for a reward of $1000 for information that leads to the "arrest of person(s) responsible for a substantial number of these thefts. Any valuable information concer- ning these thefts or any other crime is eligible fora cash reward. If you can help in thisor any other case, Crime ,Stoppers of Grey Bruce are willing to pay a reward up to $1000 for information leading to an arrest. CALL CRIME STOP- PERS TOLL FREE • AT' 1-800-265- 3787. You need not identify your- self. No one will know ,who you are. You will never have to testify in court, and you could be eligible for a cash reward. International Plowing Match & Farm Machinery Show September 21 to 25, 1993. Walkerton, Bruce County LUCKNOW & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB Dabber Bingo Lucknow Community Centre NEXT BINGO SUNDAY, AUGUST 1193 $1000. Winner Jewell Plunkett Auburn - Community Centre opens at 6:30 p.m. Bingo starts at 7:15 p.m. Happy 40th Anniversary Tint & Alie Reurink • August •I . Love from: Rein t itic Mel Arnold Doti--&_ Sa.rrn Ritchie_ & families The fancily of Tim & Mie invites fancily, friends & relatives:to a ('once & Go Tea on Sunday.. August Isl from -4 pm at their home. Best Wishes only please. total of $3,000 were reported stolen from the Pine River Boat club. Between July 11, and July 23 a Blairs Grove cottage was entered and $650 worth of property was stolen. Among the stolen property are a television, VCR and liquor. On July' 24 there were attempted break and enters reported from a Lucknow restaurant and the Lucknow branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. Entry was not gained to either vehicle. A New Spirit of Giving r CLIP AND SAVE! Need Service? Can't Make It In? call 1-800-465-1780 FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY nnnet'areas 1. a1 OOEHICH. g a°P°r PYMOUTH ;rt:71N:t' L CHRYSLER LTD. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 28, 1993 - Page 7 Fri. - Thurs. 4ACCOYIAMIMI July 30 - Aug. 5 8 pm Nitely LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800-265-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO III1111111 III II 1111 111111 1 AIZIT EIC 111111111111I1.1111.I1111111111 G THEATRE KINCARDINE 396-3250 STARTS FRIDAY JULY 30 JULY 30 to AUG. 5 - 7 P.M. HES ARMED...HE'S ADORABLE... AND HE'S OUT OF SCHOOL FOR THE ENTIRE SUMMER. PARENTAL GUIDANCE JULY 30 to AUG. 5at9P.M. BERNIE'S BACK .... AND HE'S STILL DEAD Weekend at BERNIES 11! GU DANCE SATURDAY MORNING MATINEE 10 A.M. All seats g2°0 without coupon THE.JETSONS" See Participating Merchants For Coupons op°:= =� DUNGANNON FALL FAIR., and=`< FAMILY FUN DAYS _____QQ'V_ FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY. W . c. August 6th _ 7th, . 8th. c;$, . at \to" DUNGANNON FAIR GROUNDS - *Midway* Fiddlers Jamboree* Pork Barbecue * Antique Cars, Horse & Antique Tractor Pull * Fair. Dance, Teen Dance & Much, Much More! SATURDAY NIGHT SINGLE BINGO AT THE GODERICH COLUMBUS CENTRE '4250" TOTAL PRIZE 5 MONEY Doors Open 5:30 p.m. BINGO 7:00 p.m.' SHARP $1,500 JACKPOT MUST GO! Schedule of Activities Friday, August 6't' 3:00 pm Judging of "Ambassador of the Fair' commences •7:00 pm— Crowning -of Ambassador Pr nee & Princess of -Fair 7:00 pm- 1:00 am. Fiddlers Jamboree (in the tent) Master of Ceremonies - Dave Chittick - Admission '3.00 8:00 pm ; 12:00 am Teen Dance (in the hall) Saturday, August 7l , 10:00 am Midway 12:00 - 5:00 pm Fiddlers Jamboree (in the tent) 9:00 pm- 1:00 am FAIR DANCE (No Minors) • . BAND - DOUBLE EXPOSURE (in the tent) Master of Ceremonies Dave Chittick - Admission '3.00 D. J. MUGSY MUSIC ($8.00 per ticket) Sunday, ' August 9:00 am Dungannon 4H Horse Club (in the -corral) Midway 11:00 am Parade - Registration 9:30 am - 10:30 am Brindley's Sales Yard 11:30 am Antique Car Show Registration 11:30 am - 12:30 pm 12 Noon ANTIQUE TRACTOR PULL 1:00 pm Baby Show Horse Pull 2:30 pm Children's Tractor Pull Arm Wrestling 4:30 pm PORK BARBECUE 'Adults $7.50 Children 12 and under $4.00 Preschoolers Free