The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-07-14, Page 7Market previews IPM activities Next, week's Walkerton Farmers' Market will give Bruce County residents and visitors alike a preview of what to expect at this year's International Plowing Match, from September 21 to 25, near Walkerton. IPM committees will be exhibiting their promotion items and talking about some of the ex- citing programs and • activities available to attendees of the Match. The IBM's .:."Best of Bruce" Family Lifestyles Pavilions will be sponsoring a mini -fashion show at the Market at 4:00 p.rn. The' fashions displayed will be those made by the winners of the IPM sewing competition which was. held in June. At 5:00 p.m., there will be a food demonstration featuring an expert chef who will also be demonstrating , at the Plowing Match. A variety of musicians and step dancers scheduled to .appear on stage in the Pavilions at. the IPM will perform at the 'Market. Joan Stewart, co-chair of the Family Lifestyles Pavilions. hopes that "these displays will give people a taste of the activities 'and entertain- ment they will find within the our Pavilions from during the week of the Match." Beautiful artwork and crafts will be available on Friday -- a sample Hospital: auxili ar y meets The Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital held its June meeting ' with newly appointed president Marlene Leedham presiding. Past president Mary Lou Cameron presenting Marie Phillips with a past president's pin and the announ- cement of Jane Hastings as the new historian. Five members attended the Region Spring conference in Kitchener which included a tour of the Seagram Museum. Topics included new ideas in fundraising, a new, focus On. humor in hospitals and looking :into the future. A memory expert also entertained members. The Region -2 Fall' Con- ference will be held in Seaforth in September. The last presentation was made to a RNA graduate Jane Terwoord, with the highest scholastic marks at the graduation ceremonies. It was presented by Mary Lou Cameron.. The next auxiliary meeting is Sept. 20, at 1:30 in the Board Room of .the Wingham and District Hospital. New members welcome. HAPPY 35TH -wedding Anniversary Jim & Emily Drennan LOV..;,; Paul & J'('iinffrr; S1('pimnic' • and Sharon of the items to be sold at the Inter- national Plowing Match. . A large rendering of the IPM's Tented City layout will be displayed at the market. This will allow visitors to see the impressive scope of what the Match has to offer: a city of tents pitched on 100 acres of rich farmland. FPM souvenirs, ranging from caps and' windbreakers .to spoons, mugs, and model plows will be on sale. In addition, tickets are being sold for a draw for trip for two to Florida and a beautiful handmade quilt Tickets will be drawn at the Match. Learn about Elderhostel At the June meeting of the Bruce County Genealogical 'Society, Adrienne. Luksic, the Elderhostel Co-ordinator for Bruce County, introduced the Elderhostel or- ganization and programs, outlining itsactivities in Canada and the U.S. The Port Elgin timetable included genealogy, fitness and the wetlands of McGreggor Point Provincial Park. It is the second most popular county and the 20 participants came from as far away as Alabama and other U.S.. states and many parts. of Ontario. They introduced themsel- ves and explained why they chose this particular program. Some were actively searching their roots in Bruce, while others wanted to learn how to get started. The July meetingof the Bruce County Genealogical Society will be held Monday, July 19th, at Faith Lutheran Church (behind Zehr's) at 7:30 p.m. The church doors will be open at 7:00 p.m. for anyone wishing to come and use the library for research prior ro the meeting. The topic will be Scottish research. Anyone with an interest in family history is welcome. Firefighters can now obtain special licence The government is issuing speciallicence plate stickers for the personal vehicles of volun- teer and full-timefirefighters across the province, Transpor- tation Minister Gilles Pouliot announced recently. "The special stickers allow the public and enforcement com- munity to identify the personal. vehicles of firefighters," said Pouliot. "We hope all motorists will ensure they don't block or otherwise impede accessibility to these vehicles, which may be needed to respond to an .emer-, gency at any time." ' The front plate stickers replace windshield stickers that have been used by some volunteer firefighters, especially in smaller communities and rural areas. plate stickers The amendment tothe High- way Traffic Act to permit the special plate stickers is the result of recommendations from a committee that included representatives of the As- sociation of Fire Chiefs, enfor- cement agencies and' the ministries of Transportation, Health and Solicitor General and Correctional Services. Localfire chiefs will ad- minister the sticker distribution. The sticker will be removed when a vehicle owner is no longer active as a firefighter. "It's important to keep in mind that while there are no special privileges associated with the sticker, we ask the public to co- operate to ensure firefighters can ° quickly respond to an emergen- cy," said Pouliot. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 14, 1993 - Page 7 8DO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Offering a full range. of services: auditing, accoilnting, business planning, income tax planning, personal financial planning, computer and management services. HANOVER WALKERTON MOUNT FOREST PORT ELGIN W.J. Alderstey, FCA B.F. Thompson, FCA . K.L. Drier, CA M.S. Bolton, CA L.H. VoNett, CA R.J. MiNen, CA H.E. Kibler, CA • J.J. Hunt, CA G.H. Munro, CA P. Thor, CA 364-3790 881-1211 323-2351 832-2049 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1• 1 1 1 11, 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 THEATRE AJZTE KINCARDINE 11111_ lllltl 11111 11111 11111 396-3250 HELD .OVER 3R° BIG WEEK Fri. & Sat. 7 pm & 9:20 pm 7 Sun. to Thurs. 8 pm An Adventure 65 Million Years In The Making. FRIGHTENING SCENES Altar Will UNIVERSAL SATURDAY MORNING MATINEE 10 AM All Seats $2.00 Without Coupon Si bEl<jciKS Some Participating Merchants are HENRY'S GIFT SHOP TEMPTATIONS RE;MAX SCOREBOARD SPORTS DO -IT CENTRE MATTHEWS-HELM Shepherd -Adamson Phyllis Ansi Matthews and Grant Lorne Helm uigether with their families arc pleased to announce their forthcoming marriage Saturday, August 7, 1993 at Lucknow United Church at (i p.m Reception to Volltiw al I.urkntiw ('omntuntl\ ('entre,' 9 p nl hohvl .uu1 Rtlhert Shettheril ort' pleospcl to announc t' thi turihc ummi; marn.1gt, of Iht it (toughie( 1t no hall , In • 1 lottgla, t hal le, At1,1mtion inn I•U Intik t• dalcl the bili• lull -\tI,n'nn nn f utl,iv '\uqust. (1 1,19 t . In I tic wno�% l .111h.t1 1 Ina( h .1t ' 1m1 Rr( (1,0/ )1) to iollosn of t u, omntunll\ (c•olrt 't 11111 IC* //gat the Zoo-rt/fk* Ark Parfr/ All Children Ages 4-12 yrs. Welcome! Lucknow Christian Reformed Church 293 Place Street L.uc_kns c Ontarie July 19th -23rd Inclusive 9:00 AM -11:30. AM If possible please pre -register 357-1688, 357-3182 Ladies Bible Study and Crafts Eroefafre'b hi, Join us every morning from 9:15 AM -11:30 AM for Bible Study and Crafts July 19th - 23rd Lucknow Christian Reformed Church