The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-07-07, Page 8Page 8 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 7, 1993 The War Amputations of Canada, Natrona! Headquarters, 2827 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0C4 The War Arnpulations ul Canada is a registered charitable wpm, iron operated by amputees for air putees on a non profit basis I tie War'Amps does not re, ewe guvein rent fuhd5 hhuorld you wish rut Mer information please ito not hesitate to .Onlacr us 'Toronto 1416) 488-0600; area r Nes '519, 613, 705, dial toll bee 1.800 268 8821 al) other ' arca codes dial toll tree 1.8002688917. Lbart table Heyr 50 abort Number 028683) 09 f Purchasing a vehicle. is a big decision! Let us help you make the right one! GARRY WOODCOCK Quality Cars & Trucks We Can Save You Money Drive A Little - Save A Lot LUCKNOW riot t roomesrd 45710.4 1528-2813 liter "A Union Psychic„ Atuaiy A CAM fhyhlik 1 pkk up suet vlberolorrs end wad lours ounitatet, 1 well 6tlp rou Lit bck do mtrMn lntldt, twd ' apcx and punt d rind co.e Atanualt. .50 Wallin. tan Rd. London Ont. 4(J 1703 Please allow extra time for delivery during special.. 528-3004 THESE FRIENDLY FOLKS WILL MAKE YOU A SPECIAL OFFER... NEIL STURGE IAN DUART MICHAEL ROWF KATHY VFRRAL MIKE. ORM ESHER ROBERT KOLARI JASON CRAIG HANS STRAUB BRIAN McDONALD ' MADELIN GRANT ...ON YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER THAT OFFERS YOU A GREAT DEAL MORE! This offer is not. available at the Lucknow Sentinel Office The Lucknow Sentinel has commis- sioned these sales representatives to undertake a subscription drive They will present; n special ciffcr and will soon be calling oueyou to offer year -round reading of the Luelniowu Sentinel at substance savings over the newsstand price. mci Ladies attend 55th anniversary in Blyth Norma Rintoul and Thelma Car- diff, of Brussels, attended the 55th , wedding anniversary of Laurie and Dorothy Scott, of Blyth, at the Blyth Community Centre last week. Steven Tiffin has accepted a position with the Murphy Funeral Home in Delhi. He started in June. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan who celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary on Sunday with a dinner at Robindales in Goderich. Allan and Norma Falconer of Goderich also attended. Bob and Lois and Alexander Ross, of Waterloo,,, were weekend visitors with Don and Jean Ross. Saturday visitors -were Rev. and Mrs. Rod Lamb of Paisley. Wayne Farrier, of Guelph, was a weekend visitor with his mother Agnes and Janice Davis, Scott and Mark of Windsor also spent a few days with her mother. • Betty Armstrong spent a few days ' in Clarkson, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Simpson and -family visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Roesler. of - Pembroke last. weekend. They were WHITECHURCH by Jean Ross celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. Also celebrating was an aunt and uncle of Kim Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rawn of. London who marked their 50th. This event was held at the Pembroke Community Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Simpson of Whitechurch also attended. They left Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Donnelly, An- gela and Jill of Etobicoke were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. Wallace Milligan, Amy Falconer, of Goderich, spent a few days last week with her grandparents, Angus and Vera Falconer. - Major Bradley Smith, and sons William and Gavin of Ottawa, were visitors with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Chapman. Major Smith leaves July 6 for Bosnia for a year. He is with the Canadian contingent of the United Nations force. Kinlough woman hosts shower for- Naz Dinbar Mrs. Ellwood Elliott had relatives and friends at her home on Satur-' day afternoon" for a bridal shower ' for Naz Dinbar who received beautiful, gifts. She expressed her thanks -to Wilma and to all who attended, for her gifts and good wishes: As folks were driving on County Road 1 at. Holyrood on Saturday they had to pause fora while to. see the old Kinloss Township hall being demolished: It brought back memories of evenings spent there enjoying programs, suppers, dances and .meetings and the school fairs whichalso took place there for a number of years. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Page on the birth of their son Tyler John born on Saturday July 3 in the Wingham and District Hospital; a brother for Jamie. Proud- grandparents roud - grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page,and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gil- lespie. The 47th annual Stanley reunion was held on' Saturday, July 3 at Ashfield Park with an attendance of 140 people those attending were from. Florida, Michigan, Hawaii, Arizona, Manitoba, and Ontario areas. . Marretta Hodgins of Niagara Falls is the only survivor of the original Stanley family. There was plenty of food, fellow- ship and fun. Those who were missing this year keep in mind next year the first Saturday in July is the date for the 48th reunion. Nina Mcdonald of here, and her sister Esther Bloomfield, of Paisley, PCINLOUGN by May Boyle by Boyle ta►s rri>• .. returnedhome after a holiday in Vancouver. Michelle and Robert •Rhody visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald .. Rhody on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.' Glen Haldenby and Myrtle Percy returned home from Winnipeg where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Munro and family. Sara Haldenby also went as far as Winnipeg where she was met by her uncle Wayne Percy and will enjoy the summer holidays with her aunt and uncle and family there. I-lolyrood WI The Holyrood Women's.,Institute met on Thursday July 1 at the hall. Charlene McEwan presided and opened witha poem. The Ode was sung' and the Mary Stewart ' Collect was repeated in unison. - The ' ,rollcall was distinctly . Canadian. It was decided to put in a display at the Lucknow Fall fair. An invitation was accepted from the Kairshea Institute to their meeting on July 15 at 8 p.m. Joan Murray showed a video of the Wizard of Oz by the Drama Club of the Walkerton High School which some from here had a part in. . The hostess Grace Eckenswiller served strawberries and cream for lunch. Historical group 'meets to complete history The Ripley Historical Group has continued to meet on dhe third Thursday of each month at Knox Church to complete the upcoming Village of Ripley History. All of the written material and pictures, 900 of them in all, have been col- lected. The monthly afternoon meetings have' been used to cor- relate the submitted materials and deal with errors, omissions and duplications. ' On July 15, the group will be planning further promotion and sales. .Note that orders are now being taken for Ripley's History Book. Amalgamation meeting Just a reminder. The next public meeting dealing with amalgamation will be held on Thursday, July 8 at the Ripley -Huron Complex begin- ning at 7:30 p.m. Rby Barb Grubb Firemen's Brunch Don't forget to, circle July 17 on your calendar. This is the Ripley Firefighters Brunch held at the Ripley Fire Hall beginning at 10 a.m. A $6 plate includes sausage, eggs, pancakes, toast and a beverage. Proceeds will be used towards new fire fighting equip- ment. Ripley and District Lidn's The Ripley and District Lion's Club are sponsoring their annual . Barbecue Beef dinner on July 25 at the Ripley -Huron Complex. You may obtain your tickets in advance from any members of the Lion's Club. IPLEY