The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-06-02, Page 2Pa.e 2 - Lucknow•Sentinel, Wednesday, June 2, 1993 Virdin Mowbray (second from left) was honored on Sunday by the Kirk Session and the congregation of the Lucknow Pres- byterian Church, in recognition of the 50th anniversary of his ordination as a Ruling Eider. His wife, Margaret, also an active and faithful member of the church, was presented with a bouquet of roses. Mr. and Mrs. Mowbray are shown with Ken Laidlaw (left) Clerk of Session and Rev. Peggy Kinsman. A luncheon followed the worship service for family members and the congregation. The events of Sunday came as a complete surprise to Mr. Mowbray, and It was only when out-of-town family members started arriving In church, did he become curious. (Marg. Burkhart photo) Wingham hospital nevi's RNA school by Mike Robinson Wingham and District Hospital CEO Lloyd Koch is pleased with the positive support by the public for Wingham's RNA school which is in jeopardy because of government cutback. Ongoing discussions are underway to extend the .life of the school for one additional year. On May 13, Mr. Koch met with Linda Tennat in. the Ministry of Health, along with her staff mem- bers, administrative assistants from Ruth Grier's and Paul Klopp's office, as well as representatives from the five other RNA programs. The group presented its request to continue funding the RNA programs for one more year in order for them to explore other sources of funding. He said a recommendation would be sent to the Ministry and that they would get back with a decision. He' noted the letters of support from hospitals in Huron County, Luckn KNECHTEL 500 g. Pkg. 1&NECNTEL` arkct LUCKNOW ". '"' • 528-3001 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities To Norms! Family Requirements Cheese 2.2 Slices With This Coupon SAVE .50 Off 400 g. Box • KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES Special Price w/o Coupon 1.49 Offer Expires Sat. June 5/93 L r .99 with this coupon 1 71335689 J With This Coupon, SAVE .75 Off 1. Kg. 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NO. 1 GRADE Fresh Crisp Celery Stalks ■ PRODUCT OF U S A WASHINGTON GROWN Extra Fancy Red or golden Delicious Apples � 1 .1 Listowel and Stratford which will be used as evidence of support as the group speaks with other poten- tial sources of funding for ,the program. . He added the public support around the issue has been 'outsta- nding' and well informed. Statistics Things are not always what .they seem, as recent statistics at the Wingham and District Hospital have shown. April was a busy month with 1,599 patient days compared to 1,437 last year. The operating room and O.P.D. were also busier, he said In the report he noted the average length of stay for the month was 709.7 days. The 'blip' was due to the discharge to a nursing home of one patient who had been at the hospitals for five and three quarter years -- the remainder_ of the patients were only in between five and 10 days. However, the length of stay is calculated on all the days of stay for all patients discharged during the month - an aberation is created when one long-term patient is dis- charged. . Pay equity The Wingham and District Hospital Board ,of Governors is frustrated that it cannot implement pay equity to its staff. Hospital CEO Lloyd Koch said the problem is that the board requires approval by the pay equity commission to get things rolling. Last month, the board gave its approval to post the pay equity plan subject to the approval of a pay equity officer -- but as of yet the hospital has not received approval of the pay equity officer. Mr. Koch said he has spoken to that person about the frustration being created by the delays. Ht,}tever, up to this point all he has received are promises for the officer to get in touch with the hospital soon. "I would like to get this issue settled, but feel it would be inap- propriate to proceed without the approval of the pay equity commis- sion," said Mr. Koch. He said both he, the board and the staff are frustrated by the lack of progress and the mixed messages being sent by the commission. On May 26, Mr. Koch received a • •turn to page 3 Kinloss council holds budget to 1992 level KINLOSS TOWNSHIP - Council held its budget to a zero per cent increase this year. Following accep- tance of the budget at the May 17 meeting the mill rate was set. Publicschool supporters are looking at a total mill rate of 46.38, and separate , school supporters 48.98. The county portion is 5.88, township 12.07, public elementary 1626, separate elementary 21.29, public secondary 12.17 and separate secondary, 9.74. The quote from Armtec, for the multiplate extension for the culvert on the sixth concession at $360/m was accepted. Maitland Engineering Services plan and profile for the fifth and sixth concession construction was accepted as submitted. Henry Clark, road superintendent, was instructed to proceed with the reset of ,two poles after the road work is completed, and install a stub pole and anchor on the area under construction on the sixth. Ontario Hydro will do the work for $744.85. - Direction will be given to the municipal weed inspector to have noxious weeds destroyed on lots under 10 acres in size, where deemed necessary according to the Weed Control Act. A draft bylaw is being prepared to allow certain businesses in the township to be open on statutory holidays, as requested by the OPP. A clean-out of the Kincardine - Kinloss Municipal drain will take . place this summer. The estimated cost to Kinloss Township lan- downers assessed along the drain will be around $830. Councillor John Husk will attend the tribunal hearing for the Kaake Municipal drain. Ashfield council approves temporary use permit ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP . - Fol- lowing a public meeting to discuss application for temporary use of a mobile home by. Clarice Dalton, Ashfield Township council passed a bylaw which allows the double wide mobile home to stay on part of lot 9, front concession for a further.thteeoats. a ance — tyco>nrcil;-each-with-ane-vote;-- Diane and Anthony Knoop at-• except for the Town of Goderich tended the May 18 council meeting which would have two sitting mem- to request council's consideration to bers with one vote each. amending the Secondary Plan to Option 4 proposes a 10 per cent allow the severance of their house increment, meaning that a from the remainder of the farm municipality must have at least 10 parcel. per cent of the total county electors Council deferred the matter to the to be .eligible for a second county June 1 meeting. councillor and a second vote. Cur - Development agreement rently, the Town of Goderich has Discussion on the proposed 11A8 per cent of the total electors development agreement with Peter in Huron County. Ashfield and Barbara VanDiepeenbeek took Township has 4.76 per cent of the place. Councillor Ben VanDiepen- total electorate. beck vacated the council chamber at Victoria Street drainage this time. Councillor Gwen Fisher vacated Council concurred with various council while Court of Revision recommendations by Dan Murphy, was held on the Victoria Street township solicitor and Huron Coun- outlet drainage works. ty planner Scott Tousaw. Mr. and No written appeals had been Mrs. VanDiepenbeek will be ad- received and no one assessed into vised of the proposed conditions of the drainage works was in atten- the development agreement. . dance. Deeming bylaw - Council subsequently yoted to Mr. Tousaw discussed with coun- have Tom Pridham engineer, call cil the request of George Brophy to for tenders for the drainage works. have the deeming bylaw affecting Donation his property. repealed. Council sub- The sum of $60 was donated to sequently concurred and Mr. the Huron County Road Superinten- Brophy will be informed that he dent's Association. may proceed to prepare the neces- sary bylaws. oifunO, voting structure fl�i lengthy discussion, council supported Option 4 of the county voting structure scenarios. This option would give all municipalities in the county one sitting member on