The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-04-21, Page 6Page 6.— Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 21, 1993 Raynard-Benoit Doug & Marylou Baynard & WilfredA Elizabeth Benoit are ' pleased to'announce the forth- coming marriage of their chit dren. Debbie and Lenny. The wedding will take place Sat. May 15, I093; Lucknow Presbyterian Church at (:3() p.m; Reception to follow at Lucknow Community Centre. Happy Anniversary Even after twelve • years, my love • for you will never fade like denim blue The Family of . MORLEY & DOROTHY WALL would like to invite relatives and friends to arropen house in celebration of their parents' 50th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday, April 25th, 1993 at their home in Teeswater from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. , • Best Wishes Only •MMMMMNMNMMM1111,MMIll Ra� Phone 357-1630 for 24 hour movie information i •:. In the classic tradition of o' WALl' isgElo Pictures comes a story about courage, adventure and friendship. lit FAMILY i° i STARTS FRl TO THUR. AT 7:30 PM. MATINEE SAT. & SUN. AT 1:30 • IMP Mae MM..M.•MMM Nll i THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY f 1 1 Music, music everywhere at LCPS In the shop, yard and auditorium. you can hear music everywhere. All year Lucknow School Concert Band members have been preparing for one big night and you are invited. Come and hear. our Senior and Junior Band members perform old classics like Sounds of Sousa to new songs like Pretty Woman. You can do the wave to Take Me Out to the Ball Game and listen to the drama of Love Changes Everything. Public School band members will play songs like Carnival for Trom- bones and American Patrol. The 1993 Band Concert will be on Friday, May 7. All proceeds go towards the '93 Band Tour. Band members are also preparing for their Band Tour, May 12-14 when they will play at schools in Elmira, Waterloo, Norwich, Burford and two in Brantford. On Saturday, May 15, they will return to Kitchener -Waterloo to play in the Conestoga Trail '93 Parade for the Lucknow Lion's Club. (by Lori Porter) Mrs. Bell's Grade 1's think that spring is wonderful, because now they can skip, play ball, and run for track and field. We are practicing our STAR problem -solving, trying to listen and co-operate with each other. We want to thank Mrs. Marilyn MacIntyre for teaching us while Mrs. Nancy Maclntyre was sick. We hope our "get -well" cards made her feel better. Grade 1/2's have had an action packed time. We are studying our Community - the helpers, business South. Kinloss Kathy Howald, president, of the South Kinloss Women's Missionary Society welcomed members of the Lucknow Presbyterian and United Churches for an Easter thankof- fering meeting. Delicious desserts wereserved by the hostess and directors to begin the evening. Nancy Macintyre, Rena Forster, Olive Needham and Marilynne Gilchrist presented a candlelight Easter worship service. Ruth Bell and Mrs Forster sang 'a beautiful duet, He Did It All for Me. Marilyn Maclntyre read the minutes and . several points . of business were discussed. On June 5 a Missionfest will be held in Tees - 0 by Loraine McGuire LIVET Lorraine McGuire recently visited for.two weeks in Bermuda with her daughter Nancy and her husband and sort Adon. We are glad to see that Mrs. •Gerald Coiling is recuperating nicely since returning home from hopsital in London following surgery. Congratulations to Susan Van - Sickle and Jane O'Handley who have—opened_a.�aew_store_' `.S mall_ -- Town Traditions" in Ripley. They stock children's clothing, yarns, materials and miscellaneous items. Be sure to visit them and say hello. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lamon and Geoffrey spent Easter with their parents iii Chesley. and.exploring what our future will bring. Next week we visit Knech- tels, the bakery, Home Hardware and a hairstyling shop. We are finished our ABC unit and have invited our bear friends to live in Care -a -lot room. In math we are working on geometry and fractions. We are learning about dinosaurs. The Grade 1/2's did dinosaurs too. Now it's STARpower week. (by Robert Mac Innes and David Con- ley) . In Grade 2/3, our new environ- mental studies and language arts. unit centres around ranching - old and new. Everyone is looking for- ward to STARpower week. Most of the students are doing Well learning their times tables. The Grade 3/4 class is having a wonderful time studying light and color. Do you know the primary and secondary colors? We were ready to work and excited about STARpower. We are having a great time with our individual reading plan. We choose a novel that we like, and we have a special time to read it. (by Ashley Tims and Heather Sande) The Grade 4/5 class` has been making paper for the last couple of weeks. We have made it out of: toilet paper, tissue paper and colored paper, etc. We have also been thinking about our star week, about how to listen and solve problems. We have had a couple of problems to solve in class. (by Paula and Jaime) The Grade 5/6 class wrapped up 31 VMS hosts tha water, with three different sessions being run throughout the day. Eighteen members answered the rollcall by giving an Easter reading or verse. A Life Membership Cer- tificate was presented to Doris MacKinnon. by Mary Lavis aid Ann MacDougall. The guest speaker, Helen Macln- tyre, was introduced by . Rena Forster. Helen showed her very interesting slides of her trip to Africa and Egypt. Her trip last summer included a safari through some National Parks in Africa. Here wildlife pictures were very impressive. Following her informative talk, their research reports by creating displays advertising their country. -As acting ambassadors some students dressed in traditional cos-' tumes and brought in specialty foods. Several classes were invited to tour the countries and sample some of their wares. It was a fun learning experience. We have been singing, reading and acting STAR - power activities. STOP, THINK, ACT and REVIEW is top priority this week. The Grade 7/8 YAC books have been completed and Julie Gollan and Shane Petteplace have been chosen to represent our class at the Young Author's Conference in Chesley. With the approach of STARpower Week, we have been concentrating our efforts on conflict resolution both in English and health classes, and we are looking forward to the activities planned for next week. In Grade 8 many varied activities are now in progress. Our math class is currently doing a graph •project where our students are studying and constructing different types of graphs. Our history and English courses now overlap. We are in the process of writing a "ratio play" about the life and times of Louis Riel. On Apr. 23, the grade 8s will again have an opportunity to "job shadow" an adult in their place of work. Thanks again to the com- munity for supporting this worthwhile program. nkoffering Helen answered questions and showed her souvenirs. Rena gave the courtesies and Doris MacKinnon gave a reading, Jesus is Led Away to Die. The meeting closed with prayer. Trivia Q. There. are two things that every family must have in order to protect themselves from fire. What are they? A. A smoke alarm and a fire escape plan. Members of the Trin ty Easy Money Makers receiving awards at theirH achievement night were back row, left to right, Caffey Moore, Jason Caesar and Lisa Caesar, all for six projects. front row, new members included Jean Cook, Sarah Menary and Sara Campbell. (Pat Livingston photo) • Huron Bruce Federal Liberal Association Ira ANNUAL MEETING & &BEIM - DINNER with Paul Martin M'. P. WEDNESDAY APRIL 28 AT GODERICH KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL Social - 6 p.m. Dinner - 7 p.m. "Come out and meet the candidates" For more information and tickets call GRANT CHISHOLM 529-7524 . BOB SWARTMAN 1-800-665-8777 tit? HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO DON'T LEAVE YUKKIES BEHIND Put yukkies in their place! Improving your odds against Canadas #1 killer.