The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-04-07, Page 4Page 4 — Lucknaw Sentinel, Wednesday, April 7, 1993 . ..:.:Y ',['��ij;:}... .n+ �45.: '.::`k}v£`u•:4�'i'%::.isdi>C#�::Slf:'�JV��.:•ii�!'{i:4}.:::)<'�'.i:+.(yiv..iii.d Published weekly by Signal -Star Pgblishing Ltd. at 619 Campbell Street Lucknow, Ont. PO. Box 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0 528-2822: Fax (5,19 528-3529 ��.:,.. CCMA Established 1873 40► C A fJI Thomas Thompson — Advertising Manager. Pat Livingston — General Manager/Editor • Pftyllis Matthews — Front Office Subscription rates advance: Local Regular $180° plus 1.26 G.S.T .- $1926 Local Senior $1 500 plus 1.05 G.S.T .- 51 605 Out -Of -Area (40 miles) - Rates available upon request Foreign + U.S.A. $9600 Publications mail registration no. 0847 held at Lucknow, Ont. Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to Lucknow Sentinel at the above address. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the, event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance. for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates Make a world of difference It you're like most people, you've probably started thinking about spring-cleaning outside as well as Inside your home. At thls time of year, It seems as If everyone is getting ready to clean up the yard and prepare the garden for planting. We're energized by the warmer weather, tp longer days, and the new life all around us. If you're ready to tackle an outdoor project, why not do something to help wildlife at the same time? There are all kinds of things you can do In your own backyard or In your community. For Instance, you could plant a butterfly garden or grow shrubs and trees that provide food and shelter for wild animals. Better yet, you could get together with friends and neighbors to build some bird feeders, clean up a stream or river -bank, or turn a local park Into a miniature wildlife refuge. All it takes IS a little effort and a lot of enthusiasm. Just think what a world ,of . difference It would make if everyone In our neighborhood and In other communities all across Canada did one small thing to help wildlife! For some suggestions on what you can do, contact your local nature club or the Canadian Wildlife Federation at 2740 Queensview Drive, Ottawa, K2B 1A2. • Rby Pat Livingston AMBLINdS It pays to read directions I hate to admit it, but I find I am one of those people who only read instructions when all else fails! The real reason I cringe when I ack- nowledge this down fall is because I have several times__}nthe_past thrown the comment "When all else fails, read the directions" at my spouse. Having waited three months for a minor adaptation to be made to my pasteup table at work, I took things into my own hands. Well' at least; my hands and my co-worker's hands. It took two trips to the lum- ber store but I finally came up with what I needed. This four foot piece of wood needed to be affixed in some manner to my glass cutting surface.I had the presence of mind to know I couldn't nail or screw it, so the obvious was to glue it. The guy at the lumber yard sold me a tube of clear silicone that he said would do the trick. Next we bor- rowed a caulking gun from our friendly business across the street. It took my co-worker ten minutes to get the tool because the male employee lending it to her figured she needed a Hill lesson in its proper use. Men! We inserted the tube into the gun and then I carefully cut off an angle piece at the end of the nozzle and while Phyllis held the piecebf wood I proceeded to run the caulking gun. Well, I tried .to run it After squeezing the trigger a.couple of times, I asked, "Does it look like the cartridge is starting to bulge out the side?" Phyllis replied in the negative, so I , pulled ' the trigger again. We could smell the fumes from the silicone but the dam stuff wasn't coming out the end, well at least the right end. Upon inves- tigating we discovered it oozing out the end where that thing is sup- posed to push the stuff to the front of the tube. You know what I mean don't you. To shorten the tale, it turned out that had I read the directions I would have realized, I was sup- posed to remove the nozzle and cut the tip off the cartridge, screw the nozzle back on, and then cut the nozzle. I only missed one step, but it was the most important one. Using Q -tips we scooped out the silicone from the wrong end of the cartridge, applied it to the wood and stuck it on the glass. Not having a level to ensure it was straight we devised our own method, which we believe was quite brilliant con- sidering.the two doing the job. Well, it is tough to be perfect, and that type of chore is not in our job description. Now ask us about our computers and you'd be amazed at how competent we are. P.S. The piece of wood is still stuck to the glass! The Sentinel Memoirs A hitch in the Horn/Allin deal 70 years ago . April 12, 1923 Deal didn't go through - Our announcement last week. that Mr. Leroy Horn had bought the Allin property now occupied by the Chinese restaurant, was a little premature. Before the deal was completed, some hitch occurred and the purchase was not completed. The old town hall proposition - It was a real lively meeting from start to finish, when 70 ratepayers of Lucknow met in the Council Chamber to discuss the proposed sale of the old Town Hall building. The meeting was called by council with a view to ascer- taining the opinion of the ratepayers before disposing of the property or putting the town to the expense of taking a vote on Mr. Henderson's offer. The outcome of the discussion was the passing of a resolution to the effect that the building be not s ld, and that the council endeavor to procure same suitable industry to occupy it. 50 years ago April 8, 1943 Ran out of both gas and license plates - Gasoline stations and the local license issuing office did a rushing business last week. Gas stations were sold out of gasoline on Wednesday as motorists rushed to "fill 'er up" before the gasoline coupons became useless. The demand for new license plates and the new AA category gasoline books caused a midweek lineup at Garfield MacDonald's office, and his supply of markers was soon exhausted. Garfield also kept his ration 'books under close observation the end of the week, upon being officially advised that they theft of gas ration books h'ad been reported. How many Bruce men are in the services? - A survey by the Bruce Department of Agriculture, to determine the farm situation in the County, shows that there are 930 men who have left the farms to enter the Armed Services of their King and Country. - . Lucknow and district has about 200 men and women in the services. . It might be safe to say that there are 4,000 to 5,000 men and women from Bruce County wearing the King's uniform. Female workers needed - There is urgent need for more than 150 female workers in the district served by the Walkerton Selective Service and Employment Office. Industries engaged in producing war orders of aircraft wood work, textiles and dried eggs require additional help immediately and are falling behind in their production as'a result of this condition. Girls and women now unemployed, or engaged in non-essential work should immediately contact the service office and secure information about this work, "which is very remunerative and offers good working conditions. Pictorial memoirs 25 years ago . April 3, 1968 He's a Queen Scout - David MacKinnon, 15 -year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon of Kin- loss Township, was presented with his Queen Scout award at the annual. father and son banquet at the. Holyrood Hall. David is a member of the 1st Kinloss Venturers. Broke collar bone in H.S. gymnastics - Sixteen - year -old Lynda Walden suffered a broken collar bone while taking gymnastics at Lucknow District High school. The break was on the right shoulder and Lynda is in a harness for several weeks. Lynda was to have taken the weekend trip to Quebec City with the French Club from the High School, but much to her disappointment had to remain at home due to her accident. Investigate building a curling rink - A committee was appointed at the annual meeting and banquet of the Lucknow Curling Club to look into the pos- sibilities of building a new two or three sheet curling rink. Ice carnival is popular event - The Lucknow and District Lions Club held its annual ice carnival in the Lucknow arena. The Lucknow Fleas and the Lucknow Girl Guides played hockey to get the evening off to a start. The Fleas won over the Guides by a 5 to 4 score. There was an enthusiastic number of children and a few adults competing in the costume events. Credit Union meets - The Lucknow and District Credit Union Ltd. met in the Lucknow Anglican Parish Hall, with nine new memters joining this month. I See , by the Sentinel that - Ronald Austin of Lucknow has been employed at Goderich Motors since the closing of Invite's Garage in Lucknow. Ronald had worked at Irwin's for about 311 years, starting his apprentice there. He has completed his two periods at Provincial Institute of Automotive and Allied Trades in Toronto. 10 years ago April 13, 1983 Royal Bank to close - The Lucknow Branch of the Royal Bank will close July 8. The staff was notified that their positions with the branch will be terminated on that date and efforts will be made to find positions for them with other, branches of the Bank. The branch opened nine years ago. Participates in Honduran program - Carroll M. McKim RN of Lucknow recently returned from a short term mission to La Ceiba, Honduras, Central America sponsored by the Medical Group Missions program of the Christian Medical Society. April 13, 1939, left to right, Russ Robertson, Jack Nicholson, William McPherson, A.W. Hamilton. (courtesy of Rev. Bill Henderson) These girls were two o the many performers that danced Saturday nights at the weekly concerts of the Lucknow Pipe Band, on a platform around the Post Office. They are Mary Louise Porteous (Mrs. Robert Bell of Sarnia) and Mary Mac- Oualge (Mrs. Jim Fettes of Windsor). Just after the robbery at Sllverwoods on October 1, 1939: Adam Bowman, Johnnie Dahmer, Bob Moore, Buster Whitby, Kenneth Webster, Blnky Webster, Orland Patterson, Jim Burns, Morgan Henderson, Jack Henderson and Jim Bums Sr. (courtesy of Rev. 8111 Henderson)