The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-03-24, Page 13Table talk was interesting The 'wearing o' the green' was very much in evidence as 25 mem- bers and friends gathered at the Seniors' Hall in Dungannon on Mar. 17. for a pot luck supper. Table talk was centered on nursery rhyme recitations. Appreciation was extended to Sandra D'Aoust for her selection of melodies .on the piano of Irish tunes and old familiar favorites, . Even though the weather outside was frightful, nine tables of euchre were in play during the card party which followed the supper. At the close of play, the winners named for the evening • were Bernice Glenn, Beth Dickson, Harvey Cul- bert and Harold Elliott. Young Alex Garnock of R.R. 2, Auburn is just as pleased as can be about the arrival, finally, of his new' baby sister Maris Louise who was born on Feb. 27 in the wee hours of the morning at the .Alexander and Marine Hospital in . Goderich, weighing in at 8 lbs. 2 oz., Mom and Dad, Mary and Phil are very capably handling all the changes in their .daily routine. Our congratulations and best wishes go out to the family at this very special time. Get well wishes go out to Eldon Austin who has been a patient in DUNGANNON by Sandra D'Aoust the Intensive Care Unit of Win- gham and District Hospital. Our thoughts and prayers for a speedy and complete recovery are with you Eldon. Church News The fourth Sunday of Lent was observed in the service of worship, on Mar. 21, under the leadership of Rev. Orilla Bogart. The scripture reading was taken from John, chap- ter 9, verses 1-14, which relates to us the story of Jesus healing the man who was born blind. The Pharisees investigated the healing and started to questions Jesus' power and authority as the Son of God. Jesus used the incident as an opportunity to speak to them about. spiritual blindness. Messengers and Explorers will meet on Mar. 24, at the church at 7 p.m. Time changes for worship ser- vices will be in effect as of Apr 4. Trinity United Church will worship at 9:45 a.m. while •Nile United Church worshipping at 11:15 a.m. Any news? Please give me a call at 529-7390. Thanks! Children's series starts soon On Saturday Apr. 3, at 2:00 p.m., The Blyth Festival of Entertainment Children's Series presents The Rag and Bone Puppet Theatre's "A Promise is a Promise:" An exciting story written by Robert Munsch and Michael Kusugak, the play centres around. the' exploits, of Allashua .who goes fishing on the sea ice against her parents warning, and is captured by the Quallupilliut troll people. The. Rag and Bone Puppet. Theatre combines vivid puppets -and sets with the dramatic music of Nathan Curry. Children's Series tickets are • $7.00, all taxes included, and are available by calling the Blyth Festival Box Office at 523-9300. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 24, 1993 — Page 13 They returned from south Family visits Mr. and Mrs. Murray Irwin, Richard, Michael and Murray's mother retumed home on the weekend from a holiday in Myrtle Beach. 9 Agnes Farrier returned home on the weekend after holidaying with Olive Gillespie of Largo, Florida. Sunday School resumes at Chal- mers Presbyterian Church on Apr. 4, at 10 a.m. All children are wel- come. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer attended the 90th birthday party on Sunday for Winnie Vincent of • Blyth. It was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCrea. Chalmers WMS • Vera Falconer served dessert to members of the Chalmers Women's Missionary Society when they met on Mar: 17 at the church. Mary Simpson and Jean Ross were leaders for the meeting which was centered on St. Patrick's. ' Mrs. Simpson gave the call to, worship with Mrs. Ross reading the scripture, followed by the meditation and prayer. Mildred Purdon gave two WHITECHURCH in Corbeil by Jean Ross readings and Mrs. Simpson gave two on St. Patrick's day. Mrs. Ross played an Irish number on the piano, followed with an Irish video. Seven members answered the rollcall with a verse or poem on nature. Following the close of • the meeting, the ladies aid met. Water meeting Officers were appointed at the Mar. 16 meeting. Murray Simpson is president, with Cathy Lubbers as secretary and Kathleen Gibson as treasurer. Maintenance personnel is Angus Falconer with Kevin Winger and Keith Forster as assistants. Water samples will be taken by Cathy Lubbers. Directors at large are Angus Falconer, Rick W illiaims and Keith Forster. Agnes Farrier and Vera Falconer will act as auditors. The annual water fee is $90 with a $50 discount if payment is made by Apr. 1, 1993. Build your speaking skills • New 4-H Judging Club 4-H members, are you interested in building your decision making, and public spealdng skills? Would y like to feel more confident en expressing your opinions? If you are, then the Judging Club is for you. The first meeting 'of the Bruce County Judging Club will be held at the Walkerton OMAF office, Saturday, Apr. 3 at 1:30 p.m. This meeting will include: Introduction to Judging, Judging Tips, a unique video on judging as well as club organization. Dave Inglis and Ken Schlorff will beleading this club. FBruce County OMAF ARM REPORT i•'eeaer valance Lo -operatives Demand has increased and it has been decided to organize a third co- operative in the county in -the Luck - now, Teeswater area. An or- ganizational meeting has been organized for Monday, Mar. 29 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kinloss Township office, located just west of Holyrood. For more details-, contact Jim ..Murray 528-3524 or Cheryi 'Russwurm at 881-3301 or 1-800- 265-3023. PURPLE GROVE John and Marlene Collins, Dawn, Katy and Jonathan of Purple Grove spent a few days in Corbeil with David and Margie Lochhead, Shan- non, Rachel and Devon. The Purple Grove supper that was to be held Mar. 28 has been res- cheduled for Apr. 18 at the Com- munity Centre. . Don and Marilyn Reid and. family, Bob and Wilda Parker 'from Dorchester and family had a family get together last Sunday in Clinton. Ed and. Sandra McGillivray, Kris- ty and Mathew and Kay Collins attended a birthday party for Jerome Schmidt, at his farm in Mildmay last Friday night. Wilda and Harvie Thompson visited last Sunday with Robin and Phyllis Thompson of Clinton. Mary Anne Kukoly visited during the week with Evelyn Coiling. - Don and Anne McCosh and Mary Anne Kukoly entertained .Isabel Brook, Katherine Collins, Irene and. Francis Boyle last Saturday evening. Donald and Douglas Forster visited at Don and Anne McCosh's last Saturday. Bette McLeod entertained sixteen friends to cards last Monday night. On Wednesday she had some ladies in to play bridge. Marjorie Thompson had visiting with her Oraen and Doris Rock and Bette McLeod last Saturday evening. Don and Anne McCosh visited with Aurel and Mary ;Armstrong last Thursday. Isabel Brook visited last Thursday' in Goderich with her sister Donalda MacDonald. Which One Had Six Owners? • You're faced with some very important questions when you buy" a used vehicle, How many owners were there? Are any IoanS still owing against it? In the past, getting the answers wasn't 'always easy. But now, to assist people who are buying or selling a used vehicle, the Ontario Government has introduced the Used Vehicle Information Package, If you are a buyer, the Used Veh le Information Package will tell you important facts that will help you make a better informed decision. The Used Vehicle Information Package -will- tell you the names of the vehicle's previous registered owners. It will also tell you if any outstanding;loans or repair bills: are registered against it. if you are a seller, just think what the Used Vehicle Information Package can do for you. Presenting a buyer with all the information ,right from the start will make the decision to buy your used vehicle a Ic easier to make. -And the, cost for this package is just $20. • The Used Vehicle • Information Package can be ordered through the Ministry of Consumer and' Commercial Relations 'any time, day or night, by phoning1-800-267-8847 outside Toronto., or 325-8847 in Toronto.Telephone Device for the Deaf 1-800461-8866 or 326-8866 in Toronto. Credit cards accepted. Or after May 3rd, 1993, a • package can be picked up at any Driver and Vehicle Licence Issuing Office, A.brochure with tips on buying or selling a used vehicle can be • 'ordered through the above telephone numbers, and is available at any Driver and Vehicle Licence Issuing Office. Ontario