The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-03-24, Page 6Page 6 — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 24, 1993 NAFTA will affect Canadians •from page 2 NAFTA "This is a document that will profoundly affect Canadian life," he Said waving a copy. "And most Canadians have never seen it. It's quite hard to get this document." He said the NFU has tried to analyze some of the points covered by NAFTA, but encountered a great deal of interference from the Federal Department of Agriculture. Each 'timer the NFU has applied for information proving the relevance of the federal government's so-called "impact studies" of NAFTA, the response has been that the section in question is protected by the Freedom of Information Act. Mr. Macklin said the NFU was sent documentation recently by Agriculture Canada -- a three inch stack of "censored" versions of what was requested. "This is an affront to the democratic process and to the people of Canada. Most of the agreement has been negotiated in secret, which we feel is a very undemocratic process." He criticized the government for their action, and lack of information or documentation to backup their claims. Stable Funding As one of the three General Farm Organizations (GFO) cited by the Ontario Government for stable funding, Mr. Macklin said the NFU went in reluc- tantly. "We have been part of the discussion as one of the three GFOs. But our position has been to see- a farmers' vote. We feel the legislation is bad legis- lation and we are opposed to this proposal and would like to see a vote." • Summary In concluding his presentation, Mr. Macklin urged farmers to organize with each other. He referred back to the NFU statement of principles and said "Farmers should learn to live with one another, not off each other." He said by being solid and standing together they may be able to push for fair agricultural policies; but warned of the governments' tactiirs of dividing the groups and forcing farmers against each other. Members of the LITD said they were hoping some farm organization was going to emerge and show leadership in their bid to get a third line of defence and a National Agricultural Policy. What did evolve from the gathering was the reality of growing support from other organized groups outside of farming. A member of the Owen Sound and District Labor Council said the LITD had their full support in any action they felt they needed to take. When talk of another march on Ottawa arose, the member said the farmers could easily count , on increasing their numbers by contacting similar labor congresses across the province and said they would gladly stand minted with the agricultural community. No further word of future action has been released. A visit to the Will re -tender dump starts 4-H minds thinking 4.H NEWS Easy Money Makers Green Consuming was the topic of the Trinity Easy Money Makers' third meeting, held at the home of Janet Caesar, on Mar. 15. First on the agenda was a trip to the Ashfield Township dump to see where their garbage ends up. Mem- bers noted that there were many things that could have been reduced, reused -or recycled, and and,, shared ideas on methods to make dumps last longer. Returning to Janet's, .they then discussed ways of becoming en- vironmentally friendly consumers. Hot chocolate and cookies were enjoyed at the meeting's end. jobsOntario •Training It's all about .your business. jobsOntario • Training is a new program created with input from the business community: To help people in Ontario. get back to work and to increase productivity by upgrading the skills of existing employees. You know where the opportunities are for improving the potential of your business. We're here to help you take advantage of them. For every position you create, there's up to $10,000.00 available in funding from jobsOntario • Training... for example, with five new employees, funding could be up to $50,000.00. Half is for training the new employees, and you can use the remainder to further train and upgrade the skills of your other employees. Your local jobsOntario Training office will screen and refer potential employees whose experience best fits your needs. If you need some help to design or implement the training- program, rainingprogram, the jobsOntario • Training office is right there to work with you. It's all part of the program. By taking advantage of jobsOntario.• Training today, you can enhance the productivity of your business tomorrow. And how well fund up to $1000000 to help increase your. productivity. jobsOntario • Training O Ontario It's'aIi about the future. • Call your jobsOntario •. Training office,: bounty of Huron (519) 524-7722 First Peoples Training Corporation (51,9) 637-245,5 pasture farm 'COUNCIL NEWS Kinloss Township Ron Burt, of Takalo and Burt Chartered Accountants, reviewed the 1992 Kinloss Township finan- cial statements with council on Mar. 15. Council set the road maintenance budget at $301,500 and the road construction budget at $284.140 for 1993. The tenders which were received for the township pasture farm were opened. Council decided to re - tender the pasture again, since those received were too low. Lome Robinson was appointed as the municipality's weed inspector for 1993. Mark Becker, clerk, reported back his findings from the county plan- ner regarding the proposed rezoning of Snobelen Faints from Al to Al with special provisions. Mr. Becker will. revise the appropriate bylaw for the next meeting. The list of ratepayers who re- quested trees for roadside planting was reviewed. They will be con- tacted prior . to the delivery date, with the amount allotted to each, the pickup date and time. Karen Pickard, RTR RUMS Karen Pickard of R.R. 5, Luck - now recently graduated on the Dean's Honor List from the Ultrasound and Radiological Technologists Programs. She is currently working. full ,time in Kitchener. • Stereo stolen GRIME STOPPERS Huron County Crime Stoppers are asking for the public's assistance in the following crimes: • Between Mar. 2 and 3, there .was a break and enter • at Lot t, Conces- sion 6, Ashfield Township that resulted iii vandalization and theft of a black Technics stereo receiver; Technics -CD player, single front loadingmodel; Hitachi TV 26" monitor style; 2 VCRs, one a Toshiba' and one a Sanyo, both VHS format; JVC cassette tape deck; Yamaha 160 watt two way speakers; Panosonic microwave oven; three cases of beer; 1.75 I,, of Smirnoff's vodka; three dress leather jackets, older style; waist. length, button front. • On Jan. 16,-.a black/blue six -speed mountain bike with chrome fenders was stolen from bedside a barn at Lot 6, Concession 2, Ashfield Township. On Jan. 9, a trailer in Ashfield Township was broken into and a brown propane furnace, and four flashlights were removed. If you •have ' information about these or. any other crimes call Crime Stoppers of Huron County, 1-800-265-1777 and could receive a reward of up to $1,000. Remember crime doesn't pay Crime Stoppers docs.