The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-02-17, Page 15Shapi and Dave
are high bowlers
Monday Night Mixed
Ladies' H.S. and H.T. Shani
Webb -Ziegler 208, 570.
Men's H.S. and RT. Dave
Saundercock 280, 676.
Games over 200: Harold Elliott
203, Shani Webb Ziegler 208, Dave
Saundercock 229, 280. Missed last
week Dave Saundercock 236.
Team standings: OV 18811, Silver
Bullets 1791/2, Alpine 2021/2, Crystal
1601/, Stealers 176112, . Canadians
Lions Bingo
February 21, 1993
Saturday, Fehnurry 20
{Christine Simpson & David 'Fool)
Frida 9•2i,
Frulps5.12-1,>- R
Saturdays (.13-20-27
('Ali. 528-3532 c a.rri.- 5 p.m..
Birthday Club
Peter Adams
February 10,•1981
12 Years Old
Ashley Irwin
February 11,'1986.
7 Years Old
Colton Chamney
February 13, 1991
2 Years Old
Melissa Taylor
February 13, 19$8
5 Years Old
Christopher Van Dyke
February 13, 1987
6'Years Old
Laura Sande
February 14, .1983
10 Years Old
Jennifer Beyersbergen
February 16, 1986
7 Years Old
Mark Weir
February 16, 1981
12 Years Old
Sarah Morrison
February 17, 1983
10 Years Old
Tyler Phillips
February 16, 1991
2 Years Old
Melanie Willits.
February 18, 198h
6 Years OId
Clint Hamilton
February 18, 1989
4 Years Old
Stuart Simpson
February 20/1488
5 Yeara'Old
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 17, 1993 — Page 15
Ladies share
The monthly meeting of the
Dungannon Women's Institute was
held Feb. 4 at the United Church in
Dungannon with 17 members and
three guests in. attendance.
Roll call was a "favourite pas-
time," The ladies ' told of keeping
busy doing knitting, cooking,
embroidery, quilting, sewing, walk-
ing, making scrap books and just
plain relaxing and doing nothing.
Joan Dougherty read the minutes
and correspondence and discussed
how membership fees have risen to
help pay for new headquarters.
Donna Yough took over"the meet-
ing with a report on cultural activ-
ities. She read a poem entitled
"Born in Canada" and told some
interesting facts on Adelaide
Hoodless, founder of the Women's
Institute. She had lost a child in
infancy attributed to unpasturized
milk. She campaigned against the
selling of unpasteurized milk in the
Hamilton area. As a result all milk
sold is pasteurized today. She also
organized cooking and homemaking
classes and the teaching -of econ-
omics at Guelph. She helped organ-
ize groups of women and formed
the Women's Institute despite much
Donna made a point of saying if
you want something bad enough it
can happen. As an example,
Lucknow wanted a swimming pool.
No one did much until one man
went about pricing pools and, as he
led the way, others followed and
found the,rnoney for it.
Helen, Brindley, 4-H leader, gave
a speech on their activities and how
things have changed since she did
projects as one of a group. There
are many more options now and'
both boys and girls are members of
the clubs, ages being between 10
and 21.
Seventy different courses are
offered now and each club chooses
the one they like. These are sent
out by the OMAF office- The
leaders are all volunteers now, but
may be required to pass a test in
the future, at the police station to
prove they are reliable.
Everyone signed get well cards
for ill members and a SOth wedding
gift was bought for Peggy and Cliff
Purdon, 0
Donna and Willetta put .on a skit
entitled "Wilbur and Wildene",;
about the trials and tribulations of
trying to secure a suitable parking
spot close to your favourite store.
Lunch was served by Mary
Robson, Dora Alton and Belle
°kis r�p/ Ali
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