The Rural Voice, 1983-12, Page 29FARM NEWS
gram (photo, top left) explained how
the lungs of animals function, using
the lungs from a pig as an example.
Exhibits were on display from the
engineering and agronomy depart-
ments. Agricultural Business
Management student, Greg Wise,
from Sheffield, (top, right) pointed
out some of the exhibits to fellow
CCAT student Brenda Bos from
The computer room was filled with
young people trying their hands on
the keyboard. There are 18 computers
available at CCAT for the computer
course, an optional program. Four
West Wawanosh Mutual
Insurance Company
Dungannon, Ont. NOM 1R0
With our best wishes
to you in
the festive season
From the agents,
and staff.
nights a week the room is open for the
students to write their reports using
The self -guided walking tour of the
campus allowed the public to move at
their own speed to each display and
each building. CCAT staff and
students were on hand to give infor-
mation and be of assistance to the
public. ❑
OFAAP extended
The Ontario Farm Adjustment
Assistance Program (OFAAP) will be
extended to December 31, 1984,
Agriculture and Food Minister Den-
nis Timbrell has announced.
The program, which provides loan
guarantees and rebates on interest
rates, was introduced in January,
1982 and was extended for a second
year in 1983. To date, OFAAP has
helped more than 3,600 farmers.
The Ministry is still accepting ap-
plications for the 1983 program until
December 31, 1983. Farmers have un-
til December 31, 1984 to file applica-
tions for both new and renewal ar-
rangements under the 1984
program. Cl
As the 1983 Tax year comes to an end, have you con-
sidered that it could be time to replace those older, less
productive sows with Hybrid York X Landrace gilts from
Wood Lynn Farms!
With the present market condition a mature sow can
still be marketed and replaced with an open gilt with
dollars left over!!
-Wood Lynn Farms offers York X Landrace gilts and bred
-York, Landrace, Duroc cross and Hamp cross boars are
all R.O.P. tested.
-Quality breeding stock from a seedstock nucleus of
over 1700 sows.
-Data on 25 generations of sow and boar productivity
-Stock guaranteed breeders.
•Customer satisfaction!
tlik Holiday Greetings
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Wood Lynn Farms Ltd. 1+11 0,
324 Commissioners Rd., West : 's '
London, Ontario N6J 1Y3
519.471.1060 ooe`+