The Rural Voice, 1983-03, Page 65PERTH COUNTY PORK PRODUCERS' NEWS Do you know your Directors, who were elected on January 28th, 1983 for a three year term? Why not post this page on your bulletin board for handy reference. Back row, left to right: Gerald Matheson, R.R.1, Atwood, 356-2637. Elma: Alan Scott, Perth County Ag Rep. 271-0280; Jake Willems, R.R.2. Mitchell. 393-6851, alternate; Lorne Bell, 26 Glendon Rd., Stratford. 273-0246, Hon. Member: Teresa Van Nes, R.R.2. Stratford, 273-1124. Downie: Murray Musselman, R.R.1, Gowanstown, 291-3837. at large: Tony De Groot. R.R.2, Gadshill, 393-6480. Ellice: Dan Kerr, R.R.3. Listowel, 291-1178. at large: Bob Mitchell. R.R.2, Dublin, 348-9186. Hibbert: Wayne Hartung, R.R. 1, Gowanstown. 291-4038. Wallace: John Licht'. R.R. 1, New Hamburg. 625-8899. N. Easthope: John Vogels, R.R. 1, Fullarton. 229-8862, Fullarton; DonKnechtel, R.R.1, Shakespeare. 625-8615, at large: Leo Kroonen, Dublin, 345-2171. at large; Allan Zehr, R.R.1, Newton. 595-4710, Mornington. Middle row (seated). left to right: Willy Keller, R.R. 1, Mitchell, 348-9753, Fullarton; Ken Aitcheson, R.R. 3, Stratford, 393-5394. Downie: Peter Huitema, R.R. 1. Sebringville, 348-8147. Logan. Ray Stock, R.R.1, Stratford, 625-8800. N. Easthope: Bob Stephen, R.R. 1. St. Marys, 229-6765. Blanshard: John Groenestege, R.R.1, Sebringville, 393-5526. Ellice; George Lupton. R.R.2. Stratford, 271-9329, alternate; Gordon Jack. R.R. 1. Newton. 595-8422, Mornington. Front Row. left to right: Garry Van Loon, R.R.2, Dublin, 345-2942, Hibbert: John Kelly, R.R. 1. Shakespeare, 625-8357. S. Easthope: Paul De Brabandere. R.R. 6. St. Marys, 229-6104. Blanshard; Doug Peebles, R R. 2. Atwood, 356-2230, Elma: Tim De Block, R.R. 1. Bornholm. 347-2966. at large; Clare Schlegel. R.R. 4, Stratford, 655-2750, alternate: Don Dietrich, R.R. 1. Shakespeare, 655-2245, S. Easthope Bob Davey, R.R. 2, Monkton. 347-2773, Logan. Missing from the picture: Hans Feldman. R.R. 3, Listowel. 291-1557, Wallace: Ivan Roobroeck, R.R. 2. Gadshill, 273-3534, at large; Albert Van Herk. R.R. 5, Mitchell. 348-8229 at large and Richard Smelski. OMAF Swine Specialist. 271-0280. The new executive of the Perth County Pork Producers Association were elec- ted at the first directors' meeting after the annual meeting. Shown above are [seated from 1. to r.) Ray Stock, 1st Vice -President; Bob Stephen, President; Peter Huitema, 2nd Vice -President and [standing, I. to r.] John Groenestege, Past President; Ken Aitcheson, Secre- tary; Willy Keller, OPPMB Director and Gordon Jack, Treasurer. OPG. 66 THE RURAL VOICE, MARCH 1983