The Rural Voice, 1983-02, Page 18OFA REPORT
It's been more than a decade since the Ontario Federation
of Agriculture was reorganized into a voluntary direct
membership organization. Membership has grown to more
than twenty-five thousand farmers. That OFA is a success is
beyond a doubt. Most major government agricultural policies
during this time germinated within the OFA organization.
The other side of this success story is that costs and
demands of the organization have also increased, putting both
the OFA and the local federations under increasing strain.
In the latter part of 1982 the OFA board of directors struck a
committee to suggest future directions for the Ontario
Federation of Agriculture.
The committee members were chosen because of their
special knowledge of the farm scene in Ontario; Ralph Barrie,
Harry Pelissaro, Harry Zwerver, Tom Perks, Gordon Hill. Lorne
Herd and Tony McQuail.
At the 1982 annual convention, the committee presented a
discussion paper outlining several possible alternative meth-
ods or organizing and financing OFA.
Currently, that report is circulating among the county
federations. Over the next few weeks, they will be studying
the proposals and making their own suggestions about how
OFA will be structured and financed in the future. Farmers of
Ontario would be well advised to actively participate in this
exercise. The organization actively representing us in the
future is being developed.
One proposal has drawn considerable criticism because the
board of directors and executive are seen to be too far
removed from the member farmer.
Four "financing alternatives" outlined in the report include:
keep the present voluntary membership fee at or near the
present level. This would require OFA to drastically curtail its
activities and services to farmers. Different membership
categories, for example, a basic fee of $50, a $100 fee
including insurance or a $150 fee including a much higher
level of service: a levy on farm property assessment, either
voluntary in that it could be rebated, or mandatory for all
farmers. The farmer could designate the organization of his
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choice. This levy would replace the levy for local federations
that many municipalities now collect. The fourth suggestion
was part of the GFO proposal of 1969. A voluntary direct
membership fee in addition to a compulsory check -off on all
products sold.
As a part of all these proposals, OFA would establish a
fund from which the counties could draw to finance their
Merle Gunby is on the OFA executive in Toronto and
covers the area for Huron. Grey. Bruce. Simcoe and Dulferin.
Using welding equipment to cut the tops out of old barrels
has severely injured and killed many farmers. This is an
extremely dangerous practice and should never be attempted
on any farm. Even when empty, most barrels contain enough
residue to ignite and blow up. If you want to cut the tops out
of some of your old barrels, have a professional welder do it.
It's no job for an amateur. "DO IT OUR WAY - IT WON'T
HURT" This has been a message from the Farm Safety
To the customers of Lim-Bant Farm Supply who may have
been inconvenienced by the mix-up of telephone numbers in
our January issue.
The telephone number at the new Lim-Bant Farm Supply Store
is 345-2400.
If you want to buy some Lim-Bant gilts or boars, call Willy
Kroonen at 345-2277 or Leo Kroonen at 345-2171.
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