The Rural Voice, 1983-02, Page 108.8%
on used
Used Tractors
Ford 5600 (65 HP)
16 speed. 1700 hours 59.000
MF 50 gas tractor. sharp 53.250
Cockshutt 550 gas tractor 52,495.
Zetor 8011. 80 h.p., cab.
multi -shift, ex cond. 6.500.
Case 1290 diesel. 55 h.p . like new 511.000
David Brown 1210 diesel. 65 h.p..
good used unit S 6.750
eockshetf 1365 -diesel: 55 Ir.p..
wihydraulic bucketioader SOLD 4.000.
Case 1070 diesel. 110 h p. cab.
power shift 516.500
MF175diesel.65h.p- SOLD 5 4.500
Ford 8600 diesel. 110 h.p..
cab, dual power 515.000
Case 2090 diesel. 110 h.p.. cab. air.
power shift. only 1000 hours 525.000
Fend .
,hererm if SOLD 514.000
Case 2390 diesel. 160 h.p , cab. air.
power shift only 1000 hours 534,000
Case 530 gas. 50 h.p , good unit S 4 50n
Case 2390 diesel. 160 h.p., cab, air.
power shift, with duals, 926 hours 536,500
(2) Case 2670 diesel, 250 h.p.. 4 -wheel drive.
cab, air, power shift each 535.000.
Case 1190 diesel, 45 h.p., demo unit 511,500
Case 1370 diesel. 160 h.p., cab,
air, power shift 522.500
Units are eligible for 8.8 % interest rate or
interest free to June 1. 1983.
Ar.Jl, Sr,•. . '.' AR
originally. The Trakehners became more
than a farm horse when the king of
Prussia called upon the farmers to cull
their herds for the finest mounts for the
royal cavalry. In 1732. twelve state-
owned farms were set up on 16,000
acres and the government raised stal-
lions to breed with the farmer's mares
to develop the breed further.
Prior to World War II, the breed had
grown to 25.000 registered animals. But
the tragedy of war was not restricted to
human numbers. After the war a mere
750 Trakehners were alive. Immediately.
the former secretary for the breed began
the long task of sifting records and
recording the survivors. Today there are
only 4.000 registered in Germany and
1.000 located throughout the rest of the
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• Free Estimates
Here in Canada there are fifty brood
mares with the majority of them located
in Southern Ontario and in the United
States. there are 300 Trakehners.
Both Herb, his sons and his wife talk
with authority on the lineage of their
own stock and their connections.
A grandson of their old stallion has
been awarded an honour in Germany
this year. Each year all the stallions
born are judged and only a small
number are classed as approved breed-
ing stock. The grandson was selected
from approximately 2,000 other male
colts born in the same year. From
those, twenty approved stallions were
picked and the grandson was the
champion. This is called the Stallion
Approval Committee Meeting and oc-
curs every year.
Herb proudly notes the breed has
become quite popular with Olympic
competitors due to the agility of the
horse and the excellent manner they
perform in cross country events.
Most of the horses the Boettchers
have sold have become riding stock and
the family keeps in touch with some of
the new owners through letters and
photos of both riders and mounts.
The three sons all learned to ride
when they were ten years old and Dirk
comments that as they grow older they
come to appreciate the time that went
into learning the art.
The youngest son Joe is a grade
thirteen student at Seaforth District
High School, while Dirk is a student at
Centralia College studying Agricultural
Business Management. The oldest son
Chris is in New Zealand taking part in
an exchange program on a sheep farm
The trend back to keeping horses is
slow. Herb claims while the Trakehners
are great on the farm they are just not
fast enough for the farmers.
Herb has also observed in Europe as
here in North America, the bulk of the
riders are women. In fact close to 95
per cent of the riders he has seen are
Since coming to the Walton area, the
Boettchers have spent most of their
time at home. The first year they took
one of their horses to the Royal Winter
Fair one of the judges commented that
there appeared to be a bit of Clydesdale
blood in the animal and Herb was
"The breed is relatively unknown
here" commented Herb. But the Boett-
cher family are working hard to make
the name Trakehner as popular here as
it is in Europe.
The Trakehner breed has come a long
way since its humble beginnings in
what is now Poland. Keep your eye on
the winner's circles, the Trakehners are
taking over.