The Rural Voice, 1982-05, Page 20Want to be a vacation farm? "In the past, people operated vacation farms as a way of meeting new people and sharing their rural lifestyle," says Sharon van Son of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food manpower services. "But now, for the first time, vacation farms offer an opportunity to make a valid second income without leaving the farm." Ontario host farmers and their families are members of the Ontario Vacation Farm Association, a non-profit organiza- tion of host farmers and their families. The association sets accommodation stan- dards and, with the assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. pub- lishes an annual list of vacation farms. The association boasts more than 40 vacation farms throughout Ontario and it hopes to double that number during a membership drive in 1982. The vacation farms accommodated more than 2000 guests in 1981. "We also want to stress that vacation farms offer more than extra income for the host farmer," says Ms. van Son. "Vacation farms bring tourists into the rural area and this stimulates the income of all the businesses that make up the rural community." If you are interested in becoming a host farmer or if you are interested in taking a farm vacation, write Ms. Samme Putzel, Ontario Vacation Farm Association, R.R. 2 Vankleek Hill, Ontario KOB 1 RO. Better plant this before my banker puts a mortgage on it. <>CropHandler 11 111 ..i in STORE YOUR FEED IN A CROPHANDLER UNITS AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY & ERECTION Your Local Representative in GREY, BRUCE, PERTH. HURON. DUFFERIN & SIMCOE Counties. NORTH COUNTY CROPHANDLER INC. Affiliate of Fritz Concrete Limited 'Suppliers of Precast Agricultural Slatted Floors' R.R # 1, CHEPSTOW. ONT., NOG 1K0 (519) 366-2661 TOLL FREE (AREA 519) 1-800-265-3015 CROPHANDLING SYSTEMS LIMITED YOUR CANADIAN MADE Head Office 1270 Aerowood Dr Mississauga. Ont ALTERNATIVE PG. 18 THE RURAL VOICE/MAY 1982 0 xis as;fie 9581 LZS 43iaaP09 Tki'a swoops ';eewuer uam a!Daawwo) puo W.acDd 03 •c