The Rural Voice, 1981-07, Page 41Voteece eoc4e edenatiapt ai 740ueedegete Bruce OFA opposes forgiveness loan The Bruce County Federation of Agriculture met at the OMAF boardroom in Walkerton on April 127, 1981. There were in attendance: Bob Leslie, Arnold Misch, David Norman, Eldon MacKinnon, Grant Collins. John MacAuley, Keith Weeden, Jim Powers, Gordon Salmon, R.J. Cobean, Evan Keith, Ian Clarke, Allan Smith, Wayne Robertson, Borden Fenton, Don Ahrens, Ray Fischer, and Doug Jones. Minutes Moved by Wayne Robertson, seconded by Arnold Misch that the minutes be adopted as distributed. Carried Treasurer's Report The total receipts for this month were 5506.75 and the total expenses were 52,495.96. The total amount in the bank account is 52,254.44. Moved by Evan Keith, seconded by Ian Clarke that the treasurer's report be adopted as read. Correspondence From: Bruce Cty. Cattlemen's Assoc. To: Eugene Whelan. re: that the small business loan be expanded to farmers that are not incorporated. From: Bruce Cty. Cattlemen's Assoc. To: Eugene Whelan. re: fluctuating interest rates and beef prices not increasing. From: OFA News Release April 22/81. re: calling for a federal and provincial interest rate assistance program for Ontario's farmers. From: Murray Elston, MPP. re: thanking the Federation for having nim present at their Meet the Members banquet. From: OFA. re: Standard Farm Building Contract. Moved by Don Ahrens, seconded by Ian Clarke that the county's Safety Committee contact their counterpart of OFA and inquire about what the farmer is liable for when ne hires people to do work on his farm, by contract. Carried Moved by John MacAuley, seconded by Wayne Robertson that the secretary write OFA and ask for information on how quota systems currently in place and supply management work in Ontario and the rest of the provinces in Canada. OFA Report Moved by Ian Clarke, seconded by Doug Jones that John MacAuley write a letter to President Ralph Barrie and each county president opposing the forgiveness loan that is included in the short-term solution to high interest rates purposed by OFA. Carried. Membership Bob Leslie passed out slips to the directors to answer a questionnaire on the Members Digest that is put out by OFA. The directors felt very strongly about keeping this pamphlet in effect. It keeps the individual farmer informed as to what OFA is doing. Moved by Wayne Robertson, seconded by John MacAuley that they look over the Agricultural and Protection Act. Carried. Jim Powers and one of the PR committee members are going to edit the minutes to be sent to Rural Voice. Meetings Committee Wayne Robertson informed the directors that the Semi -Annual will be June Sth at the Elmwood Com- munity Centre. Wayne suggested that a disc jockey would be a good idea for the dance. Bruce Agri -Park Development Committee Doug Jones volunteered to be on the committee to represent the Federation. Involvement of Women's Institutes Wayne Robertson said that he would contact an institute member to ask each district if they would like to join the Federation. Meedng with the Ass. Minister of Agriculture Borden Fenton gave a report on the meeting held in the OMAF boardroom on April 7, 1981 at 9 a.m. Representatives from the Federation, Cattlemen's and Pork Producers as well as bankers met with the Ass. Minister of Agriculture, Gerald Trant. Meetings There will be no director's meeting in May. The summer directors meeting will be held in the evening. Farmer of the Year Award The directors suggested that they write a letter to each commodity board and ask for nominations for the Farmer of the Year Award. Adjournment The president then adjourned the meeting. irC‘fekb44 FOR HOGS0 BEEF AND DAIRY t COMPLETE LINE OF CONCRETE PRODUCTS Slats -Panels -Beams Cattle Feeders -Hog Troughs Hog Feeders, Pre -Cast Sandwich Walls Ontario Distributor for "Filter-eeze" High Strength Structural Plastic Flooring CONSULTING & DESIGN SERVICE FOR ALL OPERATIONS FRITZ CONCRETE LIMITED R.R. 1, Chepstow, Ont. NOG 1KO (519) 366-2661 No charge 519 area 1-800-265-3015 THE RURAL VOICE/JULY 1981 PG. 39