The Rural Voice, 1980-12, Page 37J
A look at the swine symposium
and notes from the provincial board
The third Annual Swine Symposium, sponsored by the county
associations of Oxford, Huron & Perth, will be held on
Wednesday, Dec. 10 at the Stratford Fairgrounds. There will be
a change in format, as there will be only two sessions that will
run all day, allowing subjects to be covered at -greater depth. One
session will deal with economics. The subject of quotas will be
shortly discussed among other things, but there is no intention to
let it dominate the session, as the symposium is intended to
provide technical and economical information and is not a forum
for policy discussions.
Program details are given below for those not getting the flyer
with their pig cheque.
Tickets are available through the directors of the county
associations and through the OMAF offices. Please order tickets
early. This will help the committee in planning, ordering meals,
and setting up the facilities. To get better coverage of the
programme. The complete sessions will be taped, and the
proceedings will be edited and issued later.
2. Swine Symposium, "Reducing Risk", Stratford
Fairgrounds, Dec. 10, 1980. Agenda: 10 a.m. to noon - morning
sessions I and II. Noon to 1:30 p.m. - Smorgasbord luncheon and
highlight speaker. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. - Afternoon sessions I and II.
Tickets: $12 in advance, $15 at the door (limited number). For
more information contact: Swine Symposium c/o Richard
Smelski, 413 Hibernia St., Stratford, (519) 271-0280.
3. Now is also the time to start planning a programme of
county and township level information meetings and discussions
of any other subjects and problems related to the pork industry,
which are usually held during the winter months. County
directors and the producer information committee (Chairman
John Groenestege, 348-9170) will welcome any suggestions and
requests with regard to these meetings.
The following notes are from the Secretary of the Provincial
1. Federal Hog Stabilization Payments:
The Stablilization Board of Ottawa reports that they had
received 3,000 claims to date (mid-September). They expect a
total of 26,000 claims. They expect to process 2,000 per week and
to have all payments made by the end of November.
2. Industry Survey - Dr. A. Mueller: Dr. A. G. Mueller,
University of Illinois was scheduled to be the guest speaker at the
1980 Semi -Annual Meeting. Unfortunately, a malfunction in the
air -line service made it impossible for him to attend. However,
he did supply the Board with a copy of the presentation he would
have made and we have summarized a couple of his
observations. First, his explanation for the sharp recovery in hog
prices: "Instead of the expected increase in slaughter, the
numbers have fallen below last year. . .The expected peak in
expansion came earilier in the year and was larger than
projected. The expected downward cyclical reduction came
faster and was greater than expected during July and August".
3. Board Policy - Supply Management: That portion of the
O.P.P.M.B. Chairman's Address at the Semi -Annual Meeting
which outlined the pros and cons of supply management will be
published in the winter edition of the "Hog Market Place
Quarterly". The Directors suggest that this topic should be
discussed at the county level and this article could be a good
discussion paper.
4. Weaner Pig Association: Discussions are still being carried
on between the Board's Communications Committee and the
organizing group of the Ontario Weaner Pig Association and
there will be developments in this area shortly.
Thames Bend Lady
1979 Pork Congress
Bred Yorkshire Gilt
Back Fat 10.5 m.m.
161 Days 136 index
Including boars, open gilts, bred gilts of
Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc, Landrace and
hybrid breeding. Government R.O.P. tested
and health approved. At the farm of Warren
Stein, on the llth line of East Zorra township.
As well there will be an OPEN HOUSE at our new boar test
barn from
10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on November 27th
For further information contact:
R.R.6, Woodstock, Ontario N48 7W1
819-655-2942 or 482-2704